Pre-send Checker

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Revision as of 12:58, 2011 July 27 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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When complete/final checked patients are being sent some data is also sent for patients who are not yet complete, for example:

Since these patients are not Final Checked this can not be used as a trigger to ensure all is correct before sending. For that reason, this data is checked when either the Send Records or the Pre-send TmpV2 Checker button is pressed.

What is actually checked

This data may be out-of date, for the actual checks see the Tmp_checker module in CCMDB.mdb.

The following things get checked, in this order:

First, a number of tests get run successively on every record in the table L_TmpV2:

  1. a patient must exist for every entry in L_TmpV2
  2. the patient must have a location
    • some tmp studies only apply in some location, and those checks will fail if this were not entered
  3. there must be an item for every entry in L_TmpV2
  4. various checks for the Transfusion Audit
  5. various checks for the SmartPump Audit
  6. various checks for the EuroScore
  7. various checks for ER Wait

Then, a number of tests are run on the entire L_TmpV2 table:

  1. do all patients that ought to have a move, have one?
  2. are there several moves with identical times?
  3. are there two consecutive transfusions in < 5min?

Then there is one check that is run at this time even though it's not really related to tmp: