Iatrogenic, mechanical complication/dysfunction, dialysis catheter
ICD10 Diagnosis | |
Dx: | Iatrogenic, mechanical complication/dysfunction, dialysis catheter |
ICD10 code: | T82.4 |
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: | none assigned |
Charlson/ALERT Scale: | none |
APACHE Como Component: | none |
APACHE Acute Component: | none |
Start Date: | |
Stop Date: | |
External ICD10 Documentation |
This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.
Additional Info
- This code only refers to the mechanical dysfunction/complication. If, for example, there's also an infection, also code that.
- Includes things like:
- Breakdown (mechanical)
- Displacement
- Leakage
- Malposition
- Obstruction, mechanical
- Perforation
- Protrusion
- This is one of a number of different types of iatrogenic injury codes. Here is information about all of them: Iatrogenic codes in ICD10
Alternate ICD10s to consider coding instead or in addition
- Any of the other iatrogenic injury codes: see Iatrogenic codes in ICD10
- If there is an infection code this separately
Candidate Combined ICD10 codes
- For perforation or injury to specific vessels, link to appropriate one of these:
- Neck, blood vessels NOS, injury/trauma
- Thorax, blood vessels NOS, injury/trauma
- Abdomen or pelvic, blood vessels NOS, injury/trauma
- Shoulder or upper, arm blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Forearm, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Wrist or hand or fingers, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Hip or thigh, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Knee or lower leg, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Ankle or foot or toes, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Upper limb (arm), level not specified/NOS, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
- Lower limb (leg), level not specified/NOS, blood vessels, wound/injury/trauma
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Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)
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