CCMDB.accdb Change Log 2024

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Revision as of 09:09, 2024 January 15 by Lkaita (talk | contribs)
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See Log (disambiguation) for other uses of the term "Log". See the Development Documentation Category for other development logs. See Rolling out changes for the process of rolling out changes. See also requested CCMDB changes for the next version and CCMDB.accdb Data Integrity Checks.


rolled out Lisa Kaita 08:42, 2024 January 12 (CST)

Changes collectors need to know about:

  • Added new internal medicine non teaching services:
  • SBGH Internal Med / A Non Teaching Med
  • SBGH Internal Med / B Non Teaching Med
  • SBGH Internal Med / C Non Teaching Med
  • SBGH Internal Med / GAP


rolled out Lisa Kaita 10:34, 2024 January 11 (CST)

Changes collectors need to know about:

  • Added new options for TMP ICUotherService for SBGH
  • MICU under MICU service
  • CICU under CICU service
  • ACCU under ACCU service


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:58, 2024 January 8 (CST)

Changes collectors need to know about:

Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):

  • updated Sub email_data_available() and Sub email_noReport() to no longer send to DC Med
  • updated the record copier from ADT2 tab to properly refresh hiding/showing of CC vs Med interface elements


rolled out Lisa Kaita 20:47, 2024 January 6 (CST)

Changes collectors need to know about:

  • added color for service locations HSC_MICU, HSC_SICU,HSC_IICU, GGH_MICU, GGH_CC, SBGH_ACCU, SBGH_MICU, SBGH_CICU in patient list


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:49, 2024 January 2 (CST)

Changes collectors need to know about:

Changes collectors probably don't care about (incl. bug fixes that should just make things work now):
