Manitoba Centre for Health Policy export

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The export process for MCHP uses the file MCHP Export.mdb to generate a date-named file which is then sent to Manitoba Health, where it is de-identified before they send it on to MCHP.


  • how about the ALERT score (MOST), this was not given before but we can add now, what do you think?
  • itiss?
  • data dictionary



Copy the following files all to one folder:

generating the export file

  • open
  • run the Function Process_MCHP()


  • copy MCHP Export.mdb to a memory stick or CD
  • delete the modules and forms, they contain Passwords
  • send the memory stick or CD to Jason Berry, Privacy Policy Analyst, of Information Management and Analytics, Manitoba Health, Healthy Living & Seniors (4040D -300 Carlton Street, Winnipeg MB R3B 3M9) and email the password to him (; Manitoba Health with de-identify the data and pass it on to MCHP.


Structure is same as CCMDB Data Structure except for the following.

Splitting dual use L_Dxs

For legacy reasons we store different kinds of data in L_Dxs table. For ease of use by MCHP we split the data into the following two tables and won't send the actual L_Dxs table.

Splitting Multi-use L_TmpV2

Our L_TmpV2 table contains data from a number of temporary projects. We will only send a subset of longer-term data. The filtered data will be in

It contains a subset of Category:All_Projects

L_TmpV2 table itself will not be sent.