(D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS

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CCI component 1 codes - what organ was something done to
Procedure: (D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS
CCI 1 code: 2.MC
Start Date: 2019-01-01

This procedure is a part of CCI Collection. This is one of the CCI component 1 codes - what organ was something done to.

Additional Info

  • The head and neck region contains over 300 lymph nodes, of which include the supraclavicular lymph nodes

Collecting "CCI collect each" items

Px Date for patients who move

See Px Date#Moves

Alternate CCIs to consider coding instead or in addition

Other procedure in Diagnostic Procedure:
Other procedure in lymphatic system:
 Has CCI Picklist CodeHas CCI 1 CodeHas CCI 2 Code
(D) Axillary Lymph Nodes2.MD
(D) Lymphatic System, NOS2.MZ
(T) Axillary Lymph Nodes1.MD
(T) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes1.MF
(T) Lymph Nodes of Extremity1.MK
(T) Lymphatic System, NOS1.MZ
(T) Thoracic Duct1.MM
Other procedure in head/neck:
 Has CCI Picklist CodeHas CCI 1 CodeHas CCI 2 Code
(D) Brain2.AN
(D) Cranial Bones2.EA
(D) Ear, NOS2.DZ
(D) Esophagus2.NA
(D) Eye, NOS2.CZ
(D) Facial bones2.ED
(D) Larynx, NOS2.GE
(D) Musculoskeletal System, NOS2.WZ
(D) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx2.FK
(D) Nose2.ET
(D) Paranasal Sinuses2.EY
(D) Parathyroid Glands2.FV
(D) Rotator Cuff2.TC
(D) Skin, NOS2.YZ
(D) Soft Tissue of Head, Neck2.EQ
(D) Spinal Cord, Spinal Canal2.AW
(D) Thyroid Gland2.FU
(D) Vertebral Bones2.SC
(D) Vulva, Perineum2.RW
(D) other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine2.JX
(I) Head3.ER
(I) Neck3.FY
(I) Spinal Cord and/or Vertebrae (any segments)3.AW
(I) Total Body3.ZZ
(T) Brain1.AN
(T) Brain's Meninges, Dura, Subarachnoid, Ventricles1.AA
(T) Cardiac ventricle1.HP
(T) Carotid Artery1.JE
(T) Cochlea1.DM
(T) Cornea1.CC
(T) Cranial Bones1.EA
(T) Cranial Nerves1.BA
(T) Digestive System, NOS1.OZ
(T) Ear, NOS1.DZ
(T) Esophagus1.NA
(T) External Ear1.DA
(T) Eye, NOS1.CZ
(T) Facial Bones1.EG
(T) Glottis, Larynx, Related Structures1.GE
(T) Intervertebral Disc1.SE
(T) Intracranial Vessels1.JW
(T) Jugular, Subclavian, Arm veins1.JU
(T) Lens1.CL
(T) Lip1.YE
(T) Muscles or Soft Tissues of Head, Neck1.EQ
(T) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx1.FK
(T) Nerves of Ear1.BD
(T) Nose1.ET
(T) Other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine, NOS1.JX
(T) Other or Unknown Part of Body1.^^
(T) Paranasal Sinuses1.EY
(T) Parathyroid Glands1.FV
(T) Pituitary Region1.AF
(T) Retina1.CN
(T) Scalp1.YA
(T) Skin, NOS1.YZ
(T) Soft Tissue of Orbit, Eyeball1.CP
(T) Spinal Cord, Spinal Canal, Meninges1.AW
(T) Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)1.EL
(T) Thyroid Gland1.FU
(T) Tonsils, Adenoids1.FR
(T) Tooth, Gingiva1.FD
(T) Total Body1.ZZ
(T) Trachea1.GJ
(T) Tympanic Membrane1.DF
(T) Vertebral Bones1.SC
Angiogram, cerebral (including vertebral arteries)3.JM.10.V^
Other procedure in vessel:
 Has CCI Picklist CodeHas CCI 1 CodeHas CCI 2 Code
(D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS2.GY
(D) Arm Vessels2.JZ
(D) Arm, NOS2.TZ
(D) Axillary Lymph Nodes2.MD
(D) Bronchi2.GM
(D) Ear, NOS2.DZ
(D) Esophagus2.NA
(D) Gallbladder or bile ducts2.OD
(D) Heart, NOS2.HZ
(D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes2.MG
(D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS2.MF
(D) Leg, NOS2.VZ
(D) Lymphatic System, NOS2.MZ
(D) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum and Gluteal Region2.KT
(D) other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine2.JX
(I) Total Body3.ZZ
(T) Abdominal Aorta1.KA
(T) Abdominal Arteries, NOS1.KE
(T) Aorta, NOS1.ID
(T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures1.HV
(T) Arm, NOS1.TZ
(T) Arteries of Leg, NOS1.KG
(T) Artery with Vein, NOS1.KY
(T) Artery, NOS1.KV
(T) Axillary Lymph Nodes1.MD
(T) Blood Vessels, NOS1.KZ
(T) Bronchi1.GM
(T) Cardiac Atrium1.HM
(T) Carotid Artery1.JE
(T) Circulatory System, NOS1.LZ
(T) Coronary Arteries1.IJ
(T) Coronary Vessels, NOS1.IL
(T) Gallbladder, Bile Ducts1.OD
(T) Heart, NOS1.HZ
(T) Humerus, Radius, Ulna1.TK
(T) Interatrial Septum1.HN
(T) Interventricular Septum1.HR
(T) Intracranial Vessels1.JW
(T) Jugular, Subclavian, Arm veins1.JU
(T) Lymph Nodes of Extremity1.MK
(T) Lymphatic System, NOS1.MZ
(T) Other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine, NOS1.JX
(T) Other or Unknown Part of Body1.^^
(T) Pulmonary Artery1.IM
(T) Pulmonary Vein1.IN
(T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures1.HT
(T) Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, Brachial, Arm Arteries1.JM
(T) Thoracic Aorta1.IC
(T) Thoracic Vessels, NOS1.JY
(T) Total Body1.ZZ
(T) Vein, NOS1.KX
(T) Veins of Abdomen, Legs1.KR
(T) Vena Cava1.IS
(T) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum, Gluteal Region1.KT
Angiogram, aortic (any part of aorta)3.ID.10.V^
Angiogram, artery NOS (except specifically coded)3.KV.10.VX
Angiogram, cerebral (including vertebral arteries)3.JM.10.V^
Angiogram, coronary (diagnostic cardiac catheterization)3.IP.10.V^
Angiogram, pulmonary artery (pulmonary arteriogram)3.IM.10.V^
Angiogram, vein3.KX.10.VC
Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting)1.IJ.50.GQ-OA
Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting)1.IJ.50.GQ-BD
TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt)1.KQ.76.GP-NR

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