Hiring a New Data Collector
(Redirected from Setting up a New Data Collector)
A. creating a brand NEW position (not common) such as changing EFT:
- you need electronic budget approval forms first before you proceed and work with Finance person or CC or Med.
- Contact Tracy Simcoe Director for Critical Care, Tamara Cipriano for Internal Medicine.
- Success Factors
B. filling existing vacant position (most common):
- Database Manager calls HRSS to initiate process and date employee is leaving position &
- advise HRSS if to post the vacant position or not
- the Critical Care Director reviews and approve in SuccessFactors. Does it for both CC and Med hires
- This is already included in screening for applicates. Pre screening questionaire: (helps reduce inappropriate submissions)
- Are you currently registered with the CRNM? If not, are you eligible for registration?
- Do you have two (2) year of current ADULT intensive care nursing experience?
WRHA info gathering
- use hiring check sheet, in hiring binder on Database Manager's desk
- Obtain Employee ID
- hospital computer network user login
- ensure proper payscale step
- hourly rate
- academic allowance BN, or ICU course
- vacation accural rate - how many weeks?
- excess vacation (staff can see it on their pay stub)
- number of vacation days remaining that must be scheduled before end of fiscal year - March 31 (on persons paystub)
- need to check if person will resign their current positions if outside an SAP site AND will be porting or mobilizing their benefits from local site in region to WRHA.
- Caution here: the manager from other position that employee is coming from has to be told by employee of her plans, if mobilizing etc, otherwise things get paid out.
- CRNM Registration # so you can check if currently registered online
- emergency contact person and phone number has it been updated in SAP?
- mailing address and phone or cell number latest (folks forget to contact HRSS when moving or changing phone)
NEW hires:
- copy of interview and score
- copy of Nursing education certificate or Degree - Manager must review. Employee or manager can upload into Success Factors under employee profile.
- copy of education certificates relevant to position (ICU course) - Employee or manager can upload into Success Factors. Manager must verify Education certificates before putting on pay scale.
- online Nurse Registration Check
- Resume already in Success Factor when employee applies
- interview scores x2 - no need to upload to Success Factors.
- reference checks - x2 - Manager to upload into candidate profile in Success Factors.
- Criminal record check (CRC) Employee when applies for this check can request to share with employer, so it will be sent electronically. Manager has to check if received as sometimes HRSS does not note in Success Factor if received or not.
- Adult abuse Reg check (AARC) - Employee or manager can upload into Success Factors.
- Child abuse Reg check (CARC) - " "
- [policy http://home.wrha.mb.ca/corp/policy/files/20.30.120.pdf WRHA-record check policy]
- must be current within 6 months if new employee
- state in comment section - PENDING if person is in the process of applying for record checks.
Other forms and things
- WRHA Hiring Forms
- ACTM form to ServiceDesk - network access and Setting up Regional EPR Access for Data Collectors - set up as a WRHA Data Collector Role
- Check off the EPR box on the ACTM form. In the EPR ROLE section put: see comment below/need access to Web Reports.
- In the comment section at the bottom of the ACTM form: Set up as a WRHA Data Collectors Role, as per accounts management instructions that is on file in Ehealth which also includes special instructions for EPR set up.
- also include which global address group to add to.
- Having Data collector xxdc account for EPR log in to EPR has some sot of bug that affects access to Reports. The DB people in eHealth have to run some sort of query to fix this when they set up. They have updated the setting up a WRHA Data Collector Role instructions on file to make sure this bit is not missed. (Used to be referred to as Sandy Kroeger instructions)
- get new employee to train for EPR on LMS
- WRHA ID card - go to: WRHA photo ID information WRHA website
- fill out site specific FORM site swipe card for site ID where applicable
- fill out site specific FORM for office key
- notify site manager where individual will be assigned
- check with employee if parking required
- staff to arrange parking on their own with the site assigned to. Site data collectors can help with contacts for parking and site keys and security forms.
- STB: Phone: call 237-2319 and be placed on a waiting list
- staff to arrange parking on their own with the site assigned to. Site data collectors can help with contacts for parking and site keys and security forms.
- organize orientation training with main office and then partnering scheduling.
- Employee must: set up epost account for pay statement if they don't have. Will need an WRHA employee ID.
- Instruction how to set up and register: go here
- Wiki set up: after Setting up a new wiki user a password is sent to person's work email (must check work email and enter correctly when registering new user on Wiki).
- Need to send them instruction on how to log in and change password. This is to both our Public and Private Wiki.
- request access to Saluvision
Make sure they have LMS account.
- online learning modules that are required to be completed. For more information, go to: LMS article.
- Sent link to LMS article on Wiki after employee hired and Manager has Registered employee on both Public and Private Wiki.
New employee Handbook
IT Support
See also: Active Directory and Group Policy Details
- computer accounts eHealth ServiceDesk - Go to ehealth service catalogue and fill out a eHealth service request FORMS.
- Send to electronic form by email to: Database Manager for signature.
- refer them to WRHA Data Collector Role instructions for NEW hires or for staff transferring into our WRHA program from another WRHA program. p:Tina Tenbergen can explain.
- network login access
- access to file share on Regional Server
- add RIS/PACS account
- EPR: Setting up Regional EPR Access for Data Collectors
- direct collectors to LMS training if needed.
- Send to electronic form by email to: Database Manager for signature.
- if the collector will collect data in a location new to our program, see Setting up a new location
- set up wiki account Setting up a new wiki user
- For info on setting up a new laptop for a collector, see Laptop Setup
Email Contact Group
Manager of the Data Collector Group Distribution list in Outlook: Database Manager
NOTE: Adding to distribution list is apparently included in the Data Collector Role instruction for accounts management team, for setting up new user but it does not always get setup.
To Add new hire to Global address Group mailing list:
- DC CC (Data Collection Critical Care)
- DC Med (Data Collector Medicine).
- Also subgroup mailing list for each Site.
Staff Resignation/Retirement
see Processes required when a data collector leaves/retires
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