CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2009

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see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs

The CCMDB.mdb Change Log logs changes made to the CCMDB.mdb, including lock-downs when one person is making changes so that no one else makes changes at the same time. New entries should be made at the top to be immediately apparent. Discussions should be added at the level of individual changes if they correspond to a change, and at the end of the article if they relate to the change process in general. When a change is tested and rolled out it is also documented here.

Bugs & Requested Changes

  • Bug reports and requested changes have been popping up in different places. Please post article-specific things under the article (e.g. a tmp study's consistency check is broken). Please put general concerns under Requested CCMDB changes for the next version. Thanks, Ttenbergen 12:58, 29 October 2009 (CDT)

Laptop Version Change Log

V 1.991

Rolled out Ttenbergen 18:40, 29 December 2009 (CST)


Further changes:

  • updates to peer audit partners table for Pat HSC and Debbie StB--Ttenbergen 14:34, 30 December 2009 (CST)

v 1.99


moved to test_trish for testing. If there is no time to test, the changes are relatively minor and this could probably just be rolled. Ttenbergen 12:49, 23 December 2009 (CST)


  • pathogen field now mandatory; previously if the pathogen was deleted the entire diagnosis would not show up in the output .csv; if there is no pathogen, the default "No Value" needs to be used.
  • fixed Vic_s3 entry for peer_audit_table, was Vic-S3 (changed manually for p:Shirley Kiesman to send)
  • function that refreshes connection to L_settings now checks for existence of the table before trying to delete it. In the past, if the table was not there, initiation would fail.
  • "query s_tmp_QASeptic_Dx_no_tmp" now excludes patient IDs in the peer audit range
  • query s_tmp_QASeptic_tmp_no_dx now excludes patient IDs in the peer audit range
  • query s_tmp_QAInf_tmp_no_dx now excludes patient IDs in the peer audit range
  • query s_tmp_QAInf_dx_no_tmp now excludes patient IDs in the peer audit range

v 1.9852


  • Dec 17.09 - Tina fixed peer audit location table with STB_CICU (PDA is CVICU but alias used is CICU). Copy in Master and test trish & trish desktop.
  • Dec 16.09 - Ver 1.985 rolled out to ALL Sites. Please synch you PDA or press new and backup to get updated version.
  • When you open Access you will see on the front page bottom right Version 1.9852. If you don't have this version after you synch your PDA or run New and backup if you have a Laptop, please let Tina or I know ASAP. --TOstryzniuk 17:38, 16 December 2009 (CST)
  • Peer Audit Partners table - HSC_A4 to audit HSC_B3 added to this table. HSC_A4 to audit HSC_D4 already there.--TOstryzniuk 18:58, 16 December 2009 (CST)
  • sent back to Test_Trish for TestingTtenbergen
  • copied to Trish_Desktop.--TOstryzniuk 17:57, 10 December 2009 (CST)
  • copy to VIC_N5 for more testing.--TOstryzniuk 17:57, 10 December 2009 (CST)


  • minor fixes to fix items changed in prev. version
    • sending module comments
    • send_tasks and send_tasks_master changed back to include the audit serial range. had made separate send queries for the audit, but since there is already a serial number check this is not necessary. Also, the send_task_audit query wasn't actually being called, leading to data not being sent.
  • minor update, doesn't need to be rolled out to everyone, already done for Lois Ttenbergen 11:16, 23 December 2009 (CST)
    • changed the peer audit table entry for HSC_MICU from MICU1 to MICU. MICU only applies to directory because we had a problem with the file at some point, it does not apply to the peer audit.

v 1.9851


  • sent back to Test_Trish for TestingTtenbergen 15:01, 9 December 2009 (CST)
  • copy to CON_ICU & VIC_N5 for beta testing.TOstryzniuk 22:55, 9 December 2009 (CST)


  • minor fixes to fix items changed in prev. version
    • send module for checking CC/Med
    • check_peer_audit_audit_serial_reg_send and vs or ???
    • fixed up peer audit table--TOstryzniuk 22:55, 9 December 2009 (CST)
    • s_alldiangonsis - Dermatomyocitis & Von Willebrand Disease- spelling fix--TOstryzniuk 22:55, 9 December 2009 (CST)

v 1.985

remained dev version


  • put into test_trish for testing Ttenbergen 15:05, 24 November 2009 (CST)
  • copied down to desk top from Test_Trish.
  • Copied back into TRISH TEST on Regional Server so Tina can work with same copy.TOstryzniuk 13:25, 25 November 2009 (CST)
  • copied back to local for further changes as per Requested CCMDB changes for the next versionTtenbergen 15:15, 30 November 2009 (CST)
  • copied back to Test_Trish Ttenbergen 11:40, 1 December 2009 (CST)


  • not rolled out yet Ttenbergen 12:36, 24 November 2009 (CST)
  • made sorting of records implicit - Betty at Conc had records show up in random order.
  • added date/time to the file name for Peer Audit output files.
  • changed "Send_Tmp_audit" to include patient initials and admit date.
    • changed TmpV2_1_audit.mdb to accommodate data
  • Trish changes
    • Fixed CCMDB S_TMP - R - routine foley change. It was entered in twice in this table.--Trish
    • fixed S-admitdischarge. Had YY available. No such code. Changed to YX. S-TMP for handibase is correct.--Trish
    • added to CCMDB STB_5B to: s_Var options (var 1 & 2), S_Tmp_moves_required, S_Location --Trish
    • NOTE: HanDBase: added STB_5B to: s_Var1Opts, s_Var2Opts, s_locations, S_tmp.pdb (moves.--Trish
  • added query "check_peer_audit_audit_serial_reg_send" to ensure no peer audit serial numbers (111-140) get sent with non peer audit (regular) serial numbers.
  • added query "check_peer_audit_invalid_serial_audited" to ensure that no non peer audit serial numbers get sent as peer audit files.
  • edited query "Pending_Julie" and "Pending_Pagasa" to exclude peer audit serial numbers
  • edited query "Send_Tasks_Master" and "Send_Tasks" to exclude peer audit serial numbers
  • edited query "Send_Tmp_audit" to only send peer audit serial numbers
  • edited query "Send_Tmp" to exclude peer audit serial numbers
  • added queries "Send_Tasks_audit" and "Send_Tasks_Master_audit" to deal with audit sending
  • added table "peer_audit_partners" and query "check_peer_audit_location_bad" to limit which patients can be sent as audits

v 1.98-current version at all sites Except Vic N3 and CON who are testing most recent

  • November 23.09 - rolled out to STB Medicine collectors only (STB_B4 changed to STB 5B on Nov 17.09.)
    • added to CCMDB STB_5B to: s_Var options (var 1 & 2), S_Tmp_moves_required, S_Location
    • HanDBase: added STB_5B to: s_Var1Opts, s_Var2Opts, s_locations, S_tmp.pdb (moves)TOstryzniuk 13:25, 25 November 2009 (CST)
  • November 17.09 -code 49921 added to S_alldiagnosis for CCMDB and HanDBase. Rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 15:22, 17 November 2009 (CST)
  • November 9.09 - Catheter09, S-Tmp CCMDB and HanDBase. Added R-routine foley change item. Rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 20:16, 9 November 2009 (CST)
  • rolled out with my big foot. Latest version in "Master". --TOstryzniuk 17:25, 4 November 2009 (CST)
  • added to S_tmp for HanDBase and CCMDB - for Project Catheter 09 Item W - Not Applicable.--TOstryzniuk 17:25, 4 November 2009 (CST)
  • fixed error in pharmacy check where a duplicate priority just gave the error "False" - thanks for the pointer Betty Ttenbergen 14:27, 29 October 2009 (CDT)
  • patient view called from PatienList no longer has record navgation buttons on the bottom Ttenbergen 11:24, 30 October 2009 (CDT)
  • removed Greensheets tab Ttenbergen 11:27, 30 October 2009 (CDT)
    • removed checks for greensheet and checkbox as well. Ttenbergen 12:31, 30 October 2009 (CDT)
  • fixed problem where error in first record on the list would be flagged but unchecked Ttenbergen 12:31, 30 October 2009 (CDT)

Bug? Adding a patient

  • I am unable to add a new patient, as you say above the patient view from the patient list no longer has the asterisk to add a new record/patient. I did backup to receive any new updates prior to opening & also a couple of times since. NMiller 20:48, 4 November 2009 (CST)
    • I don't think you were able to add a patient in the patient list ever (if you could none of the checks would kick in). Click on "Edit patients" instead, there is a "star" button available there. Ttenbergen 09:27, 5 November 2009 (CST)


  • rolled out Ttenbergen 10:12, 28 October 2009 (CDT)
    • fixed PHIN number field length which had got too small, making phin show up in Scientific format (looks "encrypted")
    • fixed error message for tmp line infection check, was saying "must not have date" when it should have said "must have date"


  • rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 15:19, 27 October 2009 (CDT)
    • changed form layout to accomodate new laptop Ttenbergen 11:46, 27 October 2009 (CDT)


  • removed requirement for date to be between admit and discharge for QA Infection.
  • Rolled out. Ttenbergen 09:24, 22 October 2009 (CDT)
    • STB_E6 was missing from the S_location for Access. Added in.
    • rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 18:09, 22 October 2009 (CDT)
      • CCMDB.mdb - APACHE II WBC - if lowest value entered is 0.02 (2 decimal spaces), the data in these field was sent to CSV as a "0"(zero value). The ccmdb sending query: EdsMed or EdsCC: format fixed. ("0.0" to "0.00").
      • Rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 17:36, 23 October 2009 (CDT)


  • rolled out Oct 20.09 @ 21:15 hrs--TOstryzniuk 21:43, 20 October 2009 (CDT)
  • QA septic shock integrity rule revision.INSTRUCTION: for next ICU transfered into, in the TMP file select ITEM: First BP <90, don't put a date however in the COMMENT section type in the following: transfered from previous ICU with DX of shock already coded.
    • actual change made in code was: for every tmp entry with project=QASeptic, require that comment or date is entered


  • rolled out Oct 20.09 10:33 hrs
  • added the following to accommodate STB_B5 ward move to STB_E6 starting at serial 6313 onward:
    • S_Location: STB_E6
    • S_Varoptions: STB_E6
    • S_tmp movesrequired
  • also added to S_tables in HanDBase:
    • S_Var1opts
    • S_Var2opts
    • S_Location
    • S_Tmp (moves)
      • will check with Tina if changing location for B5 PDA to E6 will affecting sending.--TOstryzniuk 21:29, 19 October 2009 (CDT)
  • modified tmpv2 edit form to no longer have the record selection and navigator buttons. Not needed, it only gets one record.
  • changed checks for QA Infection to include Medicine as per request from Dr Roberts/Trish


rolled out Ttenbergen 19:19, 14 October 2009 (CDT)

  • fixed tmpv2 form so the edit button will only open the line it is pressed for.


  • Rolled out with changes below.--TOstryzniuk 16:53, 14 October 2009 (CDT)
  • fixed QA Septic Shock float_var issue
  • fixed checks for Glasgow Coma Scale to reject anything not starting with a number (e.g. the *ventilated* entry)


rolled out Ttenbergen 15:01, 7 October 2009 (CDT)

  • decompiled CCMDB.mdb to fix Visual Basic Breakpoint issue.


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:55, 7 October 2009 (CDT)

  • fixed a Visual Basic Debug Stop issue
  • fixed date checks for new patients (i.e. empty dates)


rolled out Ttenbergen 14:36, 6 October 2009 (CDT)

  • changed some output repositories to use shorter, more appropriate length strings for location and site
  • caught an error for sending audit data to tmpv2


rolled out. Ttenbergen 14:21, 2 October 2009 (CDT)

  • re-enabled LOS check
  • fixed error in ARF checker


rolled out Ttenbergen 17:46, 30 September 2009 (CDT)


  • rolled out Ttenbergen 12:24, 29 September 2009 (CDT)
    • minor update to CheckORDXs function (wasn't working for entering new patient)
    • minor uptate to Check_pt_multiples to exclude out-of-province patients for PHIN checks.


rolled out. Ttenbergen ~18:00, 23 September 2009 (CDT)

  • eliminated PHIN and DOB from the minimal data set as per Minimal Data Set
  • fixed date error for QA Infections to state ICU Infection Audit entries must have a date between the admit and discharge dates
  • Tasks.mdb --> Tasks_1.mdb to fix bug on regional server/Twister connection
  • removed duplicate data and empty box from Sent Report

re-rolled to fix another bug in "sending" and sent report change. Ttenbergen 11:25, 24 September 2009 (CDT)


Took out check for duplicate patients because it found way too many. Will review logic. Rolled out. Ttenbergen 13:19, 15 September 2009 (CDT)

  • added comorbid code 54300 Huntington's Disease to s_Alldiagnosis for ccmdb.accdb. Rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 17:18, 15 September 2009 (CDT)
  • problem with corrupt s-alldiagnosis. Tina restored and rolled out.__16 September 2009
  • added comorbid Huntington's Disease to S_CharlsonComorbid.pbd for HanDBase. Rolled out.__TOstryzniuk 12:22, 17 September 2009 (CDT)
  • there was a problem with tables still being related, preventing synching, corrected and rolled out. Ttenbergen 09:25, 23 September 2009 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 15:53, 14 September 2009 (CDT)

  • fix GCS checking; Medicine data falsely didn't have this check applied since we moved to MOST collection. Ttenbergen 14:00, 9 September 2009 (CDT)
  • create an error launching on opening if there are any multiples of patients based on any of the following:
    • same PHIN
    • same chart#
    • same first name, last name and DOB
  • fixed Pharmacy conversion issue. Since implementation of the new version we were not dividing by base quantity.
  • re rolled out because some sites had files opened therefore didn't get update.--TOstryzniuk 18:22, 14 September 2009 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:45, 3 September 2009 (CDT) Note: this was accidentally rolled out with the V still displayed as 1.84 on the main form.

  • fixed consistency checks for QA Infection so Medicine will not be asked to enter date
  • fixed error checking for XBR BRR


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:49, 27 August 2009 (CDT)

  • added unwittnessed arrest to integrity rules for BRR
  • discontinued output of PDA pending.xls based on from Trish 20 Aug 09


Rolled out. Ttenbergen 09:17, 26 August 2009 (CDT)

  • improved error when table relationship can not be set because a corresponding record does not exist in L_Log.
  • fixed orphans query, which didn't include L_TmpV2
  • got rid of legacy old orphan form code
  • added code to drop all relationships if orphans are found, in order to make sure that the next synch will not be impeded by them
  • currently looking for a way to prevent exiting out of program without dropping relationships...
  • fix to the checks for QA Infection

Ttenbergen 17:55, 25 August 2009 (CDT)


not sure what happened in it, it was rolled out and is current version as of Ttenbergen 17:20, 25 August 2009 (CDT)


Rolled out Ttenbergen 16:13, 20 August 2009 (CDT)

  • improved the error given when the Regional Server can't be found
  • confirmed that tmp_checker works with missing admit time
  • removed TISS check box, as no one was using it
  • disabled GreenSheet sending
  • added ICU Infection Audit


Rolled out Ttenbergen 16:45, 12 August 2009 (CDT)

  • fixed bug: if a location was not entered for any patient the Tmp Checker was failing.


Rolled out Ttenbergen 17:33, 11 August 2009 (CDT)

  • made form and font sizes a lot bigger to better accomodate the laptops smaller screens. If this causes problems, lower your screen resolution.
  • sorted patient list by serial number when in record view
  • added S4 to the moves table.


Rolled out Ttenbergen 14:04, 10 August 2009 (CDT)

  • fixed relationship dropper to properly drop all relationships. Some were being retained, preventing the PDAs from synching properly.


rolled out Ttenbergen 16:43, 5 August 2009 (CDT)

  • added VA (Vic Ambulatory) to s_admitdischarge


Rolled out. Ttenbergen 14:58, 5 August 2009 (CDT)

  • fixed bug where Var2 wanted XBR/BRR for Medicine
  • fixed bug where diagnosis pick list included como-only options

v1.75 ADLs in CC

Rolled out to laptop locations and test_trish. Ttenbergen 17:57, 30 July 2009 (CDT)

  • hiding ADLs for CC
  • added relationship builder to allow synching into this program with the PDAs.

(The laptop ccmdb depends on relationships to delete dx, como, etc records associated with a patient. However, relationships mess up the synch process. Relationships are now built programmatically when "main form" opens, and are deleted when the exit button is closed to close the main form. This means everyone will need to make sure to close the app with the exit button on the main form to make sure synching works.

This new functionality should not affect the laptops, so I am rolling it out to them. If Trish can find the time to test this with a PDA sync tomorrow including a send, and if it works, we should be able to roll this out to everyone. )

v1.7 Isolation output fix, minimum dataset, como sort order, autopsy field

Has been rolled out to laptop users. Ttenbergen 17:32, 30 July 2009 (CDT)

  • fixed isolation output to be same as Master, see Isolation Bug
  • fixed minimal dataset checking to allow absence of PHIN for non-MB patients
  • changed co-morbid output from sorting by como-points descending to como-points descending and como-code ascending, to ensure that the same set of comorbids will always result in the same output. There might be a better secondary sort, e.g. an index of secondary como scores, but that would need to be developed and is not part of this update.
  • the autopsy field always outputs as "N" now for all, regardless of what is entered. I can not remove the options from the DB since PDAs need them. DCs will need to be instructed in Survive / Expired / Autopsy field to stop collecting this as it is no longer being output

disabled green sheet checking - unknown version and date

  • it's disabled in v1.6, i.e. green sheet entries are no longer required, but still being send for now.

Active Tx - unknown version and date

  • Not sure in which version this was done, but the active tx link is no longer shown in ccmdb v1.6.

Received go-ahead from Trish to get rid of Active Tx field. The field itself will need to stay due to its presence in HanDBase but I will make it invisible in CCMDB.mdb. Also, the output will be corrected to always state the negative. This will become active when the currently testing version rolls out.

Change made:

  • hidden active tx field in for CC (was already hidden for Med after MOST)
  • change output so that active tx is always positive
  • The request had been for it to be always negative, but the output since the change has been to be always positive. Does Julie want this changed to be always negative?
    • discussed with Julie. Doesn't matter. Just keep it positive. TOstryzniuk 14:17, 18 August 2009 (CDT)


Added checking for minimum data set. Before this, missing location data would break the pending queries. Rolled out.Ttenbergen 15:04, 28 July 2009 (CDT)

09 jul 22 - v1.4 FIO2 + sending + Local L_ Tables + Notes

Rolled out to Vic and GRA_MICU, will copy down next time they use the news batch while logged onto the network. Also copied to Test_Trish. Ttenbergen 13:13, 22 July 2009 (CDT)

  • changed FIO2 dropdown to display the percentage after choosing, not the modality; this may still cause confusion, see FIO2
  • confirmed sending for CC
  • reinstated the local L_Tables that will be required for running this version with the PDAs. These will be deleted and replaced by linked tables if L_Settings says that a laptop is used. I still need to figure out how to re-introduce the relationships into the program for the local tables.
  • fixed the error that was being caused by the notes field
  • added a reset button to the main form as temp fix for the object-with problem, as I can not find the cause at this time

July 16 - CC sending - v1.3

  • Fixed CC sending. There are problems with the export specs that keep coming up, hopefully fixed for good this time since I redid them. Ttenbergen 12:46, 14 July 2009 (CDT)

(I had not rolled it out on Jul 14, so more change:)

  • changed default for Pharmacy entry to "No Drugs" to be consistent with Labs. Also made that entry to be limited to the list, which it had not been. Ttenbergen 15:42, 16 July 2009 (CDT)

v1.2 FIO2 dropdown fix

Now displays all 3 columns, not just percentages.Ttenbergen 16:00, 9 July 2009 (CDT)

v1.1 output fixes

The laptops are now in pilot testing mode at the Vic, so I have changed versions to 1.<subversion> V1.1:

  • re-write of the output functions for Critical Care and Medicine to deal with Access limitations.Ttenbergen 14:53, 9 July 2009 (CDT)

June 24.09

  • S-tmp for CCMDB & HanDBase - Var 5 - H7 added. This is to tagged all HSC H4H patient that are in H7 starting June 24.09
  • rolled out to sites.--TOstryzniuk 13:04, 24 June 2009 (CDT)

19 June 2009

made v0.14 with following changes:

  • added zoombox for notes (if you click into notes, a bigger edit window pops up)
  • added check to filter to not filter if there are no patients with record set to "C" to prevent errors
  • fixed checks to run after changes for labs and pharmacy
  • hidden Database details window to prevent inadvertent changes
  • added a check in sending that tests for a regional server connection
  • records dropdown now uses table stored in settings as source; settings button allows editing of that dropdown

These changes require an update of the settings file and the data file, so they can't be set up until I visit the Vic on Tuesday.Ttenbergen 15:37, 19 June 2009 (CDT)

June 18.09

  • 2000 hrs -"send complete" in s-tmp ccmdb.accdb for H1N1. TOstryzniuk 20:14, 18 June 2009 (CDT)
  • 1650 hrs-CCMDB.mdb-check sent when complete for H1N1 as per discussion with Julie. Rolled out.TOstryzniuk 17:04, 18 June 2009 (CDT)
  • added H1N1 negative to s_tmp in Handibase and CCMDB.mdb.
  • copied to master from trish desktop
  • rolled out.TOstryzniuk 12:50, 18 June 2009 (CDT)

13 Jun 09

Moved ver 0.11L to Test_Trish for testing by Vic VicCollectors - can you copy this to the laptop for testing? Let me know if you need help!

  • re-incorporate the s_* files changed since the laptop version split off the Master.
  • change time format in L_TmpV2 to be same as others
  • fix expired requiring discharge location
  • added button to delete final-checked records (i.e. after sending)

Ttenbergen 16:21, 12 June 2009 (CDT)

June 12, 2009

  • s_tmp for CCMDB & HanDBase: Catheter09 - "UTI post in" label changed to "got UTI". Display problem because label on letter too long.
  • tested.
  • copy to master on Regional Server.
  • rolled out to sites.TOstryzniuk TOstryzniuk 16:12, 12 June 2009 (CDT)

June 11, 2009

  • latest version of CCMDB and S-Tmp rolled out. (does not include laptops tested at VIC)TOstryzniuk 13:21, 11 June 2009 (CDT)

June 10, 2009

  • fixed up Catheter09 s_tmp for Handbase. UTI label should be "UTI post in" to make it the same as CCMDB s_tmp.
  • H1N1 suspected & H1H1 confirmed options added to TMP. Will start tagging all patients retrospective and new admits. For more information see article H1N1.
  • s_TMP: MOVES: VIC_S3 added back in.
  • Copy of trish testing ccmdb to Master on Regional server.TOstryzniuk 20:37, 10 June 2009 (CDT)
  • still seeing a graphical checkbox on PDA in L_tmpv2 for "UTI post in". Waiting for Tina to advise on this before roll out.
    • How is seeing a graphical checkbox for UTI Post in a problem? It was assigned to the check box variable, was it not? Ttenbergen 13:30, 11 June 2009 (CDT)

June 9, 2009

  • Catheter09 - s_tmp for ccmdb & HanDBase. Updated with an additional reason for insertion: R-unknown. Rolled out to sites.--TOstryzniuk 18:30, 9 June 2009 (CDT)

June 5, 2009

  • S_tmp for CCMDB & HanDBase updated with Catheter09 study items
  • S_alldiagnosis updated Isolation-Task item to include another option (glove and gown)
  • Tested
  • Master CCMDB on Regional server updated. The ccmdb version that was in Master was re labeled as Version 11L.
  • rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 18:01, 5 June 2009 (CDT)

June 3.2009

2 Jun 09

  • Added a Delete Final-Checks button and functionality to the main form. Ttenbergen 16:47, 2 June 2009 (CDT)

May 27, 2009

Made some more changes as per "Laptop Testing" (article defunct Ttenbergen 17:44, 6 May 2010 (CDT)):

  • added diagnosis chooser

copied down for v0.10L this morning, following changes:

  • amended GCS verbal to state "vented" for the last three, output remains the same; now saying:
    • 6 vented-appears oriented
    • 7 vented-? oriented
    • 8 vented-no response
  • now accepting 0 doses and 0 days if drug is "No Drug"
  • fixed filter-complete bug that appeared during development somehow
  • added como chooser
  • made entry template for date of birth consistent with rest (dd-mmm-yyyy)

The ccmdb.accdb crashed as well. I recovered it. There should be no problems due to this, just adding this here for the record.

April 28, 2009

  • V0.7 copied down from Regional server Test_trish to desktop and snych into.
  • Copied back up to Master test_trish in folder called FROM TRISH v0.7 sycn into.
  • Not testedTOstryzniuk 20:54, 28 April 2009 (CDT)

April 27, 2009

V0.6 copied down from Regional server Test_Trish to desktop and synch into.

April 27, 2009

v0.7 - still coding

  • fixed a send problem that started with the changes to no labs/pharm
  • adding laptop switch in settings so that "exit program" button backs up to sd card before closing.

April 24, 2009

v0.6 uploaded to Trish_Test @ 21:11

  • fixed L_Lab checks to default counts to 0
  • fixed L_Lab checks to flag if “no labs” is used in conjunction with other labs
  • completely disabled checking for urine output since we don’t collect it any more
  • Missing pathogen now generates error msg and is not yellow when there is no error
  • Set following outputs regardless of what is in the data:
    • SerUrea: "<=9.0"
    • Urine: "No Value"
    • DBili: "No Value"
    • CPAP:"No"
  • Problem fixed with PHIN checker
  • changed ADL checks to reject all except acceptable values, and separated the check from the Reg and Variables check since it has its own checkmark
  • fixed task error so it doesn’t get overwritten by a blank
  • streamlined the checks to avoid running unnecessary repeats
  • (moved comments from here to requested changes)

April 23, 2009

  • Synch'd test data into V0.5 and copied back up to TEST_Trish on regional server into a folder call April 23.09 v0.5 FROM TRISH.
  • testing away.......problems forwarded to Tina.TOstryzniuk 18:02, 23 April 2009 (CDT)

April 22, 2009 - v0.5

  • planted in Test_Trish. Copied down to Trish's desktop for testing.

April 15, 2009 - v0.4

Currently being tested

  1. NO LABS and NO Pharmacy: removed no lab/pharm box, replaced with "no labs" and "no pharm" entries in L_Labs and L_Pharm, changed the check functions to accomodate this. PROBLEM: Can mark FINAL CHECK when no pharm or lab.--TOstryzniuk 15:52, 15 April 2009 (CDT)
  2. Added requirement and check for ICU Var 2 BRR, XBR if dx Witnessed Cardiac Arrest 100-2 in ADMIT or COMPLICATION DX. UPDATE: tested, this trap works.--TOstryzniuk 15:52, 15 April 2009 (CDT)
  3. setting button is now back on main ccmdb screen.
  4. Elimination of SAPSII items on the APACHE II screen
    • total Bilirubin, CPAP, urine CC;s, Urea,SAP_Systolic,
    • also - eliminate APACHE II Active TX field.
  5. CCMDB no longer requires Registry Patient Type to be entered (this was done earlier, but I don't think it was logged then--Ttenbergen 13:12, 23 April 2009 (CDT)]])
  6. Prevent discharge time = 0:00 getting through(this was done earlier, but I don't think it was logged then--Ttenbergen 13:12, 23 April 2009 (CDT)Ttenbergen)

April 10, 2009_Ver 0

  • DX code 794-28 Banding esophageal varices added to s_allDX table for CCMDB and HanDBase.
  • Copied to Programs\Master on Twister
  • rolled out to sites.--TOstryzniuk 15:24, 9 April 2009 (CDT)

April 3, 2009_Ver 0.1

  • Tina copied TEST version 0 of ccmdb.accdb to TEST_Trish on the Regional Server. Needs testing.
  • Tina have you come up with a version number scheme?_--TOstryzniuk 20:36, 4 April 2009 (CDT)
  • Seems that Tina has done this but didn't update info here. I see we are currently testing Ver 0.1 for Laptops.--TOstryzniuk 15:24, 9 April 2009 (CDT)

April 2, 2009_Ver 0

  • DX code 763-41 Impella-percutaneous VAD added to s_alldiagnosis tables in both Access (ccmdb.accdb) and HanDBase.
  • tested
  • rolled out to all sites.TOstryzniuk 17:35, 2 April 2009 (CDT)

March 19, 2009_Ver 0

RE: Cooling Protocol ICU Var 2 TAG for Witnessed Cardiac Arrest (100-2).

  • XBR added to Var 2 s_variables for HanDBase & ACCESS and form view in ACCESS.
  • Version Feb 6.09 tested, rolled out.--TOstryzniuk 15:26, 19 March 2009 (CDT)
  • Go HERE to review information regarding data integrity check rule.--TOstryzniuk 15:26, 19 March 2009 (CDT)
    • Tina still needs to program this rule into newer version of ACCESS so that check is automated. The version rolled out (Feb 6.09 ver) has information on the ACCESS form and s_table however the rule is not programmed into the new version that was being tested before she left on vacation.--TOstryzniuk 15:26, 19 March 2009 (CDT)

March 10, 2009

  • S_LOCATION for HanDBase updated on regional server added HSC_TEST.
    • NEW ACCESS (ccmdb.accdb) development & testing- Tina copied down to TEST_TRISH on Regional Server for testing.
      • trish copied to desktop, sych'd and copied back up to TEST_TRISH.
  • testing in progress.--TOstryzniuk 16:48, 10 March 2009 (CDT)
        • Progress of testing ACCESS: Lots of bugs. Problem items sent to Tina. No further testing until Tina returns from vacation and changes are made for further testing
          • suggestion to Tina: It would be helpful to have version numbers associated with CCMDB.mdb's so that we can keep track of updates.--TOstryzniuk 17:53, 16 March 2009 (CDT)
            • Done.

February 12, 2009

  • copying down ccmdb for requested chances as per below Ttenbergen 11:24, 12 February 2009 (CST)
  • added following
    • ICU Patients with Witnessed Cardiac Arrest (100-02) must have ICU Var 2 = (BRR or XBR)
    • Check adm/discharge location against ICU patient location, can't be same
    • MI TPA 10210 you must not coexist with other MI 102-XX Note: update Myocardial infarction when uploading update!
  • for future laptop use
    • added "Show FinalChecks" button to be able to list and delete all files with FinalCheck set, e.g. after sending
    • added capability to add new records in Access. This required major changes, so thorough testing for weird errors is required. Ttenbergen 16:43, 26 February 2009 (CST)
  • Trish, let me know when you are ready to test and roll, for now I have not put it onto Trish_test as I will be adding more for the laptop functionality. Since you are on vacation right now I don't want to be held up until you are done testing. LEt me know when you have a chance.Ttenbergen 14:14, 18 February 2009 (CST)

February 6, 2009_Ver 0

  • IT Bugs
  • TASK bug Feb 5.09 (if CPAP YES then Isolation set to TOTAL when files are SENT out from ACCESS)
  • Tested. Bug elimimated--GONE!
  • Copied to MASTER on Regional Server
  • updated rolled out to all PDA's (version Feb 6.09).--TOstryzniuk 18:52, 6 February 2009 (CST)

February 5, 2009

Tina is stealing the master file to fix a bug.Ttenbergen 18:02, 5 February 2009 (CST) Fixed the bug listed in IT Bugs#Tasks Isolation Bug, sent to Trish for testing. Ttenbergen 18:18, 5 February 2009 (CST)

January 30, 2009

  • s_tmp MOVES table
  • the ward STB_B3 has been added to the moves table (s_tmp) for ccmdb & HanDBase.
  • Master ccmdb on Regional Server updated
  • rolled out
  • TOstryzniuk 14:56, 30 January 2009 (CST)

January 14, 2009

  • s_FIO2 table's for ACCESS (ccmdb) and HanDBase updated to include OxyMask FIO2 guess-ta-mits.
  • Master on Regional Server updated.
  • rolled out
  • TOstryzniuk 19:06, 14 January 2009 (CST)