Sending Patients

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Sending Patients is the process of using the CCMDB.mdb to export the data collected patients that has been final checked to the format that can be imported into TMSX.

Wednesday is the weekly sending day

The day to send data is Wednesday.

If for some reason you cannot send in on a Wednesday, you must call Pagasa Data Processor prior to sending data on any other day of the week.

We are continuously working with these files on the Regional Server. In order not to lose any of the data files, the Data Processor must make sure that we close out of these files before you send in data on any other day of the week.

Ongoing preparation during collection

Whenever you complete collection for a patient, Final Check them. This runs some routines to check the data and marks the patient for export during the next send.

At any point during collection you might want to run the Pre-send Checker to find errors in your data. This will check on some of the data that we send for patients even if they are not final checked. If you run this occasionally during your collections then your chances of running into errors when you are ready to send become less.

Sending Data

To send on Send Day:

  • run News and Backup so you have a backup with the most possible information
  • check that all patients whom you want to send are Final Checked in Patient List
  • click the Send Records button
  • enter batch sent number which is one higher than the last batch sent
  • click "OK" and put in your initials (see that article on information to default the initials to your own)
  • reformat and notes for PDA_Status.csv
    • click Format, Column, Autofit, click,
    • discharges not sent will come up false
    • click on G and type reason not sent
      • We are not gathering this information simply to hound collectors. This important information is for the Statistician. She uses it to determine if she can release stats for regular reports and special projects. By knowing what is still out there and not sent in yet, she can make these type of decisions and also advise those requesting, exactly what the status of the files are. Decisions are made about analysis based on this important piece of data that we require each week. -TOstryzniuk 22:44, 21 January 2010 (CST)
    • exit and say yes to save all
  • Optional choice for to keep a record of batches sent by printing the Sent Report from ACCESS after sending which lists serial numbers and names of the patients in the sent file. Write at the top of the sheet the batch number and date sent. This sheet gets filed in a folder for future reference.
  • check your output data immediately after sending to make sure it is on the regional server, i.e. the corresponding folder will open automatically. file names in the output folder are automatically generated by Access following the sent files naming conventions; if the file is not there, contact Tina or Trish
    • Template:Discussion How often does a file not get across properly? Is this worth checking each time? If so, I should change the send function in CCMDB.mdb so the file gets opened automatically... But: if this is rare we should not clutter the process. I think this question will require input from Trish... Ttenbergen 11:26, 15 October 2010 (CDT)
      • How often does a file not get sent without an error being created in CCMDB.mdb? If this is common, I'll need to find out why. If it's rare, then is the "check" step necessary? Ttenbergen 17:59, 21 July 2011 (CDT) Template:Discussion
  • do not call Pagasa to check for you, if you can see it, it's there
  • if the output checked out OK you can Delete Final Checks by pressing the "Delete Final-checks" button. The program tells you how many rows are being deleted.
      • Tina, the program used to tell us how many rows were being deleted but that has not been the case for a long time. It would be nice to know the actual because it provides us with a quick & easy check to verify number of files deleted and it is an easy cross reference at the same time.--CMarks 08:05, 29 August 2011 (CDT)
  • run News and Backup once again to create a backup of the patients files now remaining in your data/ccmdb.mdb.


Paperwork is sent through the interhospital mail (MCL) and arrive with 1 to 2 days after electronically sending in the CSV files to the Regional Server.

The following forms are sent:

  • TISS
  • Green Sheets
  • the previous months log sheets are sent with the first envelope of the new month

Deleting Sent Patients

If I understand right you were using the Patient List to manage patients that were sent since you do not delete them right away. A lot of collectors seem to do something similar, but there are a lot of small differences which will cause problems when covering for each other. Maybe we can now change it so everyone can do this more efficiently.

What I have done now is to make it so that, after you send, all patients who were sent have their “record” field set to “sent” and their finalcheck set to false. This means that any new patients you set to “finalcheck” can be told apart from the previously sent patients, and would not be sent next time.

I also changed the “delete finalcheckeds” button to delete patients set to “sent” instead. This means that you can hit this button any time after you send. If you want to delete the sent records right away, pressing the button will still delete them. For those who like to keep the records for a few days, whenever you do press the button it will delete them whenever you are ready.


  • Can you think of any problems caused by standardizing it like this? Ttenbergen 16:20, 3 January 2011 (CST)

Keeping sent patients for reference

If you need to keep sent patients on your laptop for reference, you can do so and will still be able to send new "complete" patients. For PHIA reasons you should not keep excessive patient records, though, we should really only have the current working set on the laptops.

Historical:Filtering for complete patients

Historically the following used to be part of the send process:

  • Click "Edit Patients"
  • Click on the filter button (looks like a funnel/filter/wine glass) to review only profiles marked complete

This was required because data in ccmdb.mdb would get wiped out at each sync, so you would only want to fix those patients you were sending right now. To make it easy to identify these, there was a filter that would show only patients who had the record field set to "complete". This filter used to be triggered using the filter button on the Patient Viewer form. Note that this button does not filter for Final Checked patients, it filters for patients who are set to complete.

Template:Discussion Unless I hear that there is still use for this button, I will remove both the "Edit Patients" button and the filter button from CCMDB.mdb in the next round of changes. Speak now or forever hold your peace if you think there would be a problem with this. See Requested CCMDB changes for the next version#get rid of old buttons for the discussion on this, please lets keep it only there. Ttenbergen 11:31, 15 October 2010 (CDT)

What happens when patients are sent

The data below may not be up-to-date, check the actual Sending' module in the current CCMDB.mdb for the routines used in sending.

CCMDB.mdb does the following things in this order when sending:

  1. a check is run to see if the Regional Server is accessible
  2. ensure that the location and program are consistent, i.e. a CC location must end in "CU"
  3. Tmp_Checker makes sure that entries in L_TmpV2 are acceptable
  4. the output file for import into TMSX/MedTMS is generated
  5. generate Hosp_ward_pending.xls
  6. data is dumped into PDA_Pending.mdb
  7. PDA Status.csv is generated, and excel is opened to edit it to explain why discharged patients are not sent
  8. Output Databases
    1. open DBs
    2. data dumped to Greensheets.mdb
    3. data dumped to TASKS.mdb
    4. data dumped to TmpV2_1.mdb
    5. close DBs
  9. the Sent Report is displayed
  10. File explorer is opened to Regional Server\Output\<Hosp>_<Ward> to confirm files were sent