Change from Awaiting/delayed dx codes to Transfer Ready DtTm

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Revision as of 16:25, 2021 July 8 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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Changed rolled back until we can discuss at Task, there were too many questions. Continue to collect Transfer Ready with the old entries, I will leave the new ones only to not have problems if people have already entered them. Ttenbergen 16:25, 2021 July 8 (CDT)   

Currently we code a patient's reason for delay as ICD10 Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer code. After that, we are coding it as a value/item under Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry.

Instructions for collectors

For any change to awaiting status after Jul 1, enter this as an Item of the profile's Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry. This means a patient could have an awaiting code in the earlier part of their stay, but then use transfer ready awaiting drop-down in the later part of their stay.

Considerations for back office

  • Do we want to translate the old dx codes into tmp entries, or should we keep these separate and just pull it apart in reporting? Ttenbergen 09:36, 2021 July 8 (CDT)
    • it would be helpful if we can populate the tmp entries with the old ones. the purpose is to validate the transfer ready dttm entries - i.e. decision to move to a lower level of care had actually happened or not just entry errors. --JMojica 09:48, 2021 July 8 (CDT)
      • OK, I will set up a query that can run over CFE to create these entries for any ICD10 dxs where they have no yet been entered, that way we c
  • added: 2021-07-08
  • action: 2021-07-08
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Update Query "Update_Awaiting_Change" in CFE

Tina to make this query

  • added: no added date
  • action: no action date
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Remaining items for Tina

  • once the last ICD10 awaiting code has been removed from laptops, retire the codes
  • once the last pre-Jul1 "Transfer Ready DtTm" item/value has been sent, inactivate that option
  • added: 2021-07-08
  • action: 2021-08-08
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Cross checks

  • No cross checks implemented right now, if we want any we need to decide on them.

  • added: 2021-07-08
  • action: 2021-08-08
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