Off ward field

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The Off ward field is set to true if the patient spent any time off ward after the Arrive DtTm.

Collection Instructions

The field is located underneath the Service/Location field.

If the patient spent any time after Arrive DtTm off ward, check the "off ward" checkbox.

The Service/Location field would contain the laptop's regular collection location, not the off-ward location.

The Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field and Previous Location field of the next encounter would use the Service/Location field of the previous collection location where available, not the off-ward location.

The Dispo field of the next encounter would use the Service/Location field of the next collection location where available, not the off-ward location.


EMIPs are in their collection location, e.g. GRA_EMIP, so they are not off ward. Don't check the field.

Parked in ER

Parked in ER (which we will no longer collect) for ICU transfers is before Arrive DtTm, so they are not "off ward". Don't check the field. Does this refer to the D4 beds temporarily on H7a and all our patients sitting on RR6 as we keep them under our initial ward profile location?

Data Use

Relevant to occupancy and some patient risks.


We used to collect related information in multiple places. Once we are comfortable with the new dispo fields we want to stop collection of the old fields. The fields are:

Old data would be transferred to new fields where the translation is not ambiguous. We can keep a snapshot of Centralized with the data pre-translation in case we ever want to go back to it.