Category:Diagnosis Coding (old)

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This category will include content regarding diagnosis coding

    • April 17th, a large amount of DX codes were imported here. It will take some time to sort this section out.TOstryzniuk 22:21, 20 April 2009 (CDT)
  • old diagnosis code mapped & converted to new infection codes June, 26.06. (need to upload PDF of infection code map and link here for reference).TOstryzniuk 18:37, 12 February 2009 (CST)

  • The CATEGORIES for Diagnosis codes are going to be set up more simple than what is on the PDA and code book. Example:
  • Neurological Problems
  • Neurolgical Surgery
  • Cardiovascular Problems
  • Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Pulmonary Thoracic Surgery
  • etc.......
  • Diagnostic Procedure (will be reigned into this category here on the WIKI instead of being scattered around the code book under different organ system).
  • Subcoded items will also be separate article and grouped under relevant categories.
  • TOstryzniuk 10:49, 24 April 2009 (CDT)

Discussion re printing the diagnostic index


  • moved here from contact TRISH.

This probably should not be here but since there is no better spot I'll leave it for now. If it gets big we can move it to a more appropriate place.

  • Trish; I will be makeing copies of the diagnostic index as there are several units and icu where I won't have computer access!! wendy turner
    • Wendy, where from will you copy it? And why several? The paper version we used to use is out of date, you would go from information that has been changed and which is therefore inaccurate now. What are you actually trying to look up? Please post here and lets find out if there is a better solution. Ttenbergen 16:30, 28 April 2009 (CDT)
      • Hi Wendy, I saw your posting on the WIKI. Way to go! Good work.
What do you mean by making copies? The WIKI guideline information is always changing and being updated therefore I don’t want you to be printing out all the information. You will end up using information that will not be up-to-date. I am not clear by what you mean by several copies?
I have suggested to Tina that when we get laptops going, that each collector can download a update of WIKI on their laptop. This way you will have access to guide information while in the field where you may not have access to a computer to look up info. She is looking into this. I think this would be the best solution, Portable guidelines. TOstryzniuk 08:59, 29 April 2009 (CDT)
Thanks Trish

Pages in category "Diagnosis Coding (old)"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 783 total.

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Media in category "Diagnosis Coding (old)"

This category contains only the following file.