S LocationData table

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Revision as of 10:33, 10 February 2022 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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The s_LocationData table in CCMDB.accdb contains the possible values for the metadata for locations. See Location metadata storage.

Data Structure

field type description
location_name text unique ID, name of the location in s_dispo table and Boarding Loc and on this wiki
attribute text name of the attribute, e.g. "bed count"
value text value of the attribute, e.g. "15" in case of bed number
Start_DtTm date when this location-attribute-value combination becomes active
End_DtTm date when this location-attribute-value combination stops

End_DtTm is not needed for complete info, and in fact could become inconsistent, but it will make it easier to use this data in queries. Since updates will be rarer than use we decided to include the End_DtTm explicitly.


  • the process to import from wiki should run a consistency check on the start and end dates to ensure there is no overlap of same attribute
  • added: 2022-02-10
  • action: 2022-02-10
  • Cargo

  • Categories

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