CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2012

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The CCMDB.mdb Change Log logs changes made to the CCMDB.mdb. New entries should be made at the top to be immediately apparent.

Enter requested CCMDB changes for the next version in that article.


ver 2012-12-21

rolled out Ttenbergen 17:37, 2012 December 21 (EST)

  • changes collectors need to know about:
    1. implementing sending of modified Minimal Data Set to Centralized_data.mdb Ttenbergen 13:15, 2012 December 21 (EST)
  • details collectors don't need to know:
    • to implement (1),
      • added connection to OpenOutputDBs and CloseOutputDbs Ttenbergen 13:18, 2012 December 21 (EST)
      • changed Sub Send_Data() to trigger sending data to centralized_data.mdbTtenbergen 13:18, 2012 December 21 (EST)

ver 2012-12-19

rolled out Ttenbergen 18:35, 2012 December 19 (EST)

ver 2012-12-10

rolled out Ttenbergen 18:20, 2012 December 10 (EST)

ver 2012-12-05

rolled out Ttenbergen 19:22, 2012 December 5 (EST)

  • Concordia collectors need to know: added Concordia Ambulatory Care to Admit From & Discharged To locations. Ttenbergen 19:22, 2012 December 5 (EST)

ver 2012-12-03

rolled out Ttenbergen 17:20, 2012 December 3 (EST)

  • added s_tmp entry to implement IABP project. Ttenbergen 17:20, 2012 December 3 (EST)

ver 2012-11-22

rolled out Ttenbergen 17:44, 2012 November 22 (EST)

  • changes collectors need to know:
    • overstay error triggered for ICU Gra, fixed query check_overstay_not_entered to exclude GRA ICU Ttenbergen 16:21, 2012 November 22 (EST)
    • changed sorting of L_Tmp form to have entries show sorted better Ttenbergen 17:20, 2012 November 22 (EST)
    • fixed error that was making GRA MED Overstay turn red for all; (ran decompile to fix problem with program stopping in a spot in the VBA code that previously had a debug stop.) Ttenbergen 16:28, 2012 November 22 (EST)

ver 2012-11-19

rolled out.- Tina Tenbergen 14:48, 2012 November 21 (EST)

ver 2012-11-16 fix

rolled out Ttenbergen 10:59, 2012 November 19 (EST)

Forgot to update the version before rollout. This update will fix the ADL check for Overstay. The last version introduced a check that didn't work and always said the ADLs are missing, this should fix that. Ttenbergen 10:59, 2012 November 19 (EST)

ver 2012-11-16

rolled out Ttenbergen 18:35, 2012 November 16 (EST)

ver 2012-11-15

rolled out Ttenbergen 17:49, 2012 November 15 (EST)

  • fixed error in query s_tmp_overstay_from which was causing error when checking the "tmp" checkbox for a patient who has a form missing entry (removed form-missing criteria). Ttenbergen 17:49, 2012 November 15 (EST)

ver 2012-11-05

rolled out Ttenbergen 18:26, 2012 November 5 (EST)

  • added a "Transferred form" entry to Overstay Ttenbergen 18:22, 2012 November 5 (EST)
  • updated query Query check overstay not entered to reflect different starting dates at StB.
  • fixing Allied Health issue Con described

ver 2012-11-01

Rolled out Ttenbergen 21:01, 2012 November 1 (EDT)

  • Changes affecting collectors:
    • enabled Overstay project for StB
    • changed label for y/n heparin to say "heparin cont inf" to distinguish from heparin S/C
    • set up Allied_Health_Consults project entries in s_tmp
    • made Pharm_flow and Labs tabs invisible for medicine Ttenbergen 20:09, 2012 November 1 (EDT)
  • Changes behind the scenes:
  • Overstay Predictor Project for STB
    • added entries to s_tmp Ttenbergen 15:38, 2012 November 1 (EDT)
    • added check to ensure an overstay entry is present for pt who should have one Ttenbergen 21:01, 2012 November 1 (EDT)

that is counted Ttenbergen 15:41, 2012 November 1 (EDT)

ver 2012-10-19

rolled out Ttenbergen 22:19, 2012 October 24 (CDT)

  • changes that will affect data collection
    • changed pharmacy form:
      • can see several lines for counted drugs to facilitate counting
      • increase space for counted drugs so I could tilt them again, rather than having to have them vertical
        • tilted to 30degrees, i.e. flatter than before the Sept change, should be easier on necks...
      • no more lines for y/n drugs, takes up least space and has simplest entry that way
      • increased font size for counted drugs
      • "hover" feature will still be available
      • corrected the LOS checker for Pharmacy Ttenbergen 21:50, 2012 October 23 (CDT)
  • behind-the-scenes changes, should not affect data collection:
    • adding code to automatically store the colour generated by the Overstay button Ttenbergen 15:56, 2012 October 19 (CDT)
    • added sub Generate_tmp_entry to be programmatically add tmp entries (this also sets us up for Automatic Generation of TMP entries but that is not implemented yet) Ttenbergen 15:56, 2012 October 19 (CDT)
      • added columns to table S_Tmp to control functionality Ttenbergen 15:56, 2012 October 19 (CDT)
      • adding filters to use those columns to
        • tmp tab viewing (only there if auto_cant_edit is false) Ttenbergen 15:56, 2012 October 19 (CDT)
        • project and item dropdown in tab Ttenbergen 15:59, 2012 October 19 (CDT)
        • project and item dropdown dropdown in editor Ttenbergen 16:06, 2012 October 19 (CDT)
    • data changes
      • removed table L_Pharm and updated VBA in DB_Connect() etc to no longer look for it
      • deleted drugs no longer counted or now y/n as of 2012-09 from L_Pharm_Flowsheet
      • added y/n drugs to table L_Log (each patient can only have one of each...)
      • changed query L_Pharm_FlowSheet_sum to use L_Log Pharm_* to generate data for y/n drugs Ttenbergen 15:37, 2012 October 22 (CDT)
      • updated converter to accommodate new data structure Ttenbergen 21:28, 2012 October 22 (CDT)

ver 2012-10-15

rolled out Ttenbergen 14:19, 2012 October 15 (CDT)

ver 2012-10-01-01

rolled out Ttenbergen 16:37, 2012 October 1 (CDT)

ver 2012-10-01

rolled out Ttenbergen 11:02, 2012 October 1 (CDT)

ver 2012-09-26-5

rolled out Ttenbergen 16:40, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

  • changed Diags form to display diagnoses that have been deleted. When we deleted Panelling or Discharge Planning collectors were getting errors about it but unable to change it because the lines were no longer visible. Ttenbergen 16:40, 2012 September 26 (CDT)
    • removing 90600 is causing problems. Sorry about that, therefore, this is what we will do until we actually go to ICD 10:
      • Restore DX code 906 but split as follows:
        • 906-1 Paneling
        • 906-2 Discharge planning

ver 2012-09-26-4

rolled out Ttenbergen 15:28, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

  • enabled scroll bar in Pharmacy tab Ttenbergen 15:28, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

ver 2012-09-26-3

rolled out Ttenbergen 15:02, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

  • to fix problems with LOS check in Pharmacy, changed LOS for purpose of PharmCheck to
    • WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(Nz(Form_View.R_DisDate) + Nz(Form_View.R_DisTime, 1) - Nz(Form_View.R_AdmDate, 0), 1)

ver 2012-09-26-2

rolled out Ttenbergen 10:17, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

  • fixed problem with MR button created by changes in ver 2012-09-06Ttenbergen 10:17, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

ver 2012-09-26

rolled out Ttenbergen 09:14, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

  • previous change broke the sorting buttons on the PatientList. Fixed. Ttenbergen 09:14, 2012 September 26 (CDT)
  • compiled the code for clean-up, eliminated references to some old fields that no longer exist. Ttenbergen 09:14, 2012 September 26 (CDT)

ver 2012-09-06

Rolled out Ttenbergen 16:36, 2012 September 25 (CDT)

changes collectors need to know

  • deleted diagnosis Panelling or Discharge PlanningTtenbergen 14:03, 2012 September 11 (CDT)
  • changed wording for QA Septic Shock entry "First SBP<90" to "BP Criteria" Ttenbergen 11:06, 2012 September 12 (CDT)
  • added HSC H6 to Admit From & Discharged To list -- Ttenbergen 16:17, 2012 September 20 (CDT)
  • Pharmacy
    • made changes for new pharmacy counts vs y/n entries -- Ttenbergen 18:03, 2012 September 19 (CDT)
    • made remaining count fields in pharmacy wider so at least part of a 3rd digit is visible; left at that due to lack of space -- Ttenbergen 11:48, 2012 September 20 (CDT)
  • implemented changes discussed in Feedback Request - Patient List:
    • eliminated room number -- Ttenbergen 11:54, 2012 September 20 (CDT)
    • combined fields to save space into LastName, FirstName (DOB|chart|PHIN) -- Ttenbergen 11:58, 2012 September 20 (CDT)
    • increased space for the notes field on Patient list; still, only the very first bit will be visible -- Ttenbergen 12:22, 2012 September 20 (CDT)

other changes

  • cleaned up s_varoptions for
  • changed Overstay to change how missing data is handled Ttenbergen 14:16, 2012 September 13 (CDT)
  • removed "Compact/repair" button from Main Form, it never worked and can't work while program is open. See Fix for instructions on what to do when you might have wanted to use this button. Ttenbergen 14:30, 2012 September 21 (CDT)

ver 2012-08-31 - Transition to new Regional Server

rolled out Ttenbergen 16:57, 2012 August 31 (CDT)

  • changed VBA over to use new regional serverTtenbergen 14:17, 2012 August 31 (CDT)
    • changed Function Regional_server() to return "\\\WRHA\REGIONWRHA\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\"
    • searched for any remaining instances of sbghnwfs0102 and replaced with Regional_server()
    • confirmed that sending code does not include any references to he old regional server
  • updated some fonts on the viewer to be consistent Ttenbergen 14:28, 2012 August 31 (CDT)

ver 2012-08-22

rolled out yet Ttenbergen 16:03, 2012 August 22 (CDT)

  • reverted sorting of the DxChooser form to sort by code; somehow got changed unintentionally. Ttenbergen 15:43, 2012 August 22 (CDT)

ver 2012-07-27

rolled out Ttenbergen 14:04, 2012 August 21 (CDT)

  • added the from_residence entries for Overstay Project
  • changed algorithm for overstay to include residence info Ttenbergen 14:06, 2012 July 27 (CDT)
  • changed algorithm for overstay to make "exceptions" yellow, not green Ttenbergen 14:06, 2012 July 27 (CDT)
  • waiting for an answer to Overstay_Predictor_Project_Collection_Instructions#colour_if_data_is_missing before finishing implementation Ttenbergen 14:06, 2012 July 27 (CDT)
    • will leave this as guesswork for now, can fix later, I need to roll this out because it has a collection fix in it. Ttenbergen 13:58, 2012 August 21 (CDT)
  • changed overstay checker to only run at overstay locations (for the rest the button should just go/stay gray) Ttenbergen 13:56, 2012 August 21 (CDT)

ver 2012-07-13

rolled out Ttenbergen 16:24, 2012 July 20 (CDT)

ver 2012-07-06

rolled out Ttenbergen 15:42, 2012 July 6 (CDT)

ver 2012-06-07

Rolled out Ttenbergen 15:16, 2012 June 28 (CDT)

This also applies to [CCMDB_data.mdb_Change_Log#2012-06-07] Ttenbergen 17:33, 2012 June 7 (CDT)

  • did a compile on all code and identified a lot of left-overs; commented them out Ttenbergen 16:13, 2012 June 7 (CDT)
    • specifically some of the rejecter functions were changed Ttenbergen 16:15, 2012 June 7 (CDT)
  • changed the DB_converter module to cope with [CCMDB_data.mdb_Change_Log#2012-06-07] Ttenbergen 16:13, 2012 June 7 (CDT)
    • Changed pharmacy check to not require admit or discharge times; not always available at the time of completing the pharm entry. Ttenbergen 15:05, 2012 June 18 (CDT)

ver 2012-05-09

rolled out Ttenbergen 13:01, 2012 May 9 (CDT)

  • Regional server addressing hard-coded to fix problem with unresolved address causing Pagasa report to not be generated. Ttenbergen 12:54, 2012 May 9 (CDT)

ver 2012-05-03

rolled out Ttenbergen 13:24, 2012 May 3 (CDT)

  • moved sending of .csv to the end of the send function to ensure that if anything goes wrong that data will not be sent, i.e. if collectors check for it they won't assume that if it is there, all else went OK as wellTtenbergen 13:24, 2012 May 3 (CDT)
  • fixed problem where not entering a Postal Code would give a bad procedure call errorTtenbergen 13:24, 2012 May 3 (CDT)

ver 2012-05-02

rolled out Ttenbergen 11:45, 2012 May 2 (CDT)

  • Fix for send problems, collectors were getting an "insert into" error upon sending. Data for pharmacy and tmp would not have been sent.
    • there was a problem with query L_Pharm_FlowSheet_sum; not sure how it happened since I don't think I changed anything in it; fixed now

ver 2012-04-12

rolled out Ttenbergen 16:36, 2012 May 1 (CDT)

  • Changes behind the scenes
    • adding Overstay Module for Overstay Predictor Project to generate Overstay colour Ttenbergen 10:11, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • adding form elements to give colour for Overstay Predictor Project Ttenbergen 10:11, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • added variables for Overstay Predictor Project to the tmp tableTtenbergen 10:11, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • moved postal code checks from temp checker into checkforms, will now run based on checkmarks/finalcheck. Ttenbergen 12:22, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • deleted Pharm form Ttenbergen 13:47, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • deleted lines to call lab and pharmacy pivoters from sub Pivot_all Ttenbergen 14:56, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • deleted query L_PharmacySort, L_Labsort had already been deleted Ttenbergen 14:56, 2012 April 12 (CDT)
    • deleted table s_drugs and s_counts Ttenbergen 14:56, 2012 April 12 (CDT)

ver 2012-04-02

rolled out Ttenbergen 12:09, 2012 April 2 (CDT)

ver 2012-03-16

rolled out Ttenbergen 17:43, 2012 March 16 (CDT)

  • added cisatracurium to hints for paralytics in pharmacy form Ttenbergen 17:27, 2012 March 16 (CDT)
  • confirmed eptifibatide and added tirofiban to hints for biologics in pharmacy form Ttenbergen 17:30, 2012 March 16 (CDT)
  • Changed DX code label: 42900 to Liver Transplant, had been "Liver Transplant Problems"Ttenbergen 17:37, 2012 March 16 (CDT)
  • added erthyropoietin to hints for EPO-type drugs Ttenbergen 17:39, 2012 March 16 (CDT)

ver 2012-03-09

rolled out Ttenbergen 15:51, 2012 March 9 (CST)

  • Updated database to be current version of Access in preparation for some future changes. Everything should look the same as before, no visible changes.

ver 2012-03-01

rolled out Ttenbergen 13:14, 2012 March 1 (CST)

  • Fixed diagnosis yellowing error
    • diagnosis were yellow even when nothing was wrong. Reason is form got actually saved with yellow fields, meaning they were yellow rather than neutral on open. changed default colour back to neutral.

ver 2012-01-18

rolled out Ttenbergen 09:44, 2012 February 16 (CST)

Changes collectors should know about

  • corrected error for Panelling/Discharge Planning error to read that admit and transfer date need to be same (used to wrongly say admit and discharge date) Ttenbergen 12:08, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • Pharmacy changes
    • added "eptifibatide" to Pharm_Flow bottom biologics hover-over Ttenbergen 11:54, 27 January 2012 (CST)
    • changed font colours to all-same (black and dark blue) to improve contrast. Ttenbergen 12:21, 27 January 2012 (CST)
    • changed "azoles" label in pharmacy to "azoles (anti-fungal)" Ttenbergen 12:22, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • changed 'hospital_previous dropdown' to show town name first (i.e. sort by town name) Ttenbergen 12:31, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • checks for Med Var 1 - Admit-from Ward and Med Var 2 - Discharge-to Ward will trigger correctly now

Changes behind the scenes

  • changed the order in which error msgs are displayed for reg complete to not have errors dropped off the edge of the screen by the repeat errors I still have not been able to fix. Ttenbergen 13:33, 18 January 2012 (CST)
  • deleted "re-send pharmacy" button and associated VBA, we are done with that. Ttenbergen 11:36, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • Error discovered in programming: relocated DisTo_Var2_reconcile from Discharge-Date validator to discharge-to validator, had been put there mistakenly. see Med Var 2 - Discharge-to Ward Ttenbergen 16:25, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • Error discovered in programming: relocated AdFrom_Var1_reconcile from Admit-Date validator to admit-from validator, had been put there mistakenly. see Med Var 1 - Admit-from Ward Ttenbergen 16:25, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • Error discovered in programming: RnVars_Yellower wasn't being run by FinalCheck_Click(), added it to the list of checks run Ttenbergen 16:33, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • changed adm/trans/dis Dt/tm validation to not each run ADT_Chronological and long_LOS so the error won't show 6 times. Check is only triggered by checking registry complete now. To make sure nothing slips through, any change to the dt/tm fields will uncheck reg complete now. Ttenbergen 16:41, 27 January 2012 (CST)
  • changed Pharm_Flow double-click so it will work right when double-clicking to up previously typed value. (made Sub up_one write value to table before upping it) Ttenbergen 14:47, 2012 February 9 (CST)
  • changed Function admit1 to work properly when the diagnosis priority is not an integer Ttenbergen 15:55, 2012 February 9 (CST)
  • spun out Function Panelling_admit_transfer_same to control better when it is run, ie. make sure it runs when dx or either date changes Ttenbergen 16:24, 2012 February 9 (CST)

ver 2012-01-05

rolled out Ttenbergen 15:38, 10 January 2012 (CST)

tested via (Test_Plans_2012#ver 2012-01-05 testing - article was cleaned up Ttenbergen 09:46, 2014 June 2 (CDT))Ttenbergen 15:38, 10 January 2012 (CST)

  • changes collectors will notice...
    • changed colouring of L_Pharm_Flow_* forms to improve contrast Ttenbergen 16:45, 5 January 2012 (CST)
    • changed dropdowns for Med Var 1 and Med Var 2 to allow wards from other hospitals, sorting the local wards first Ttenbergen 08:46, 6 January 2012 (CST)
    • added the */+/- buttons to the date in tmp form as well (good suggestion Debbie) Ttenbergen 08:55, 6 January 2012 (CST)
    • added the */+/- buttons to the date in Pharmacy form as well (good suggestion Marie) Ttenbergen 15:01, 6 January 2012 (CST)
    • added label for boolean for postal codes to show that it should be checked if unavailable Ttenbergen 15:03, 6 January 2012 (CST)
    • added check to require that either a postal code is present or the checkbox is checked Ttenbergen 15:59, 6 January 2012 (CST)
    • adding Panelling_or_Discharge_Planning#Data Integrity RuleTtenbergen 16:50, 6 January 2012 (CST)
    • added blank line requirement for Pharmacy collection Ttenbergen 11:17, 9 January 2012 (CST)
    • took DeviceUse Study off the dropdown for tmp studies Ttenbergen 14:08, 9 January 2012 (CST)
    • fixed the Pat_ID that had somehow gone missing from sending, also added send_dttm to Pharmacy sending for future troubleshooting. Ttenbergen 16:15, 9 January 2012 (CST)
    • added ugly pink temporary Re-send Pharmacy button to re-send pharmacy for previously sent patients (i.e. patients that have "record" set to "sent")Ttenbergen 16:44, 9 January 2012 (CST)
  • re-applied the long-stay change that got deleted together with the Pharmacy Sending fix. Ttenbergen 16:57, 9 January 2012 (CST)
  • behind-the-scenes changes...
    • deleted L_Pharm_Flow because not used now, *top and *bott are straight on the View form instead Ttenbergen 16:45, 5 January 2012 (CST)

ver 2012-01-04

rolled out Kmorris2 13:26, 4 January 2012 (CST)

  • Allow spaces in First Name (fix function real_char)