Requested CCMDB changes for the next version

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see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs


after fixing the CCI page names on wiki, add wiki link for CCI codes in CCMDB.accdb

screen refresh reductions

As part of troubleshooting Con's blinky screen Brendan suggested the following:

There’s code you can put in, I forget what the commands actually are, but it turns off the screen refresh during functions so the user doesn’t see what’s happening. You’d turn the refresh off before the function starts, they’ll see a static screen until you tell it to turn the refresh on, where the screen will then load just one time and all of the new info, all the rows, any formatting, or populating, etc.. is done. Instead of refreshing 10 or 20 times, once for each row.

integrity checks checklist

Function long LOS()needs review
Query check CCI each count vs LOSneeds review
Query check long transfer delayneeds review

Bug Fixes

see Category:Bugs and especially Category:Bugs needing input for bugs with their own article

 StatusModification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Bug needing input7 November 2012 22:35:09
Combiner tab re-sorts after entering5 October 2022 17:07:01
CCI Picklist tab is slow25 January 2023 16:56:36
Repeat clicks being needed when entering CCI PX Type12 March 2024 15:51:37
Error: There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.12 March 2024 16:13:18
Error "Invalid SQL statment..." when sending1 December 2024 07:32:52

Next Round of Data Changes

Flag this in the relevant pages as follows so it lists properly in To do list. See there for actual changes requested.

{ {Todo 
| who = Tina 
| todo_added = 2021-07-21
| todo_action = 
| question = Dev_CCMDB_Data / Dev_CCMDB depending on if CCMDB needs update first. 
<provide details of change> 

Bugs that need input

In order to troubleshoot bugs in the program we need to know how they happen. Any further feedback on these bugs might be the piece of the puzzle that allows me to fix the bug. If you find a new bug, you please document it.

 Modification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Bug needing input7 November 2012 22:35:09
CCI Picklist tab is slow25 January 2023 16:56:36
Combiner tab re-sorts after entering5 October 2022 17:07:01
Error "Invalid SQL statment..." when sending1 December 2024 07:32:52
Error: There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.12 March 2024 16:13:18
Repeat clicks being needed when entering CCI PX Type12 March 2024 15:51:37

renal task checks

There are some possible changes identified that either need to be flagged as needing to be done, or where there is still a discussion going on. Also related to this:

Pharmacy reference

  • reference sheet - some suggested we add a reference sheet. I could make a button on that screen to bring up a reference sheet. Problem is that would be at least the third copy of this information, leading to problems maintaining consistency. I would be willing to do it if we change the table with the info on the wiki to a plain-text formatted table that I can directly copy-and-paste into Access, e.g. something like
| test | second test|
| blah | blah blah  |
  • If someone could set up the table on the wiki I will make a form with the content in the app. Any volunteers? I could add this to the next version easily. Ttenbergen 16:41, 2013 April 24 (EDT)
    • No news in about a month. If anyone is interested in making that list, let me know and I'll put it into the CCMDB.accdb.
      • No one ever volunteered to provide the sheet, so taking out the question. If someone is willing to work on this, please add a discussion back in. Ttenbergen 19:39, 2019 November 13 (CST)

apache check no longer yellowing fields

apache check is no longer yellowing fieldsTtenbergen 10:09, 10 January 2012 (CST)

  • yes, it is no longer yellowing the field, just the error box below. Can't find trace of the code, and not sure when it was changed. Ponder whether to re-instate, error checking is still being called and still prevents sending... Ttenbergen 17:13, 2012 January 31 (CST)
    • Do we want to re-implement this? Would take a few days of coding I think, so I haven't done it. Ttenbergen 16:58, 2012 October 1 (CDT)
      • not sure what you mean no longer yellowing fields. Do you mean where there is an error (limit) or missing data that is not yellowing? --Trish Ostryzniuk 19:13, 2013 January 28 (EST)
        • been a while, I'll review and let you know what this is about. Ttenbergen 13:55, 2013 January 29 (EST)

Previous requests that were not made (with reasons)

DOB format

  • "when you create a new profile and have to fill in the DOB it is backwards to what is written in the chart, so when we go to enter the DOB we have to stop and think about it to enter it in our computer. It is written in all chart as day/month/year, we use to be able to enter it that way and it would automatically fall into place" - Pat 09:29, 2013 December 19 (CST)
    • there was discussion about doing this and we decided not to to keep dates consistent throughout the program.

prevent setting recordstatus from sent to complete

  • Prevent RecordStatus of Sent files being changed from Sent to Incomplete if data altered after file sent inMlaporte 15:18, 2013 December 16 (CST)
    • actually, need to be able to do that to re-send when needed.

sending only lab/pharm sums to centralized_data.mdb

All the info that is actually needed in centralized is the sum of labs and pharmacy. Was hoping to send only that, but it would complicate synching with collector laptops while adding little value, so not doing that for now. We could re-visit this if it is a problem, or if those files get unwieldy large. Also, could run a "summarizer" across those files for complete records only. Will leave alone unless main office really wants this done... Ttenbergen 12:35, 2013 November 11 (CST)

Default location field to main collection location

There have been requests to default the location field to the main (or only) collection location. I could set this up, but defaulting these would increase the chances of the data just being left in there if a patient is an exception. Upon consultation with Trish it was decided not to risk an increase in errors to make this more convenient.

  • "There are a number of site collecting on 2 or more units using the same laptop. We get ward location entry error when there is a default location set." ... "--TOstryzniuk 12:25, 20 October 2010 (CDT)"

PS: If I enable defaulting for anywhere then I would not be able to disable defaulting for other locations, so it was decided not to have defaulting. Ttenbergen 12:44, 12 January 2011 (CST) I have, though, reduced the location list to only those wards at a given laptop's site. Ttenbergen 18:09, 14 July 2011 (CDT)

Cancel for Settings

change the settings form to have a save and a cancel button...

No can do. There are is a sb-form in settings form that would not be cancelled, so having a cancel would be misleading.

APACHE lab value limit change request

  • Apache upper limit for creatinine is 2968, which is based on the highest APACHE that was ever in database. STB has one pt with a creat of 3000 and has requested to change upper limit. Laura K. --TOstryzniuk 12:12, 6 July 2010 (CDT)
    • Decided to leave limits be and have collectors enter limit values and email Pagasa with real values when extreme values are encountered. Contacted Pagasa to let us know if such emails become too frequent. Ttenbergen 08:53, 12 July 2010 (CDT)