Transfer Delay

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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: Transfer Delay
CCMDB Label: not stated
CCMDB tab: not stated
Table: Created_variables_common table
Data type: number
Length: single
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Created
Start Date: 1999-01-15
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 7

Transfer Delay is the difference between Dispo_DtTm and Transfer_Ready_DtTm in decimal days.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

It's is calculated by created_variables_common_maker query and stored in created_variables_common table in CFE.

Transfer Delay Over 4 hours in days for survivors - this is derived by subtracting 4 hours from Transfer Delay above.


  • This says it's only for survivors. Is that actually right, to exclude deceased pt? They were still delayed while alive so still "wasted" bed time. Excluding them may be inconsistent with our definition of Transfer Ready as the first time they are ready.
  • AG REPLY --- in general transfer delays apply to people who survived or who died. Not sure why the TD Over 4 hours seems to be limited to survivors, but on 4/8/20 I emailed Julie asking about that.
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Start Date

  • ICU (see infobox)
  • Medicine - Oct 1, 2003

data use

  • Quarter and Fiscal Year Reports of both Critical Care and Medicine Programs
  • Medicine Overstay Project
  • Critical Care Vital Sign Monitor Project
  • Critical Care Quality Improvement Team
  • Avoidable Days in ICU

IICU and H6 Reporting

For the ICU annual and quarter reports, the transfer ready delay to the IICU and to HSC H6 (LTV) will be reported separately from the transfer delay to the other Wards and home. This imply that in addition to the total transfer delay, there will be two more derived delay variables, namely:

  1. to HSC IICU/H6, and
  2. to other wards/Home (including nursing home/long term care facility)

The 'discharge to location' will be used to define the destination. As per Dr. Garland & Dr.Paunovic.

Calculation when transfer time missing

The following definitions are used by Julie in reporting from SAS, and by centralized_data_front_end.accdb to calculate the created_variables query.

For Critical Care 
   if discharge time  < 1000 HR then dummy=0001 HR (12:01 am),
   else if discharge time  >=  1000 HR dummy=1000HR  (10:00 am)

This is based on Critical Care Vital Monitor rule.

For Medicine, 
    if discharge time  < 1200 HR then dummy=0001 HR (12:01 am) ,
    else if discharge time  >=  1200 HR dummy=1200HR  (12:00 noon)

This is as per approval by Dr. Roberts .

Data Integrity Checks

Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)

none found

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