Category:Diagnosis Coding (old)
VAP: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
Clarification of coding VAPS when moving patient between units in the city. VAP- Ventilator associate pneumonia.
When coding VAP's they are coded as "complication" when they occur at a specific center. However, when these patients are transferred to other centers and the VAP is still being treated, then the VAP should be coded as part of the admitting diagnosis. When Julie looks at VAP rates in ICU's she only looks for the VAP code in the complication slots. The site where the patient had the VAP occur in complication codes is the site that is given the credit. A unit where a patient has a VAP in the admitting diagnosis is not included in stats for VAP rates. When a VAP appears in the admission code slots, Julie tracks back to where patient came from and makes sure that the ICU prior to the transfer, coded the VAP in their complications, if not, you will get a query to audit the diagnosis.
This category has the following 51 subcategories, out of 51 total.
- ACS (old) (6 P)
- Allergic reaction (old) (5 P)
- Arrest (old) (7 P)
- Bleeding (old) (9 P)
- Chemotherapy (old) (2 P)
- Diagnosis not coded (old) (7 P)
- Drainage (old) (14 P)
- Empyema (old) (2 P)
- Endocrine (old) (14 P)
- Endoscopy (old) (4 P)
- Fistula (old) (10 P)
- Hypotension (old) (2 P)
- Influenza (old) (4 P)
- Liver (old) (14 P)
- Medical Procedure (old) (8 P)
- Necrotizing infections (old) (2 P)
- Old dx check (15 P)
- Orthopedic (old) (8 P)
- Other Overdose (old) (3 P)
- Paralysis (old) (8 P)
- Pathogen subcode number (old) (90 P)
- Pneumonia (old) (4 P)
- Pulm\Thoracic-OR (old) (21 P)
- SAH (old) (4 P)
- Shock (old) (6 P)
- SLE (old) (4 P)
- Stents (old) (5 P)
- Surgical Problem (old) (35 P)
- Thrombolytic Infusions (old) (4 P)
- Tracheostomy (old) (2 P)
- Tumor (old) (31 P)
Pages in category "Diagnosis Coding (old)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 783 total.
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- A-V Fistula insertion
- AAA Repair
- ABD-Major Vascular- POST OP
- ABD-Ruptured Viscus-NON POST OP
- ABD-Ruptured Viscus-POST OP
- ABD-Uncomp - POST OP
- Abdominal Perineal Resection
- Aborted GI Procedure
- Aborted Procedure 2nd to Complications
- Aborted Vascular Procedure
- Abscess Drainage-Neck
- Acalculous Cholecystitis
- Ace Inhibitors OD
- Acetaminophen OD
- Achalasia (Esophagus)
- Acute Abdomen NYD
- Acute coronary insufficiency
- Acute Glomerulonephritis
- Acute Hydrocephalus
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)
- Adrenal gland CA
- Adrenal Insuff - Addison's Disease
- Adrenalectomy
- Adult failure to thrive
- Afibrinogenemia
- AIDS (old code)
- Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
- Alcoholic Liver Disease
- Allergic reaction
- Alveolar Proteinosis
- Aminophylline (Theophylline)
- Amiodarone Lung
- Amyloidosis
- Anaphylactic Shock
- Anasarca
- Anastomotic Failure-Bowel
- Anastomotic Failure-Gastric
- Aneurysm
- Angiogram other
- Angioplasty
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Anoxic Encephalopathy 2nd to hypoglycemia
- Anoxic Encephalopathy 2nd to other
- Anoxic Encephalopathy 2nd to Trauma
- Anoxic Encephalopathy Hanging
- Anoxic Encephalopathy Post Arrest
- Anoxic Encephalopathy Post OP
- Anoxic Encephalopathy Postictal
- Anti Thrombin III Deficiency
- Anticonvulsant
- Any GI scope
- Aortic dissection post angioplasty
- Aortic Enteric Fistula Repair
- Aortic Insufficiency
- Aortic Stenosis
- Aortic-tracheal Fistula Closure
- Aorto-iliac Bypass Graft
- Aortofemoral bypass grafting
- Aplastic Anemia
- Appendectomy
- Appendicitis
- ARF (Diagnosis)
- Arrest
- Arsenic poisoning
- Art/Ven Embolus/Thrombus
- Arterial Embolect/Thrombect
- Artery Perforation Post Angioplasty
- Ascending Cholangitis
- Asthma
- Asthma-Severe
- AVR Repair/Replace
- Axillofemoral bypass grafting
- B12 Anemia
- Banding Esophageal Varices
- Barbiturates
- Betablocker OD
- Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Biliary Tree Cancer
- Biopsy (GU/OR)
- Bladder Cancer
- Blindness 2nd to Methanol OD
- Bone Cancer
- Bone Marrow Biopsy
- Bone Marrow Transplant
- BOOP (Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia)
- Botulism
- Bowel Cancer
- Bowel Obstruction
- Bowel Resection
- BP Control-Post Op
- Bradyarrythmias
- Brain Biopsy
- Brain CA
- Brain Stem Hemorrhage
- Brain Stem Hemorrhage 2nd to other causes
- Brain Stem Hemorrhage post angiogram
- Brain Stem Hemorrhage post STK or TPA infusion
- Braindead
- Brainstem Hemorrhage-NON POST OP
- Breast Cancer
- Bronchial Injury- POST OP
- Bronchial Injury-NON POST OP
- Bronchitis
- Bronchopleural Fistula
- Bronchoscopy/Laryngoscopy
- Bulimia
- Bullous Lung Disease
- Burns
- Bursa Drainage
- C-spine Fracture
- C-Spine Trauma - NO cord injury
- C-Spine Trauma+cord injury
- Calculus Cholecystitis
- Cancer - Primary Site Unknown
- CAP-Community Acquired Pneumonia
- Carbon Monoxide
- Carcinomatosis (Lung)
- Cardiac ablation
- Cardiac Contusion
- Cardiac injury- POST OP
- Cardiac Septal repair
- Cardiac valve- past HX of disease or replace
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiovascular Other
- Cardioversion
- Carotid Endarterectomy/bypass
- Castleman's Disease (Lymphoprolific Disease)
- Caustic Esophageal Injury
- Celiac Disease
- Central Line Related Blood stream Infection (CLR-BSI)
- Central Pontine Myelinolysis
- Cerebral Angiogram
- Cerebral Artery Vasospasm
- Cerebral AVM
- Cerebral Edema
- Cerebral Infarct Cause NYD
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cervical Myelopathy
- Cervix Cancer
- Cesarean Section
- Cholecystectomy
- Chronic Alcohol Abuse
- Chronic Drug Abuse
- Chronic Pancreatitis
- Chronic Stable Angina
- Churg-Strauss Syndrome
- CJD-Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- Classification of Angina
- Cleft Palate repair
- Closure of Colostomy
- Closure of Perforated Bowel
- Closure Wound Dehiscence
- Coagulopathy 2nd to Liver Failure
- Coarctation of Aorta- Repair
- Cocaine OD
- Colectomy
- Colostomy
- Coma NYD
- Compartment Syndrome
- Complication of anticoagulation therapy
- Concussion\Contusion
- Confusion/Delirium
- Congenital Diseases
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Conn's Syndrome
- Cook's Cath Insertion
- Cor Pulmonale
- Coronary Angiogram
- Coronary Atherectomy
- Coronary stent insertion
- Craniotomy-Non Traumatic
- CRF - Chronic Renal Failure
- Crohns Disease
- CV Bleeding NYD
- CVA 2nd to OTHER
- CVA-Cerebral Vascular Accident
- Cystectomy
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Cystitis (Bladder Infection)
- Cystoscopy
Media in category "Diagnosis Coding (old)"
This category contains only the following file.