Critical Care Sharepoint ExtraNet

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Critical Care Program Quality Indicator Report and Directors Quarterly and Annual Report (Critical Care) are distributed through the Critical Care Sharepoint ExtraNet following instructions in Distribution of Annual and Quarterly Reports.


  • access by permission only.


  • Christopher Roque, Admin Assistant for Critical Care Program, has rights to add and remove access rights
  • Julie Mojica, WRHA CCMDB Statistician/Analyst has write access to the REPORT module

How to upload

When reports are available, they are uploaded by the Statistician and will sent an email with a link to this share point to those who have permission to access.

In the HOME Screen, click the icon REPORTS.

To add new report, either click new document or drag files from the source folder.

Source folder:

  • Tabular reports of HSC CCU, STB ACCU and STB ICCS: X:\Julie\SAS_CFE\CC_reports (main office staff have access to this folder)
  • Chart reports of all sites except CCU and ACCU: link sent is: \\\wrha\region\shared\Director_Report\Report

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