View table: _pageData

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Table structure:

  1. _modificationDate - Datetime
  2. _categories - List of String, delimiter: |

This table has 7,252 rows altogether.

Page _modificationDate _categories
! TISS76 Collection Guide (edit) 2017-03-02 11:46:48 PM TISS76 Legacy
!CognosComparer.accdb (edit) 2022-12-06 6:22:56 PM Cognos2 IT Instructions
!Update copy.bat (edit) 2025-03-18 10:18:08 PM Legacy Batch Files
"ActiveX component can't create object" error when sending (edit) 2020-08-13 4:10:26 PM Bugs
"Add Patient with Serial Helper" button (edit) 2020-04-15 2:06:06 PM
"almost same patient" check (edit) 2021-07-15 9:38:06 PM Multiple encounter finding and confirmation
"cannot open any more tables" in Access (edit) 2022-12-07 6:15:25 PM Bugs Questions To do
"copy patient demographics for questioning" button (edit) 2019-02-07 2:44:01 AM Data Processing
"Copy" Centralized data.mdb (edit) 2014-09-30 3:09:41 AM Centralized data push pull
"Copying" Centralized data.mdb (edit) 2019-02-07 3:00:33 AM Centralized data push pull Data Processing
"Delete Sent Patients" button (edit) 2022-06-08 8:09:32 PM CCMDB.accdb Main Form
"email collector about patient data" button (edit) 2019-09-22 4:45:55 PM Data Processing
"Err in Sub CognosDependentFormsRequery. No current record." when clicking "Close with updates" after entering from CSS (edit) 2023-04-11 2:34:43 PM Bugs
"exclude" button (edit) 2021-07-08 9:05:29 PM Cognos2 Cognos Report Integrator
"generate email" button (edit) 2022-06-14 8:01:50 PM CCMDB.accdb Data Collection Guide Patient Viewer
"Generate Person IDs" button (edit) 2021-07-27 7:48:02 PM
"Invalid procedure call or argument" when sending (edit) 2022-04-19 7:00:00 PM Fixed Bugs
"Invalid use of Null" error when going into a record after entering through CSS (edit) 2022-06-22 5:49:22 PM Fixed Bugs
"make loc" button (edit) 2022-02-02 8:39:03 PM CCMDB.accdb Patient Viewer
"Make Service" button (edit) 2021-01-14 4:26:16 PM CCMDB.accdb Patient Viewer
"MR List by oldest discharge first" button (edit) 2020-07-23 8:00:36 PM CCMDB.accdb Main Form Medical Records Requests
"MR Organizer" button (edit) 2022-05-18 9:59:27 PM Medical Records Requests
"No Transfer Date" in Medicine (edit) 2021-09-08 4:35:16 PM Legacy Content Transfer Ready
"Previous entry" button (edit) 2021-10-19 4:50:35 PM CCMDB.accdb Main Form
"Pull" Centralized data.mdb (edit) 2014-09-30 3:10:41 AM Centralized data push pull
"Pulling" Centralized data.mdb (edit) 2019-03-06 3:55:45 PM Centralized data push pull Data Processing
"Push" Centralized data.mdb (edit) 2014-09-30 3:10:50 AM Centralized data push pull
"Pushing" Centralized data.mdb (edit) 2019-02-07 3:05:12 AM Centralized data push pull Data Processing
"Re-connect Data" button (edit) 2022-03-25 2:46:46 AM Centralized data front end.accdb Centralized data push pull Data Processing
"set COVID and isolation" button (edit) 2021-06-28 9:36:08 PM CCMDB.accdb Data Collection Guide Patient Viewer
"set MRSA Colonized" button (edit) 2020-07-31 2:45:02 AM CCMDB.accdb Data Collection Guide Patient Viewer
"set previous location to pre-admit" button (edit) 2020-07-31 2:44:59 AM CCMDB.accdb Patient Viewer
"Show PatientFollow allocation" button (edit) 2020-10-21 4:54:29 PM CCMDB.accdb PatientFollow Project
"VA" button (edit) 2022-02-10 10:23:04 PM CCMDB.accdb Patient Viewer
"Vet all sent" button (edit) 2019-02-07 6:30:32 PM Data Processing
"Vetted" records revert to "sent" (edit) 2015-06-29 2:46:56 PM Fixed Bugs
"View exclusions" button (edit) 2021-07-08 8:55:09 PM Cognos2 Cognos Report Integrator
"You can't assign a value to this object" error (edit) 2019-09-22 4:42:59 PM Fixed Bugs
(D) Abdominal, Pelvic or Peritoneal Cavity, NOS (edit) 2023-09-20 12:41:16 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Reproductive Px Soft tissue
(D) Adrenal Gland (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:56 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Endocrine system Organ
(D) Ankle Joint (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:57 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg
(D) Anus, Rectum (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:49 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Soft tissue
(D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:53 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Respiratory Px Soft tissue Thorax Vessel
(D) Arm Vessels (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:44 PM Arm CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Vessel
(D) Arm, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:51 PM Arm Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Neuro Px Vessel
(D) Axillary Lymph Nodes (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:33 PM Arm CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Lymphatic system Soft tissue Thorax Vessel
(D) Bone Marrow (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:18 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ
(D) Bones, Joints of Foot, Toes (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:16 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg
(D) Brain (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:40 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Organ Soft tissue
(D) Breast (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:49 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Thorax
(D) Bronchi (edit) 2023-06-05 3:31:31 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Respiratory Px Soft tissue Thorax Vessel
(D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS (edit) 2022-12-28 5:02:12 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Lymphatic system Soft tissue Vessel
(D) Cervix (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:26 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Reproductive Px
(D) Cranial Bones (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:53 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck
(D) Ear, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:20 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Ear Head/neck Neuro Px Organ Vessel
(D) Elbow Joint (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:59 PM Arm Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px
(D) Esophagus (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:11 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Organ Soft tissue Thorax Vessel
(D) Eye, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:32 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Neuro Px Organ Soft tissue
(D) Facial bones (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:49 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Eye Head/neck
(D) Fallopian Tube (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:35 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Reproductive Px Soft tissue
(D) Femur (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:49 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg
(D) Gallbladder or bile ducts (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:41 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Gastrointestinal Px Organ Soft tissue Vessel
(D) Heart, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:35:25 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Soft tissue Thorax Vessel
(D) Hip Joint (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:11 PM Abdomen Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg
(D) Humerus, Radius, Ulna (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:53 PM Arm Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px
(D) Intervertebral Disc (edit) 2019-02-25 8:25:39 PM Back CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Soft tissue
(D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:01 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Soft tissue Vessel
(D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:35:34 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Soft tissue Thorax Vessel
(D) Joints of Fingers, Hand, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:22 PM Arm Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px
(D) Kidney (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:02 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Endocrine system Gastrointestinal Px Organ
(D) Knee Joint (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:42 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg
(D) Large Intestine (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:37 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Gastrointestinal Px Organ Soft tissue
(D) Larynx, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:56 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Organ Respiratory Px Soft tissue
(D) Leg, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:10 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg Vessel
(D) Liver (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:27 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Gastrointestinal Px Organ Soft tissue
(D) Lung (edit) 2023-06-14 5:04:57 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Respiratory Px Soft tissue Thorax
(D) Lymphatic System, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:52 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Lymphatic system Soft tissue Vessel
(D) Mediastinum (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:18 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Soft tissue Thorax
(D) Muscles of Back, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:59 PM Back CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px
(D) Muscles of Chest and Abdomen, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:34 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Thorax
(D) Musculoskeletal System, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:37 PM Abdomen Arm Back Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Leg Thorax
(D) Nasopharynx, Mouth, Oropharynx (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:58 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Gastrointestinal Px Head/neck
(D) Nose (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:15 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Organ Respiratory Px
(D) other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine (edit) 2024-04-29 2:29:23 PM Back CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Vessel
(D) Ovary, Fallopian Tube (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:14 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Endocrine system Organ Reproductive Px Soft tissue
(D) Pancreas (edit) 2018-12-21 9:32:34 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Gastrointestinal Px Organ
(D) Paranasal Sinuses (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:20 PM Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Respiratory Px Soft tissue
(D) Parathyroid Glands (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:57 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Endocrine system Head/neck Organ Soft tissue Thorax
(D) Pelvic Bones (edit) 2018-12-21 9:35:01 PM Abdomen Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px
(D) Penis, Scrotum (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:22 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Reproductive Px
(D) Pericardium (edit) 2020-01-23 10:23:06 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Cardiac Therapeutic Px Thorax
(D) Peripheral Nerves, NOS (edit) 2024-06-04 2:47:39 PM Arm CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Leg Neuro Px
(D) Pleura (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:23 PM CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Respiratory Px Soft tissue Thorax
(D) Prostate (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:26 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Organ Reproductive Px Soft tissue
(D) Rotator Cuff (edit) 2018-12-21 9:35:18 PM Arm Back CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Head/neck Thorax
(D) Sacrum, Coccyx (edit) 2018-12-21 9:35:30 PM Back Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px
(D) Shoulder Joint (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:31 PM Arm Back Bone/joint CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Thorax
(D) Skin, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:33:58 PM Abdomen Arm Back CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Ear Head/neck Leg Organ Thorax
(D) Small Intestine (edit) 2023-10-20 1:31:31 PM Abdomen CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Gastrointestinal Px Organ Soft tissue
(D) Soft Tissue of Arm, NOS (edit) 2018-12-21 9:34:00 PM Arm CCI 1 Procedure CCI Procedure Diagnostic Px Soft tissue
