Category:Diagnosis Coding (old)

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Revision as of 15:03, 24 April 2008 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs) (New page: VAP: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Clarification of coding VAPS when moving patient between units in the city. VAP- Ventilator associate pneumonia. When coding VAP's they are coded...)
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VAP: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Clarification of coding VAPS when moving patient between units in the city. VAP- Ventilator associate pneumonia.

When coding VAP's they are coded as "complication" when they occur at a specific center. However, when these patients are transferred to other centers and the VAP is still being treated, then the VAP should be coded as part of the admitting diagnosis. When Julie looks at VAP rates in ICU's she only looks for the VAP code in the complication slots. The site where the patient had the VAP occur in complication codes is the site that is given the credit. A unit where a patient has a VAP in the admitting diagnosis is not included in stats for VAP rates. When a VAP appears in the admission code slots, Julie tracks back to where patient came from and makes sure that the ICU prior to the transfer, coded the VAP in their complications, if not, you will get a query to audit the diagnosis.


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