This procedure is a part of CCI Collection . This is one of the CCI component 1 codes - what organ was something done to .
Additional Info
Collecting "CCI collect each" items
"CCI collect each" items are entered each time they happen
Px Date
Px Count
if they happen more than once on a day, enter the number of times for that day, otherwise enter a Px Count of 1
Px Date for patients who move
See Px Date#Moves
Vascular graft guideline
Keywords for different kinds of bypasses so this can be found when searching: Axillofemoral bypass grafting / ax-fem bypass / axillobifemoral bypass, fem-tib bypass, fem-pop bypass, aorto-bi-iliac bypass, aorto-biiliac bypass, aorto-fem bypass
Harvesting for the graft
If they take a vessel from elsewhere (often a vein) to do the bypass, then you can also code the harvest by combining the appropriate Therapeutic Px from Category:Vessel with Procure, Harvest, Obtain for Further Use . Obviously if they use a dacron graft, then there'll be no harvesting.
Placing the graft
the CCI1 code for the target (bypassed) vessel at which the bypass ends, not the origin vessel from which the bypass (and blood flow) begins.
the CCI2 code Bypass / Repair as appropriate
Procedures done to a graft at a later time
Procedures performed on vascular grafts (either synthetic grafts or vessels harvested from elsewhere for use) are coded just as you would if the same thing was done to the native vessel.
When something is being done to a graft that's already in place, the "body part" of the CCI component code isn't the graft but rather is the native vessel that was there before grafting.
Alternate CCIs to consider coding instead or in addition
Expand Other procedure in vessel:
(D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS 2.GY (D) Arm Vessels 2.JZ (D) Arm, NOS 2.TZ (D) Axillary Lymph Nodes 2.MD (D) Bronchi 2.GM (D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS 2.MC (D) Ear, NOS 2.DZ (D) Esophagus 2.NA (D) Gallbladder or bile ducts 2.OD (D) Heart, NOS 2.HZ (D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes 2.MG (D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS 2.MF (D) Leg, NOS 2.VZ (D) Lymphatic System, NOS 2.MZ (D) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum and Gluteal Region 2.KT (D) other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine 2.JX (I) Total Body 3.ZZ (T) Abdominal Aorta 1.KA (T) Abdominal Arteries, NOS 1.KE (T) Aorta, NOS 1.ID (T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures 1.HV (T) Arm, NOS 1.TZ (T) Arteries of Leg, NOS 1.KG (T) Artery with Vein, NOS 1.KY (T) Artery, NOS 1.KV (T) Axillary Lymph Nodes 1.MD (T) Bronchi 1.GM (T) Cardiac Atrium 1.HM (T) Carotid Artery 1.JE (T) Circulatory System, NOS 1.LZ (T) Coronary Arteries 1.IJ (T) Coronary Vessels, NOS 1.IL (T) Gallbladder, Bile Ducts 1.OD (T) Heart, NOS 1.HZ (T) Humerus, Radius, Ulna 1.TK (T) Interatrial Septum 1.HN (T) Interventricular Septum 1.HR (T) Intracranial Vessels 1.JW (T) Jugular, Subclavian, Arm veins 1.JU (T) Lymph Nodes of Extremity 1.MK (T) Lymphatic System, NOS 1.MZ (T) Other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine, NOS 1.JX (T) Other or Unknown Part of Body 1.^^ (T) Pulmonary Artery 1.IM (T) Pulmonary Vein 1.IN (T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures 1.HT (T) Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, Brachial, Arm Arteries 1.JM (T) Thoracic Aorta 1.IC (T) Thoracic Vessels, NOS 1.JY (T) Total Body 1.ZZ (T) Vein, NOS 1.KX (T) Veins of Abdomen, Legs 1.KR (T) Vena Cava 1.IS (T) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum, Gluteal Region 1.KT Angiogram, aortic (any part of aorta) 3.ID.10.V^ Angiogram, artery NOS (except specifically coded) 3.KV.10.VX Angiogram, cerebral (including vertebral arteries) 3.JM.10.V^ Angiogram, coronary (diagnostic cardiac catheterization) 3.IP.10.V^ Angiogram, pulmonary artery (pulmonary arteriogram) 3.IM.10.V^ Angiogram, vein 3.KX.10.VC Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting) 1.IJ.50.GQ-OA Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting) 1.IJ.50.GQ-BD TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) 1.KQ.76.GP-NR
Related ICD10 Codes
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(T) Total Body (← links )
(T) Coronary Arteries (← links )
(T) Interatrial Septum (← links )
(T) Other Vessels of Head, Neck, Spine, NOS (← links )
(D) Arm Vessels (← links )
(I) Total Body (← links )
(D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS (← links )
(T) Thoracic Aorta (← links )
(T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures (← links )
(T) Arm, NOS (← links )
(D) Intraabdominal, Pelvic, Inguinal Lymph Nodes (← links )
(T) Vessels of Pelvis, Perineum, Gluteal Region (← links )
(T) Ureter, Bladder or Urethra (← links )
(T) Heart, NOS (← links )
(T) Interventricular Septum (← links )
(T) Lymph Nodes of Extremity (← links )
(T) Artery with Vein, NOS (← links )
(D) Ear, NOS (← links )
(D) Cervical Lymph Node, Neck Region NOS (← links )
(D) Leg, NOS (← links )
(T) Abdominal Aorta (← links )
(D) Bronchi (← links )
(T) Artery, NOS (← links )
(T) Abdominal Arteries, NOS (← links )
(D) Esophagus (← links )
(T) Vein, NOS (← links )
(T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures (← links )
(T) Pulmonary Vein (← links )
(T) Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, Brachial, Arm Arteries (← links )
(T) Lung (← links )
(T) Axillary Lymph Nodes (← links )