Dialysis Tasks
Legacy Content
This page contains Legacy Content.- Explanation: discontinued as part of move to ICD10/CCI.
- Successor: CCI PD (Peritoneal dialysis), HD (Hemodialysis) and ICD10 Renal dialysis care, including dialysis itself
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The Dialysis task encodes whether or not a medicine patient has a hemodialysis and or peritoneal dialysis. It is stored in the Diagnosis tab in CCMDB.accdb because that is the only way we could store it when we started to collect it.
Since the directions are largely the same, this article contains instructions for both.
Only mark this task as performed if it was done during a patients stay on your ward.
- If a task was done prior to patient coming to your ward or after patient is transferred to another ward, it should be marked as no or none during the stay on your ward.
Possible entries for Dialysis tasks:
- Hemodialysis:
- 100200 - Hemodialysis None
- 100201 - Hemodialysis Acute (first time dialysis ever happened during this hospital admission)
- 100202 - Hemodialysis Chronic (dialysis which was being done on an outpatient basis prior to this hospitalization)
- Peritoneal Dialysis:
- 100300 - Peritoneal None
- 100301 - Peritoneal Acute (first time dialysis ever happened during this hospital admission)
- 100302 - Peritoneal Chronic (dialysis which was being done on an outpatient basis prior to this hospitalization or patient was doing on their own at home prior to this hospitalization)
Special Cases
Peritoneal vs Hemodialysis
The two are not mutually exclusive, if both happen while the patient is on the ward, code both.
Acute vs Chronic
If a patient has both chronic and acute dialysis during the same admission (e.g. after a transplant), then code the acute dialysis.
Dialysis outside the unit
How should dialysis outside unit be coded? Following moved here: Pt is sent to other wards for their dialysis, therefore it may be correct that there might not be a dialysis acute or chronic TASK is marked.
Mix of acute/chronic and/or hemo and peritoneal dialysis
Scenario: Medical patient was a chronic h.d. patient prior to admission. The patient was switched to p.d. For my admission I put h.d. chronic, and p.d. acute. Patient switches back and forth between h.d., and p.d. Coding:HD Chronic & PD Acute are not mutually exclusive therefore you can mark both in TASKS if both are occurring while patient is on your ward.-
dialysis during same hospitalization but not on current ward
- Patient came from ER with CRF and was receiving outpatient peritoneal dialysis (PD). Pt developed shock and was sent to ICU where he had Hemodialysis. On your ward the pt had peritoneal dialysis done once before going to ICU.
- You would mark CHRONIC PD as a TASK. You would not mark ACUTE HD. This is being done during his ICU stay.
- An ICU patient with ARF receiving acute hemodialysis in ICU, comes to your ward from the ICU and expires within a day or two. No dialysis was ever done for the short time patient was on your ward.
- The hemodialysis task should be marked as none.
chronic PD patient being switched to HD
- Pt came from ER to your ward with CRF (on outpatient PD dialysis). Pt had to be switched to hemodialysis because of peritonitis.
- PD (Peritoneal dialysis) should be marked chronic if patient had peritoneal dialysis done one or more times while on your ward. Switched to hemodialysis which is new and should therefore be marked as acute.
Data Structure
the list of options is in s_AllDiagnoses table and the actual data is stored in L_Dxs table.
- These will move to CCI_Picklist collection as
And ICD10 as
Cross checks
- coding with ARF/CRF dxs - Check Renal Tasks
See also
Task items replaced iTISS December 15, 2006.