Directors Quarterly and Annual Report (Medicine)

Report: Directors Quarterly and Annual Report (Medicine)
Contact Person : <names, organization if outside of Shared Health>
Frequency: quarterly
MailingList: Distribution of Annual and Quarterly Reports
Data Dependencies : ADL Score ALERT Scale Age Bed occupancy Beds occupied by transferrable patients (Medicine) Charlson Comorbidity Index LOS Medicine per hospital admission Medicine Primary Diagnosis Rate Readmission to MedWard Sex Rate Transfer Delay (Medicine) Unit Mortality Dispo DtTm field Trach Task HD (Hemodialysis) PD (Peritoneal dialysis) BiPAP, CPAP, NIV, own ventilator (Mechanical ventilation, noninvasive) LOS per Location
SASFiles: <path for SAS files>
  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Default form:

  • Tabular Medicine Activity Summary reports
  • sent out electronically by Pagasa Torres under the direction of Database Program Statistician, Julie Mojica
  • Reporting period is quarterly and by fiscal year from April 1 to March 31

Alternate terms used for some of our fields

  • Time of Discharges (Dispo DtTm field)
  • Medicine Primary Diagnosis Rate (leading to Ward readmission)


Distribution of Annual and Quarterly Reports

File Locations

  • Electronic copy of report:
    • X:\Reports\MedicineReport

SAS Program

Run the SAS Programs in S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\SAS_CFE\Med_reports in this order:

  • - prepares the data to be used in the report. Make sure all the data are cleaned already by the Data Processor.
  • - checks the death and readmission rates. If the previous locations and admit locations are quesionable, have the Data Processor check, confirm with data collector/EPR and fix the database.
  • - generates the summary stats showing all sites for the current quarter. Includes the comparison among variables at admissions, at discharges, early predictor of adverse outcomes, distribution of discharges time (tabular and histogram).
  • - generates the individual site's activity summary stats comparing current period (quarter or Fiscal Year) and previous year (4 quarters) (or fiscal year).
    • Since the table format for this report is customized, clear first the SAS output screen, and from the SAS Tools Options Preferences Results, check mark Create Listing.
    • Run the program.
    • Once the running is completed, on the Output screen, go to Edit and choose Select all, Copy and then Paste to the report template.
  • - generates the LOS stats of each boarding location by site.

All the reports generated from 3, 4, and 5 are combined and saved as pdf file. Reports for individual site from the combined report are also done and saved as pdf files. A total of four reports (combined sites and individual site HSC, STB and GRA) are done.

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