This procedure is a part of CCI Collection. This is one of the CCI component 1 codes - what organ was something done to.
Additional Info
Soft Tissue
- For joints and ligaments, see the appropriate code in Category:Bone/joint.
- For nerves, see the appropriate code in Category:Neuro Px
- For arteries, veins, blood vessels, see the appropriate code in Category:Vessel
- For organs, see the appropriate code in Category:Organ
- The hollow vicsuses (bladder, stomach, intestines, bronchi, gallbladder, uterus) all have their codes (see Category:Organ)
- skin
- subcutaneous tissue
- adipose tissue (fat)
- muscles
- tendons
- ligaments
Soft Tissue
- For joints and ligaments, see the appropriate code in Category:Bone/joint.
- For nerves, see the appropriate code in Category:Neuro Px
- For arteries, veins, blood vessels, see the appropriate code in Category:Vessel
- For organs, see the appropriate code in Category:Organ
- The hollow vicsuses (bladder, stomach, intestines, bronchi, gallbladder, uterus) all have their codes (see Category:Organ)
- skin
- subcutaneous tissue
- adipose tissue (fat)
- muscles
- tendons
- ligaments
Collecting "CCI collect each" items
- "CCI collect each" items are entered each time they happen
- Px Date
- Px Count
- if they happen more than once on a day, enter the number of times for that day, otherwise enter a Px Count of 1
Px Date for patients who move
See Px Date#Moves
Alternate CCIs to consider coding instead or in addition
Other procedure in Therapeutic Procedure:
Other procedure in thorax:
| Has CCI Picklist Code | Has CCI 1 Code | Has CCI 2 Code |
(D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS | | 2.GY | | (D) Axillary Lymph Nodes | | 2.MD | | (D) Breast | | 2.YM | | (D) Bronchi | | 2.GM | | (D) Esophagus | | 2.NA | | (D) Heart, NOS | | 2.HZ | | (D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS | | 2.MF | | (D) Lung | | 2.GT | | (D) Mediastinum | | 2.GW | | (D) Muscles of Chest and Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SY | | (D) Musculoskeletal System, NOS | | 2.WZ | | (D) Parathyroid Glands | | 2.FV | | (D) Pericardium | | 2.HA | | (D) Pleura | | 2.GV | | (D) Rotator Cuff | | 2.TC | | (D) Shoulder Joint | | 2.TA | | (D) Skin, NOS | | 2.YZ | | (D) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SZ | | (D) Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula | | 2.SL | | (D) Thymus | | 2.GK | | (D) Thyroid Gland | | 2.FU | | (I) Thorax | | 3.GY | | (I) Total Body | | 3.ZZ | | (T) Aorta, NOS | | 1.ID | | (T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HV | | (T) Axillary Lymph Nodes | | 1.MD | | (T) Breast | | 1.YM | | (T) Bronchi | | 1.GM | | (T) Cardiac Atrium | | 1.HM | | (T) Cardiac Conduction System | | 1.HH | | (T) Cardiac ventricle | | 1.HP | | (T) Coronary Arteries | | 1.IJ | | (T) Coronary Vessels, NOS | | 1.IL | | (T) Diaphragm | | 1.GX | | (T) Digestive System, NOS | | 1.OZ | | (T) Esophagus | | 1.NA | | (T) Gallbladder, Bile Ducts | | 1.OD | | (T) Heart, NOS | | 1.HZ | | (T) Interatrial Septum | | 1.HN | | (T) Interventricular Septum | | 1.HR | | (T) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes | | 1.MF | | (T) Liver | | 1.OA | | (T) Lung | | 1.GT | | (T) Mediastinum | | 1.GW | | (T) Mitral Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HU | | (T) Muscles of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 1.SY | | (T) Other or Unknown Part of Body | | 1.^^ | | (T) Parathyroid Glands | | 1.FV | | (T) Pericardium | | 1.HA | | (T) Pleura | | 1.GV | | (T) Pulmonary Artery | | 1.IM | | (T) Pulmonary Vein | | 1.IN | | (T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HT | | (T) Respiratory System, NOS | | 1.GZ | | (T) Rotator Cuff | | 1.TC | | (T) Shoulder Joint | | 1.TA | | (T) Skin, NOS | | 1.YZ | | (T) Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula | | 1.SL | | (T) Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, Brachial, Arm Arteries | | 1.JM | | (T) Surgically Constructed Sites in Digestive and Biliary Tract | | 1.OW | | (T) Thoracic Aorta | | 1.IC | | (T) Thoracic Cavity, anything inside, NOS | | 1.GY | | (T) Thoracic Duct | | 1.MM | | (T) Thoracic Vessels, NOS | | 1.JY | | (T) Thymus | | 1.GK | | (T) Thyroid Gland | | 1.FU | | (T) Total Body | | 1.ZZ | | (T) Trachea | | 1.GJ | | (T) Tricuspid Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HS | | (T) Vena Cava | | 1.IS | | (T) Vertebral Bones | | 1.SC | | CT of chest with PE protocol (CT angiogram of pulmonary vessels) | 3.JY.20 | | | CXR (plain film) | 3.GY.10.VA | | | Cardiac MRI | 3.IP.40 | | | Chest tube, left in place | 1GV.52.HA-TK | | | Thoracentesis (diagnostic) | 2.GV.52 | | |
Other procedure in abdomen:
| Has CCI Picklist Code | Has CCI 1 Code | Has CCI 2 Code |
(D) Abdominal, Pelvic or Peritoneal Cavity, NOS | | 2.OT | | (D) Adrenal Gland | | 2.PB | | (D) Anus, Rectum | | 2.NQ | | (D) Cervix | | 2.RN | | (D) Esophagus | | 2.NA | | (D) Fallopian Tube | | 2.RF | | (D) Gallbladder or bile ducts | | 2.OD | | (D) Hip Joint | | 2.VA | | (D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes | | 2.MG | | (D) Kidney | | 2.PC | | (D) Large Intestine | | 2.NM | | (D) Liver | | 2.OA | | (D) Muscles of Chest and Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SY | | (D) Musculoskeletal System, NOS | | 2.WZ | | (D) Ovary, Fallopian Tube | | 2.RB | | (D) Pancreas | | 2.OJ | | (D) Pelvic Bones | | 2.SQ | | (D) Penis, Scrotum | | 2.QE | | (D) Prostate | | 2.QT | | (D) Skin, NOS | | 2.YZ | | (D) Small Intestine | | 2.NK | | (D) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SZ | | (D) Spleen | | 2.OB | | (D) Stomach or Pylorus | | 2.NF | | (D) Testis, Related Structures | | 2.QM | | (D) Ureter, Bladder, Urethra | | 2.PM | | (D) Uterus, Related Structures | | 2.RM | | (D) Vagina | | 2.RS | | (D) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum and Gluteal Region | | 2.KT | | (D) Vulva, Perineum | | 2.RW | | (I) Abdomen, Pelvis | | 3.OT | | (I) Total Body | | 3.ZZ | | (T) Abdominal Aorta | | 1.KA | | (T) Abdominal Arteries, NOS | | 1.KE | | (T) Abdominal, Pelvic or Peritoneal Cavity, NOS | | 1.OT | | (T) Adrenal Gland | | 1.PB | | (T) Anus, Rectum | | 1.NQ | | (T) Aorta, NOS | | 1.ID | | (T) Appendix | | 1.NV | | (T) Cervix | | 1.RN | | (T) Diaphragm | | 1.GX | | (T) Digestive System, NOS | | 1.OZ | | (T) Female Genital Tract, NOS | | 1.RZ | | (T) Gallbladder, Bile Ducts | | 1.OD | | (T) Hip Joint | | 1.VA | | (T) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes | | 1.MG | | (T) Kidney | | 1.PC | | (T) Large Intestine | | 1.NM | | (T) Liver | | 1.OA | | (T) Male Genital Tract, NOS | | 1.QZ | | (T) Muscles of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 1.SY | | (T) Nerves of Lower Trunk, Leg | | 1.BT | | (T) Other or Unknown Part of Body | | 1.^^ | | (T) Ovary, Fallopian Tube | | 1.RB | | (T) Pancreas | | 1.OJ | | (T) Pelvic Bones | | 1.SQ | | (T) Penis, Scrotum | | 1.QE | | (T) Prostate | | 1.QT | | (T) Skin, NOS | | 1.YZ | | (T) Small Intestine | | 1.NK | | (T) Spleen | | 1.OB | | (T) Stomach, Pylorus | | 1.NF | | (T) Surgically Constructed Sites in Digestive and Biliary Tract | | 1.OW | | (T) Surgically Created Sites in Urinary Tract | | 1.PV | | (T) Testis, Related Structures | | 1.QM | | (T) Total Body | | 1.ZZ | | (T) Ureter, Bladder or Urethra | | 1.PM | | (T) Urinary System, NOS | | 1.PZ | | (T) Uterus and Surrounding Structures | | 1.RM | | (T) Vagina | | 1.RS | | (T) Veins of Abdomen, Legs | | 1.KR | | (T) Vena Cava | | 1.IS | | (T) Vertebral Bones | | 1.SC | | (T) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum, Gluteal Region | | 1.KT | | (T) Vulva or Perineum | | 1.RW | | AXR (abdominal plain X-ray) | 3.OT.10.VA | | |
Other procedure in soft tissue:
| Has CCI Picklist Code | Has CCI 1 Code | Has CCI 2 Code |
(D) Abdominal, Pelvic or Peritoneal Cavity, NOS | | 2.OT | | (D) Anus, Rectum | | 2.NQ | | (D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS | | 2.GY | | (D) Axillary Lymph Nodes | | 2.MD | | (D) Brain | | 2.AN | | (D) Bronchi | | 2.GM | | (D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS | | 2.MC | | (D) Esophagus | | 2.NA | | (D) Eye, NOS | | 2.CZ | | (D) Fallopian Tube | | 2.RF | | (D) Gallbladder or bile ducts | | 2.OD | | (D) Heart, NOS | | 2.HZ | | (D) Intervertebral Disc | | 2.SE | | (D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes | | 2.MG | | (D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS | | 2.MF | | (D) Large Intestine | | 2.NM | | (D) Larynx, NOS | | 2.GE | | (D) Liver | | 2.OA | | (D) Lung | | 2.GT | | (D) Lymphatic System, NOS | | 2.MZ | | (D) Mediastinum | | 2.GW | | (D) Ovary, Fallopian Tube | | 2.RB | | (D) Paranasal Sinuses | | 2.EY | | (D) Parathyroid Glands | | 2.FV | | (D) Pleura | | 2.GV | | (D) Prostate | | 2.QT | | (D) Small Intestine | | 2.NK | | (D) Soft Tissue of Arm, NOS | | 2.TX | | (D) Soft Tissue of Back | | 2.SH | | (D) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SZ | | (D) Soft Tissue of Foot, Ankle | | 2.WV | | (D) Soft Tissue of Head, Neck | | 2.EQ | | (D) Soft Tissue of Leg, NOS | | 2.VX | | (D) Soft Tissue of Wrist, Hand | | 2.UY | | (D) Spinal Cord, Spinal Canal | | 2.AW | | (D) Stomach or Pylorus | | 2.NF | | (D) Testis, Related Structures | | 2.QM | | (D) Thymus | | 2.GK | | (D) Thyroid Gland | | 2.FU | | (D) Ureter, Bladder, Urethra | | 2.PM | | (D) Uterus, Related Structures | | 2.RM | | (T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HV | | (T) Axillary Lymph Nodes | | 1.MD | | (T) Back, NOS | | 1.SJ | | (T) Breast | | 1.YM | | (T) Bronchi | | 1.GM | | (T) Cardiac Atrium | | 1.HM | | (T) Cervix | | 1.RN | | (T) Cochlea | | 1.DM | | (T) Glottis, Larynx, Related Structures | | 1.GE | | (T) Intervertebral Disc | | 1.SE | | (T) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes | | 1.MF | | (T) Lymph Nodes of Extremity | | 1.MK | | (T) Lymphatic System, NOS | | 1.MZ | | (T) Mediastinum | | 1.GW | | (T) Muscles or Soft Tissues of Head, Neck | | 1.EQ | | (T) Paranasal Sinuses | | 1.EY | | (T) Parathyroid Glands | | 1.FV | | (T) Prostate | | 1.QT | | (T) Soft Tissue and Muscle of the Hip and Thigh | | 1.VD | | (T) Soft Tissue of Arm, NOS | | 1.TX | | (T) Soft Tissue of Foot or Ankle | | 1.WV | | (T) Soft Tissue of Leg, NOS | | 1.VX | | (T) Soft Tissue of Orbit, Eyeball | | 1.CP | | (T) Soft Tissue of Wrist, Hand | | 1.UY | | (T) Testis, Related Structures | | 1.QM | | (T) Thymus | | 1.GK | | (T) Thyroid Gland | | 1.FU | |
Related ICD10 Codes
Related Articles
Related articles:
- Plasmapheresis (← links)
- IABP (← links)
- CCI Category (← links)
- Therapeutic Px (← links)
- CCI Component (← links)
- PD (Peritoneal dialysis) (← links)
- Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting) (← links)
- ECT (Electroconvulsive shock therapy to brain) (← links)
- HD (Hemodialysis) (← links)
- Liver dialysis (← links)
- CPR, cardiac resuscitation (← links)
- Bronchial thermoplasty (← links)
- Transfusion of WBC (← links)
- Transfusion of stem cells (← links)
- Transfusion of whole blood (← links)
- Cardioversion (EXCLUDE defibrillation-we are not tracking) (← links)
- Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting) (← links)
- Thoracentesis (diagnostic) (← links)
- CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) (← links)
- (T) Nose (← links)
- (T) Adrenal Gland (← links)
- (T) Liver (← links)
- (T) Urinary System, NOS (← links)
- (T) Total Body (← links)
- (T) Cervix (← links)
- (T) Lip (← links)
- (T) Trachea (← links)
- (T) Coronary Arteries (← links)
- (T) Breast (← links)
- (T) Mediastinum (← links)
- (T) Soft Tissue of Foot or Ankle (← links)
- (T) Vertebral Bones (← links)
- (D) Ureter, Bladder, Urethra (← links)
- (T) Interatrial Septum (← links)
- (D) Adrenal Gland (← links)
- (D) Thyroid Gland (← links)
- (T) Large Intestine (← links)
- (T) Soft Tissue of Wrist, Hand (← links)
- (D) Anus, Rectum (← links)
- (T) Testis, Related Structures (← links)
- (D) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx (← links)
- (D) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS (← links)
- (T) Pelvic Bones (← links)
- (D) Soft Tissue of Leg, NOS (← links)
- (T) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes (← links)
- (T) Soft Tissue of Orbit, Eyeball (← links)
- (T) Anus, Rectum (← links)
- (D) Skin, NOS (← links)
- (T) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx (← links)
- (I) Total Body (← links)