Thyroiditis, subacute
ICD10 Diagnosis | |
Dx: | Thyroiditis, subacute |
ICD10 code: | E06.1 |
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: | none assigned |
Charlson/ALERT Scale: | none |
APACHE Como Component: | none |
APACHE Acute Component: | 2019-0: Metabolic/Renal NOS, 2019-0: Renal/Metabolic NOS |
Start Date: | |
Stop Date: | |
External ICD10 Documentation |
This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.
Additional Info
Subacute thyroiditis is an acute inflammatory disease of the thyroid probably caused by a virus and often follows an upper respiratory infection. Symptoms include fever and thyroid tenderness. Initial hyperthyroidism is common, sometimes followed by a transient period of hypothyroidism. Diagnosis is clinical and with thyroid function tests.Postviral thyroiditis can be also refered to as de Quervain's,giant cell or granulomatous thyroiditis.
Alternate ICD10s to consider coding instead or in addition
- Thyroiditis, acute
- Thyroiditis, chronic
- Thyroid storm or crisis (severe thyrotoxicosis)
- Thyroiditis, NOS
- Thyroiditis, autoimmune
- Hyperthyroidism (with or without goiter)
- Hypothyroidism
Candidate Combined ICD10 codes
- Include pathogen if infectious etiology is known.
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