Respiratory tract, foreign body in

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ICD10 Diagnosis
Dx: Respiratory tract, foreign body in
ICD10 code: T17
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: Upper Airway Obstruction
Charlson/ALERT Scale: none
APACHE Como Component: none
APACHE Acute Component: none
Start Date:
Stop Date:
External ICD10 Documentation

This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.

  • SMW
    • 2019-01-01
    • 2999-12-31
    • T17
  • Cargo

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Additional Info

incl nose, sinus, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lung

  • I just tried to use this code for aspiration of food, but I got an error because I needed a mechanism of injury. Is there a better code to use for food aspiration causing a blockage in the airway? Pneumonitis doesn't really imply airway occlusion. I have come across this problem a couple of times now, and I can't figure out how to code itMlagadi 13:38, 2019 May 17 (CDT)
  • I am having the same problem. Having a foreign body like food in your respiratory tract is significant and we need to have a code that works for this. This specific code should not be in the trauma category in my opinion. Please fix ASAP as we cannot complete profiles without a fix.--LKolesar 10:42, 2019 May 24 (CDT)
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Alternatives for obstruction by other than foreign body

The old code Upper Airway Obstruction is mapped to a number of ICD codes for various reasons that could cause airway obstruction.

Alternate ICD10s to consider coding instead or in addition

Candidate Combined ICD10 codes

Traumas and their Mechanisms

  • In ICD10, traumas need to be combined with separate mechanism codes to fully explain the situation.
  • Here are lists of the codes for "mechanical" injuries to various body parts:
    • some codes are always traumatic and always need a mechanism:
Trauma codes:
... further results
  • Other codes may or may not be of a traumatic nature; these also qualify to be coded with trauma mechanisms listed below:
Potential trauma codes:
  • Here is a list of the external mechanism or agent that caused the trauma:
Mechanism codes:

Regarding Multiple Trauma

Iatrogenic injuries

Related CCI Codes

Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)

Query check ICD10 mechanism vs traumaCCMDB.accdbimplemented

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Show all ICD10 Subcategories

ICD10 Categories: ANCA-associated Vasculitis (AAV), Abdominal trauma, Abortion, Acute intoxication, Addiction, Adrenal Insufficiency, Adverse effect, Alcohol related, Allergy, Anemia, Anesthetic related, Aneurysm, Antibiotic resistance, Antidepressant related, Aortic Aneurysm, Arrhythmia, Arterial thromboembolism, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Awaiting/delayed transfer, Bacteria, Benign neoplasm, Breast disease, Burn, COVID, Cannabis related, Cardiac septum problem, Cardiovascular, Cerebral Hemorrhage/Stroke, Chemical burn, Chronic kidney disease, Cirrhosis, Cocaine related, Decubitus ulcer, Delirium, Dementia, Diabetes, Diagnosis implying death, Double duty pathogen, ENT, Encephalitis, Encephalopathy, Endocrine disorder, Endocrine neoplasm, Exposure, Eye, Female genital neoplasm, Fistula, Fracture, Fungus, GI ulcer, Gastroenteritis, Gastrointestinal, Gastrointestinal neoplasm, Hallucinogen related, Has one, Head trauma, Head trauma (old), Healthcare contact, Heart valve disease, Heme/immunology, Heme/immunology neoplasm, Hemophilia, Hemorrhage, Hepatitis, Hereditary/congenital, Hernia, Hypertension, Hypotension, Iatrogenic, Iatrogenic infection, Iatrogenic mechanism, Imaging, Infection requiring pathogen, Infection with implied pathogen, Infectious disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Influenza, Inhalation, Intra-abdominal infection, Ischemia, Ischemic gut, Ischemic heart disease, Joint/ligament trauma, Leukemia, Liver disease, Liver failure, Lower limb trauma, Lower respiratory tract infection, Lymphoma, Male genital neoplasm, Mechanism, Meningitis, Metabolic/nutrition, Metastasis, Misc, Muscle problem, Muscles/tendon trauma, Musculoskeletal/soft tissue, Musculoskeletal/soft tissue neoplasm... further results