Data collected in CCMDB.accdb is stored in c:\ccmdb_data\ccmdb_data.mdb. CCMDB.accdb automatically connects to this data as part of opening the Main Form (CCMDB.accdb).

The change log for this file is at CCMDB data.mdb Change Log.

Requested changes are tracked in Requested_CCMDB_changes_for_the_next_version#Next_Round_of_Data_Changes.

Location of Master

Regional Server\Programs\Master\CCMDB.accdb (full address: \\\WRHA\REGION\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Programs\Master\CCMDB.accdb)


Located: \\AD.WRHA.MB.CA\WRHA\HSC\SHARED\WRHA\WRHA_CCMED\Passwords_mainoffice\Passwords_MainOffice_use.xlsx

related files

When CCMDB.accdb opens it does a compact and repair on CCMDB data.mdb. In the process it creates two files, CCMDB_Data_backup.mdb and CCMDB_Data_backup.mdb. These files get overwritten each time and should just be ignored. The only time they would come into play is the very unlikely (as in has not happened to us yet) event where a file gets corrupted during compact and repair and can no longer be opened.

removing patient data from laptops

To remove all patient data from a laptop, e.g. to let someone unaffiliated with our program use it, delete this file and then empty the Recycle Bin.

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