Function long LOS()

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Revision as of 11:57, 2018 September 25 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "| DIC_app" to "| DIC_timing = complete always | DIC_app")
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Data Integrity Checks
Summary: LOS/Length of Stay should not be unlikely long based on historical LOS for a given ward (Service/Location field).
Related: [[LOS]]
Firmness: soft check
Timing: complete always
App: CCMDB.mdb
Coding: Function long_LOS()
Uses L Problem table: not relevant for this app
Status: implemented
Implementation Date: 2014-01-01
Backlogged: true
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"CCMDB.mdb" is not in the list (CCMDB.accdb, Centralized data front end.accdb, TISS28.accdb, SAP, DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb, not entered) of allowed values for the "DICApp" property. 
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This was probably implemented much earlier, but can't find reference before this.

The statistician provided mean LOS + 3 standard variations. This is stored in s_dispo table field meanLOS3STD.

The function compares the difference between Dispo DtTm field and Arrive DtTm field (not Accept DtTm field) to this meanLOS3STD and gives a warning (an error that can be OK'd past) if the current patient has been there longer.

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