List of ICD10 Diagnoses we don't code
See also: List of CCI procedures we don't code. For a general rationale of how we decide what to include, see Reasoning around moving to ICD10 and our subset of it.
Dxs that we have considered and decided not to code
We have considered and decided not to code the following:
- Allergies in general (but do code any Anaphylactic reaction (anaphylaxis) or code if it occurs)
- Muscle Spasm
- Intravenous drug abuse (IVDA) - we have Illicit drug use, but there is no ICD10 code for specifically IVDA and we don't have a specific need to add a special code
lump dxs
We have some lump dxs (e.g. Mass, lump or swelling, skin or subcutaneous tissue, NOS, Breast, unspecified lump (nodule, mass), Mass, lump or swelling, intra-abdominal or pelvic). These are intended for tactile findings.
For lumps or masses that are detected in imaging rather than tactile the appropriate abnormal imaging code:
We don't code local invasion of a tumor that has not (yet) caused an actual complication. If there is a complication, code that.
See also: Tumor
"work-up for cancer" / i.e. old *06 subcodes for all tumors
See Template:ICD10 Guideline Cancer
Other dxs collectors think should be included
If we don't have a dx code and you think we should have it, put a discussion here (use the pink button in the button bar). We will review it and either add it, or explain which code it should be coded under and make sure a future search would find it, or add an explanation above that we decided not to code it and why.