CRRT Report

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Report: CRRT Report
StartDtTm: 2015-08-20
Contact Person : Dr. Joe Bueti
Recipients: Dr. Joe Bueti, Dr Herman Lam, Deborah Stanley
Frequency: monthly
Data Dependencies : CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) CRRT Days Chart Date of Birth
SASFiles: X:\Julie\CC Projects\CRRT_Ryan&Bueti\
  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Default form:


Source of Data

  • CRRT days : Before Oct 2020 - TISS28 element #17. Starting Oct 2020, CCI entry.
  • Reasons for CRRT - collected as CRRT Project in tmp
    • Start date - Oct 2016
    • End date - May 2019 (reason - info was impossible to get)


File locations

  • S:\Critical_Care\CRRT

SAS Program

  • The SAS program is in S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\CC Projects\CRRT-Bueti\


This used to be collected as CRRT Project in tmp but is now collected as a CCI entre.

We used to also collect the reason for this, but the info was impossible to get so we stopped the reason reporting.

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