DSM data
This page is about the data elements we receive from DSM. We send them a request, the provide us the DSM Lab Extract, and we have an import process that stores a subset of the data in the L_Labs_DSM table using DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb.
The data in DSM Lab Extract contains one or more lines per any test performed for patients who are in our unit at any point in their stay, processed and filtered as per Lab identification in the DSM data. Our statistician can extract additional lab info from this as needed if we don't store it in general. We store results for the following tests.
DSM results we store
via labs
- Creatinine as taken from Creatinine
- MG as taken from Magnesium
- SGPT (ALT) as taken from ALT
- Troponin as taken from hs Troponin T
- CBC as taken from HGB
- PT as taken from PT (seconds)
- PTT as taken from Par Thrombo Time
- INR as taken from INR
- Arterial pH as taken from Arterial pH
- Arterial CO2 as taken from Arterial CO2
- Arterial O2 as taken from Arterial O2
- Arterial Bic. as taken from Arterial Bic.
- Venous pH as taken from Venous pH
- Venous CO2 as taken from Venous CO2
- Venous O2 as taken from Venous O2
- Venous Bic as taken from Venous Bic
- Blood Gas K as taken from Blood Gas K
- Blood Gas Ca as taken from Blood Gas Ca
- Venous Lactate as taken from Venous Lactate
- INR as taken from INR
- Blood Gas Sodium as taken from Blood Gas Sodium
- Blood Gas Glucos as taken from Blood Gas Glucos
- Arterial Lactate as taken from Arterial Lactate
- Troponin as taken from Troponin I WB
- PTT as taken from 1:1 PTT Separate
- PTT as taken from 1:1 PTT Together
- PTT as taken from 1:4 PTT Separate
- PTT as taken from 1:4 PTT Together
- PTT as taken from 1:9 PTT Separate
- PTT as taken from 1:9 PTT Together
via lab groups
- Urine_CS via Midstream Urine
- Urine_CS via Catheter urine
- Urine_CS via Misc. urine
- Sputum_CS via Sputum
- Sputum_CS via Endotracheal
- Blood_CS via Blood for AFB
- Blood_CS via Blood culture(1)
- Blood_CS via Blood culture(2)
- Blood_CS via Blood culture(3)