IICU consult

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Active?: planned
Program: CC
Requestor: Bojan P / Jodi / Adrian
Collection start:
Collection end:


To capture the number of patient days waiting for transfer from acute ICU bed to IICU bed

Data Collection

For every Critical Care patient who has a consult to IICU, obtain the date and time order was written by ICU requesting IICU consult.

(We do not need the date when IICU doc answered consult at this time. Bojan. 2018_Nov_2.)

How to code

  • Project: IICU consult
  • Item: request written by ICU
  • Date (Column E): Date consult was written
  • Time (Column M): Time consult was written
  • Integer: not used
  • Real: not used
  • Checkbox: not used
  • Comment: not used


  • physician orders
  • consult form
  • IPN (integrated progress notes)


<clarifications, usually come up during first few days of collection>

Special Cases

<clarifications, usually come up during first few days of collection>.

Why not put this in Transfer Ready DtTm?

  • Why do we need a project to determine the patient days waiting for transfer when we already put in the Transfer Ready DtTm? I suggest we just put another option in the drop down for transfer ready which would read "waiting for IICU bed" and then you would have the information you need without a new tmp item. --LKolesar 07:59, 2018 November 6 (CST)
    • The definition for Transfer Ready DtTm says to enter the first time they are transfer ready. This may not be the first time. Also, we prefer not to add temporary data to existing fields because it would change their definition with special cases, and mess with cross-checks that are based on those fields. Ttenbergen 10:52, 2018 November 6 (CST)

Data use

validating resource use and need.

Study Run Times

  • start date: 2018-11-12
  • projected end date: 2019-06-30

Consistency Checks

<Any? Might want to wait for first bit of collection so that special cases don't stop collection or cause maladaptive data.>

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