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see also Category:Backup


Centralized data Backup

They live on \\hsc1msfp0013\SHARED\WRHA_CCMED\Backup (M:\)

Centralized_data.mdb and PHI.mdb live on an eHealth server and so are backed up by them (#eHealth file shares). We also created dated snapshot backups every time the data processor pulls data as part of vetting and then pushes it again. For details, see


We will only keep backups from major change versions long term.

Pagasa has a monthly reminder to manually cull the push-pull backups that are older than one month.

Following directories:

  • M:\backup\Centralized_data
  • M:\Backup\PHI
  • M:\Backup\TISS28
  • X:\CCMDB\PHI\PHI_CSV_Archive


TISS28 is not part of our backup process right now. OK for now, because backed up by eHealth, but for consistency we should start sending dated copies to \\hsc1msfp0013\SHARED\WRHA_CCMED\Backup like the rest of our core data.

I was going to add it the push/pull process but then realized that I am not at all sure that Pagasa doesn’t use TISS on one PC while in pull state on the other. So, we can’t be pulling TISS28 at that spot until we have worked out how Pagasa does this.

We talked the other day about changing Pagasa’s setup to use only one PC. This might be the time to re-visit that, too. So, likely Trish, Tina and Pagasa need to talk before I can integrate this.

Scheduled for 2015-May-25

eHealth file shares

All our file shares are backed up by eHealth. To restore any files missing from a file share contact the help desk.