Data sent via Copy PHI.bat and PHI copy automation and query send_PHI. Contains primarily L PHI table.
File Location: X:\CCMDB\PHI\phi.mdb
phi.mdb change log
- changed the date format for DOB to dd-mmm-yyyy, eg 12-oct-1999 Ttenbergen 14:01, 2015 April 15 (CDT)
- added indices for firstname, lastname, phin and chart, to speed up linking tables.
How PHI data travels
- regular data enter into CCMDB.mdb by collector
- at sending, query send_PHI is called to export all (ie not only complete) records to Regional Server\Output\_PHI
- this means that previously sent data will get updated, e.g. if a name or PHIN is corrected or added
- PHI copy automation: a scheduled task uses Copy PHI.bat to move the files to X:\CCMDB\PHI and to import it into x:\CCMDB\PHI\PHI.mdb
- Pull down centralized data.vbs will do this as well to make sure it is done before pulling
- PHI.mdb can be re-linked with centralized_data.mdb using centralized_data_front_end.mdb
Located: M:\Passwords_mainoffice