CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2015: Difference between revisions

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* [[s_AdmitDischarge]]: added "inpatient" column to be able to run checks for [[Service Sending to ICU]] Ttenbergen 15:35, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
* [[s_AdmitDischarge]]: added "inpatient" column to be able to run checks for [[Service Sending to ICU]] Ttenbergen 15:35, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
* added cross-check queries ''s_tmp_Service_Sending_to_ICU'' and ''s_tmp_Service_Sending_to_ICU_duplicate'' for [[Service Sending to ICU]] Ttenbergen 15:35, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
* added cross-check queries ''s_tmp_Service_Sending_to_ICU'' and ''s_tmp_Service_Sending_to_ICU_duplicate'' for [[Service Sending to ICU]] Ttenbergen 15:35, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
* added cb_pick_Click() for s_dispo_chooser to update viewer; no data structure yet, so doesn't do anything yet Ttenbergen 15:45, 2015 June 22 (CDT)


Revision as of 15:45, 22 June 2015

see Log (disambiguation) for other uses of the term "Log" see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs

The CCMDB.mdb Change Log logs changes made to the CCMDB.mdb. New entries should be made at the top to be immediately apparent.

Enter requested CCMDB changes for the next version in that article.


must reconcile versions


not rolled out yet Ttenbergen 13:56, 2015 June 22 (CDT)

  • added to s_alldiagnoses: Adult failure to thrive Ttenbergen 13:56, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
  • removed query and check for s_tmp_CCU_Service_missing for CCU Service Tracking Ttenbergen 14:01, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
  • added to s_tmp: options for Service Sending to ICU Ttenbergen 14:55, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
  • s_AdmitDischarge: added "inpatient" column to be able to run checks for Service Sending to ICU Ttenbergen 15:35, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
  • added cross-check queries s_tmp_Service_Sending_to_ICU and s_tmp_Service_Sending_to_ICU_duplicate for Service Sending to ICU Ttenbergen 15:35, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
  • added cb_pick_Click() for s_dispo_chooser to update viewer; no data structure yet, so doesn't do anything yet Ttenbergen 15:45, 2015 June 22 (CDT)


rolled out. Ttenbergen 17:55, 2015 June 3 (CDT)

  • imported s_dispo table and related work-in-progress queries and tables from skipped version 2015-06-01. Ttenbergen 13:24, 2015 June 3 (CDT)
  • implemented Dispo_Chooser form, not yet hooked up. Ttenbergen 17:55, 2015 June 3 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 09:20, 2015 June 2 (CDT)

  • updated query s_tm+ccu_service_missing to only trigger for STB_MICU patients Ttenbergen 09:17, 2015 June 2 (CDT)
  • removed MsgBox "not done yet" Ttenbergen 09:17, 2015 June 2 (CDT)
  • reinstated the input mask for the tmp time Ttenbergen 09:17, 2015 June 2 (CDT)


not rolled yet Ttenbergen 10:41, 2015 June 1 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:26, 2015 June 1 (CDT)

  • adding CCU Service Tracking
    • added options to table S Tmp Ttenbergen 15:47, 2015 May 28 (CDT)
    • added code to module Tmp_Checker to run the queries Ttenbergen 16:27, 2015 May 28 (CDT)
    • adding code to check that consecutive locations are not same...
  • removed input mask from tmp time field, wasn't working right Ttenbergen 16:57, 2015 May 28 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 17:33, 2015 May 25 (CDT)

  • changed table s_AdmitDischarge location "Outside City" to "Outside City unknown" Ttenbergen 16:00, 2015 May 25 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 09:46, 2015 May 20 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 18:16, 2015 May 14 (CDT)

  • added Rifampicin, Rifampin to hover-over for anti-tb drugs Ttenbergen 15:52, 2015 May 13 (CDT)
  • removed twin entry for Var2 GH at GRA, it now should be a generic entry for all sites. This would have prevented Shirley from entering a discharge to GH from Vic. Ttenbergen 16:01, 2015 May 13 (CDT)
  • updates and fixes to Trach_Task#CCDMB_Data_Integrity_Checks Ttenbergen 18:14, 2015 May 14 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 11:32, 2015 May 11 (CDT)

  • no longer requiring er wait entry for incomplete patients. If a patient is complete, still required where applicable. If entered, still checking for consistency as before. (changed query s_tmp_ER_Wait_from_ER_no_ER_Wait) Ttenbergen 17:11, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • updated query check_overstay_not_entered to get its program() from that function rather than the ending letters of the location Ttenbergen 09:13, 2015 May 11 (CDT)
  • disallowed collection of plain code 7700 (Meningoencephalitis) since we have only specific pathogens allowed for this, and they each have a listed diagnosis (rather than infection coding with pathogen)Ttenbergen 10:31, 2015 May 11 (CDT)
    • checked centralized_data.mdb and there were no records where this data was bad Ttenbergen 10:31, 2015 May 11 (CDT)
  • disabled several legacy diagnoses that were still collectable; emailed Trish/Julie to find out what to do with CFE data.
  • Tracheostomy Site Infection (disabled dx 77408 and enabled 9308)


rolled Ttenbergen 13:56, 2015 May 4 (CDT)

  • removed some references to defunct fields in L_Pharm_Flow that kept the program from compiling. Ttenbergen 13:46, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • changed field formatting for dates in Medical Records report to yyyymmmdd hh:nn, was showing differently for different people and therefore putting ### into fields Ttenbergen 13:56, 2015 May 4 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 12:07, 2015 May 4 (CDT)

  • more date field width issues... Ttenbergen 12:07, 2015 May 4 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 11:42, 2015 May 4 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 11:14, 2015 May 4 (CDT)

  • found some error checks that apply to HSC_ICUs that didn't translate to new location designations, fixed. Ttenbergen 11:06, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • corrected the new names for HSC ICU locations and serial number sharing 2015-05-01 Ttenbergen 11:06, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • updated functions AdFrom_same_ICU and DisTo_same_ICU to check new locations and also check HSC IICU Ttenbergen 11:06, 2015 May 4 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:32, 2015 May 4 (CDT)

  • made discharge date field wider again, was showing "###" as it will when it doesn't have space for all of a date Ttenbergen 10:12, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • made date fields wider in medical records report, no idea what changed and why they would not be wide enough now. Ttenbergen 10:21, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • made date wider in labs tab, May dates are wider than other months. Ttenbergen 10:32, 2015 May 4 (CDT)
  • re-instating the code to make things work with Access 2003, not working for Grace otherwise. Ttenbergen 10:21, 2015 May 4 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 16:57, 2015 April 30 (CDT)

  • tweak to make sure new HSC ICU locations show up properly in dropdowns. Ttenbergen 16:57, 2015 April 30 (CDT)


was rolled earlier today Ttenbergen 16:57, 2015 April 30 (CDT)

  • visible
    • eliminated some stuff from sending that we don't need any longer now that we use Centralized rather than TMSX Ttenbergen 10:29, 2015 April 30 (CDT)
    • changed diagnosis category for Adrenalectomy to "Other OR" Ttenbergen 10:18, 2015 April 1 (CDT)
    • changed date formats in patient list to make them more similar to the format used in the patient viewer. Ttenbergen 15:54, 2015 April 29 (CDT)
    • added check that there can't be more than one entry for Comfort Care per pt. Ttenbergen 16:21, 2015 April 29 (CDT)
    • Added new HSC MICU locations as per HSC ICU locations and serial number sharing 2015-05-01 and inactivated old ones. Ttenbergen 16:58, 2015 April 29 (CDT)
  • likely invisible
    • renamed query L_Labs_Flowsheet_sum to Query L Labs total for consistency. Ttenbergen 14:15, 2015 April 16 (CDT)
    • added query s_tmp_comfort_care_gt_one for cross check for more than one entry for Comfort Care per pt. Ttenbergen 16:21, 2015 April 29 (CDT)
    • as discussed with Julie, changed module sending function Send_Data to no longer send to Tasks 1.mdb,Imaging.mdb,Pharmacy.mdb and TmpV2 1.mdb
    • as discussed with Trish, changed module sending function Send_Data to no longer send TMS output .csvs
  • edited form send_progress form to delete the things we no longer do Ttenbergen 10:36, 2015 April 30 (CDT)
  • deleted queries EdsCC and EdsMed that were used in sending to TMSX
  • deleted queries z_d_id_maker, z_log_test, s_tcc_test and z_tree_test, 2013* Ttenbergen 10:48, 2015 April 30 (CDT)
  • deleted old send queries that are no longer used: send_imaging, send_tasks, send_tasks_master, send_tmp, send_tmp_audit Ttenbergen 10:48, 2015 April 30 (CDT)
  • deleted old query 20130311_pharm_converter that was used only once when we changed the system Ttenbergen 10:48, 2015 April 30 (CDT)
  • imported ccmdb.mdb into a new clean file; TMSX stuff had been the hold-up. Ttenbergen 11:15, 2015 April 30 (CDT)
  • changed MainForm open code to not eliminate 2003 excel reference code Ttenbergen 11:15, 2015 April 30 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 12:22, 2015 March 30 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 17:38, 2015 February 5 (CST)

  • made sure ARF label from most recent previous version is only visible for critical care. Ttenbergen 14:57, 2015 February 5 (CST)


rolled out Ttenbergen 11:35, 2015 February 4 (CST)

  • added STB_5B_x to table s_tmp_er_wait_r_locations so that error checking will work properly, was giving false-positive pre-send error Ttenbergen 10:16, 2015 February 4 (CST)
  • Hospice - confirmed that JH, GH and BH are in table s_varOptions; added the descriptions as well.
  • moved window for query s_tmp_ER_Wait_has_tmp_not_from_ER higher on the screen, it was hidden at the bottom of the screen requiring scrolling before.
  • updated form View
    • LTV
      • changed label from "filter" to "LTV"
      • eliminated options no longer used from drop-down
      • made label into link to wiki
      • added the field to the hider function so it is shown only for CC as wiki says only used for CC
  • removed some erratic code from module tmp_checker that was trying to set form components when it is not run from that form
  • ARF
    • added hover-over hint to arf field; if you click in and hover over it it will tell criteria
    • changed label into link to ARF (APACHE)


Rolled out Ttenbergen 16:32, 2015 January 19 (CST)


rolled out Ttenbergen 15:26, 2015 January 15 (CST)

  • updated table s_tmp to hide QAInf, QASeptic and Cooling from Medicine where it is not collected. Ttenbergen 12:25, 2015 January 5 (CST)
  • updated function Validate_DOB(); it was doing a soft-reject at age 107, will now do hard reject at age 120 Ttenbergen 10:55, 2015 January 15 (CST)
  • changed s_Pathogens PCP (pneumoystic carinii) to PJP (Pneumocystis jiroveci) Ttenbergen 10:57, 2015 January 15 (CST)
  • S_VarOptions: added var1/2 locations for hospices, allow access from all sites: GH - Grace Hospice, JH-Jocelyn House, BH - Brummitt-Feasby ALS House
  • S_AdmitDischarge: added ZH-Hospice Care Center