Centralized data front end.mdb Change Log 2016
see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs
This article is the change log for Centralized data front end.accdb. See Centralized data front end.accdb Change Request for requested changes.
Change Log
rolled out 16:39, 2016 December 8 (CST)
- fixed
- p_count_of_admissions query JMojica 16:31, 2016 December 8 (CST)
- p_summary_discharges
- p_outstanding_discharges
- p_outstanding_admits
- p_outstandings
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:29, 2016 December 7 (CST)
- Reconnect_check_missing_L Tables_content query - updated to not use old dispo fields any more. Ttenbergen 17:29, 2016 December 7 (CST)
- deleted old legacy tab in patient viewer Ttenbergen 17:29, 2016 December 7 (CST)
- searched for remaining mentions of r_adm and r_dis etc and commented them out Ttenbergen 17:29, 2016 December 7 (CST)
- removed old s_ tables from connector code and from currently connected tables Ttenbergen 17:29, 2016 December 7 (CST)
- removed old commented out VBA Ttenbergen 17:29, 2016 December 7 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 16:30, 2016 December 1 (CST)
- updated the Sub populate_linking_pairs() to sort by (accept_dttm if available, else arrive_dttm) rather than arrive_dttm. Ttenbergen 11:58, 2016 December 1 (CST)
Rolled Out Haubel 16:53, 2016 November 29 (CST)
Following Queries Changed:
- PL_2PHIN_Fake_or_blank
- Got rid of L_Log_PHI.R_AdmDate
- Replaced by L_Log!Arrive_DtTm and L_Log!Accept_DtTm
- PL_Chart_9_Digit
- Got rid of L_Log_Phi.R_Location
- Replaced by L_Log_PHI.Service_Location
- Got rid of L_Log_PHI.R_AdmDate
- Replaced by L_Log!Arrive_DtTm and L_Log!Accept_DtTm
- PL_SameCHART_Site_Diff_PHIN
- Got rid of L_Log_PHI.R_AdmDate
- Replaced by L_Log!Arrive_DtTm and L_Log!Accept_DtTm
- PL_SamePHIN_Diff_LN_FN_DOB_Sex
- Got rid of L_Log_Phi.R_Location
- Replaced by L_Log_PHI.Service_Location
- PL_SamePHIN_Site_Diff_chart
- Got rid of L_Log_PHI.R_AdmDate
- Replaced by L_Log!Arrive_DtTm and L_Log!Accept_DtTm
Remains as is:
- Several active references to R_AdmDate still exist in the "View" form that have been left unmodified since it's not clear what to replace them with (L_Log!Arrive_DtTm or L_Log!Accept_DtTm). These controls are in the Reg & Var tab.
- cb_ad_dt_down_Click()
- cb_ad_dt_now_Click()
- cb_ad_dt_up_Click()
rolled out Ttenbergen 10:57, 2016 November 28 (CST)
- updated query L_Log_PHI to no longer require the pre-dispo fields. Ttenbergen 10:55, 2016 November 28 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:57, 2016 November 24 (CST)
- added Sub old_field_cleanup_20161121() to clean out old fields in L_Log.
- confirmed that Pagasa's forms are in my master
- updated link_suspect_mismatch_to_ours__incomplete query to fix L Problem table use Ttenbergen 10:16, 2016 November 24 (CST)
- updated/confirmed queries to have D_ID as first columns so they will work with form dropdown, and to include L Problem table reference:
Pagasa has the master due to the extra forms I made for her Ttenbergen 15:21, 2016 November 17 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:02, 2016 November 14 (CST)
- updated query link_suspect_negative_transit_time with SQL sent by Pagasa that we worked out on her PC some time ago. Ttenbergen 16:41, 2016 November 14 (CST)
- added GCS sedated field to form viewer Ttenbergen 17:24, 2016 November 14 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 13:52, 2016 November 7 (CST)
- added Visit Admit DtTm field to the handshake form:
- updated Sub likely_match_finder
- updated form likely_match
- updated the link_* forms to not have date restriction, ie show even old errors. We may need to review this again because there are LOTS of errors. Ttenbergen 13:52, 2016 November 7 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:13, 2016 November 3 (CDT)
- added link_suspect_not_same_visitAdmitDtTm query as designed with Pagasa; added link to L Problem table to hide false positivesTtenbergen 15:06, 2016 October 31 (CDT)
- query query NDC_VAP_unacceptable_date listing false positives; fixed and added in L Problem table exemption. Ttenbergen 15:09, 2016 November 3 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:07, 2016 October 27 (CDT)
- query query NDC_VAP_unacceptable_date - had false negative, added restriction where date can't be after dispo_DtTm
- form viewer - allowing inactive values for Previous Location and Pre-admit Inpatient Institution
rolled out Ttenbergen 16:27, 2016 October 27 (CDT)
- query link_suspect_mismatch_from_ours__incomplete
- confirmed errors show if only one side is present
- added query link_suspect_mismatch_pre_inpt_ours__incomplete to catch the Pre-admit Inpatient Institution errors
rolled out Ttenbergen 11:28, 2016 October 27 (CDT)
- updated query link_suspect_negative_transit_time to use accept_dttm if exists, and arrive_dttm otherwise Ttenbergen 11:14, 2016 October 27 (CDT)
- updated query link_suspect_mismatch_to_ours__incomplete to list even if the second half of pair is missing. Ttenbergen 11:28, 2016 October 27 (CDT)
Rolled out Ttenbergen 11:07, 2016 October 13 (CDT)
- Updated queries
- link_suspect_mismatch_from_ours__incomplete
- link_suspect_mismatch_to_ours__incomplete
Rolled out Ttenbergen 11:48, 2016 October 12 (CDT)
- added checkbox for Accept DtTm missing field Ttenbergen 10:19, 2016 October 12 (CDT)
- confirmed pt_demo_getter
- clean up
- deleted queries "2016-09-01_previous_location_*"
- deleted queries "2016-09-08_Postalcodes*"
- deleted intermediate change tables
- 20160706 Pre acute living situation field_translator
- 20160706_adfr
- 20160706_adfr2
- 20160706_dispo
- 20160706_hosp_equiv
- 2016-07-06_preinpt
- 20160706_PrevSrv_Translate
- 2016-08-15_PL_Sex_error
- 2016-09-08_Postal_to_RHA
- L_Log_2016-08-10
- L_PHI_2016-01-ish
- emptied table linking_pairs
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:57, 2016 October 3 (CDT)
- added module updaters with sub Morden_Winkler_Boundarytrails() and several helper functions to update groups of items in s_dispo Ttenbergen 13:09, 2016 September 29 (CDT)
- was run. Ttenbergen 17:57, 2016 October 3 (CDT)
- added (and ran) queries for Centralized_data.mdb_Change_Log#2016-Oct-03
- they were run. Ttenbergen 17:51, 2016 October 3 (CDT)
rolled out HAubel 14:30, 2016 September 28 (CDT)
- View Form's pt_demo_getter function updated with the new fields Accept_DtTm, Arrive_DtTm and Dispo_DtTm that generate the email snippet that gets executed by the cb_email_facilitator and cb_put_on_clipboard buttons.
rolled out Ttenbergen 09:52, 2016 September 28 (CDT)
- updated query P_Count_of_Admissions to remove the s_locations table Ttenbergen 09:14, 2016 September 28 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 17:01, 2016 September 19 (CDT)
- Made viewer same as CCMDB (ADL Tab and moved reg fields we continue to use into the Dispo tab)
- removed query ages that used to calculate age, since Julie gets this from Created_Variables_Common_2021 table Ttenbergen 15:07, 2016 September 19 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 16:27, 2016 September 8 (CDT)
- Postal Code field updates to table Postal_Code_Master to integrate file sent to p:Julie Mojica by Marc Silva.
- imported postal_to_RHA table
- generated queries 2016-09-08_Postalcodes_add_nonexisting and 2016-09-08_Postalcodes_update_RHAs
- cleaned out created_variables_*, they will be re-populated when their queries are run, just to do a proper compact/repair. Ttenbergen 16:26, 2016 September 8 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:20, 2016 September 1 (CDT)
- working on pre fields, added queries 2016-09-01_* to fix problems.
- removed the hour/minute breakdowns from query L_Log_PHI to make it faster, they were no longer used. Ttenbergen 14:49, 2016 September 1 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 10:56, 2016 September 1 (CDT)
- added control to form viewer for Off ward field. Ttenbergen 10:32, 2016 September 1 (CDT)
- added query 2016-09-01_med_off_ward_pharm_fix to copy pharm_complete content to off ward field for med patients, the off ward control had been connected to that instead. Ttenbergen 10:47, 2016 September 1 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 17:41, 2016 August 31 (CDT)
- form view: updated the D_ID wizard related fields to work right. Ttenbergen 16:06, 2016 August 31 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 19:51, 2016 August 25 (CDT)
- query NDC_Bad_Postal_Code
- deleted query ND_Sub_postalCode, no longer needed now that the data is in L_Log
- updated query NDC_Bad_Postal_Code to use new Postal Code field and limit to arrive > 2015-01-01 and not incomplete.
Rolled out Ttenbergen 16:45, 2016 August 18 (CDT)
- D_ID affecting fields:
- changed Service/Location field, Pat_ID field and D_ID to not be editable directly and to open form D_ID_wizard
- created form form D_ID_wizard to take care of the change in D_ID that would be triggered by changes in either field
- patient viewer form:
- moved "program" field to top right, it was inconsistently spread across tabs
- moved "dispo" tab to the left and made it the default
- moved "Reg ADL Var" tab to right and added a LEGACY label on top of it, no more edits to this should be required.
- PatientList form
- updated the delete button to no longer ignore errors, and to delete from table tblTISSPatient as well. Ttenbergen 10:40, 2016 August 18 (CDT)
- TISS queries
- updated queries "NDC_Pacemaker_acquired_wo_TISS" and "NDC_Pacemaker_TISS_wo_acquired" to consider known error list L Problem table
- removed old queries TISS_form_missing_dates, TISS_form_present_date_range
rolled out Ttenbergen 12:56, 2016 August 15 (CDT)
- added query 2016-08-15_PL_Sex_error_fixer and table 2016-08-15_PL_Sex_error to facilitate fixing large number of errors in query PL_SamePHIN_Diff_LN_FN_DOB_Sex that had gone undetected earlier. They will be removed again in future versions as they will work for the current errors only. - Ttenbergen 09:54, 2016 August 15 (CDT)
<had been rolled>
- restored 3 queries 2016-05-26_GRAW3* that had not been run; let Pagasa know they will be available in this version. Ttenbergen 15:12, 2016 August 8 (CDT)
- added false positives that we will not fix to L Problem table for link_suspect_negative_transit_time query
- made the city ERs available in teh Dispo dropdown in Form View Ttenbergen 15:18, 2016 August 8 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 17:22, 2016 July 28 (CDT)
- updated populate_linking_pairs() to use new dispo fields Ttenbergen 16:48, 2016 July 28 (CDT)
- changes of link_suspect_* queries to use new Dispo system:
- query link_suspect_dead_then_alive - updated
- query link_suspect_negative_transit_time - updated
- try out query link_suspect_mismatch_from_ours
- deleted unused query link_susp_intermediate_potential_location_partner
rolled Ttenbergen 11:05, 2016 July 28 (CDT)
- updated Sub likely_match_finder to list patient even if previous_location or dispo are not yet filled in Ttenbergen 11:05, 2016 July 28 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 14:56, 2016 July 27 (CDT)
- updated code behind handshake button to use new dispo fields Ttenbergen 14:56, 2016 July 27 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 17:09, 2016 July 25 (CDT)
- changed function cbo_QuerySelector_Click() to sort by arr (arrival date) rather than adm (admit date) Ttenbergen 17:05, 2016 July 25 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 09:28, 2016 July 15 (CDT)
- changed query for form_view to pull from s_dispo instead of s_location. Ttenbergen 09:06, 2016 July 15 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 18:03, 2016 July 11 (CDT)
- built query 20160706___postalcode_importer and 20160706___postalcode_maker
- fixed query 20160706___PreAcute_maker
- updated query PatientList to work while not all data has moved to dispo fields. Ttenbergen 15:58, 2016 July 11 (CDT)
was rolled...
- more queries 20160706___*
- module 2016-07_dispo_convert
(must have rolled)
- query Patient_List to use new fields. Ttenbergen 16:20, 2016 July 7 (CDT)
- form PatientList Ttenbergen 16:20, 2016 July 7 (CDT)
- many changes toward Conversion of old registry fields to new dispo fields Ttenbergen 16:20, 2016 July 7 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 15:06, 2016 July 7 (CDT)
- updated queries for new DISPO fields
- query PL_SamePHIN_Diff_LN_FN_DOB_Sex
- query PL_SameCHART_Site_Diff_PHIN
- query PL_2PHIN _Fake_or_blank
- query Reconnect_check_orphans query
- query P_Summary_Discharges_FiscalYear
- query P_Summary_Discharges
- query P_Outstandings_Discharges
- query P_Outstandings_Admits
- query P_Outstandings
- query P_Count_of_sent
- query P_Count_of_Admissions
- query query NDC_VAP_unacceptable_date
- query NDC_VAP_No_AcqDX_but_VAP_DateinTMPV2
- query Query query NDC_VAP_AcqDX_but_NoVAP_DateinTMPV2
- query NDC_Pacemaker_acquired_wo_TISS
- query NDC_Missing_TransferDate_wPivot
- query query NDC_discharged_incomplete
- query NDC_CLI_unacceptable_date
- query NDC_CLI_No_AcqDX_but_CLI_DateinTMPV2
- query query NDC_CLI_AcqDX_but_NoCLI_DateinTMPV2
- query ND_Sub_postalCode
- query Multiple_Encounter
- for Conversion of old registry fields to new dispo fields
- table 20160706 Pre acute living situation field_translator
rolled with caution that push pull won't work right now. Ttenbergen 16:34, 2016 July 5 (CDT)
- Updates to
- query Created_...
- query Created_...
- query L_Log_PHI
rolled with caution that push pull won't work right now. Ttenbergen 16:34, 2016 July 5 (CDT)
- changed "Re-Connect Data" button to draw from c:\ccmdb_program\ccmdb.accdb instead; must update batch files to correspond
- changing to use new fields
- query ages - age
- query created_Apache_details - Created Variables
- query L_Log_PHI - added new fields and changed ward, hosp, program to draw from s_dispo table
- Query J in-process records - now pulls Service/Location
- query Labs_requester
- query TISS_admitted_date_range
- query PatientList
- query PL_SamePHIN_Site_Diff_chart
- clean-up
- deleted query created_variables_select
- deleted query Created_Variables_ts
- deleted query created_vars_selectonly
- deleted table 's_HospitalCodes_updt
- deleted query L_Log_PHI_time_hm, use L_Log_PHI instead
- deleted query L_Dispo
- deleted table R_completePTList
- deleted table s_dispo_legacy_codes
- deleted query s_dispo_combiner
- deleted query s_locations_local
rolled Ttenbergen 13:09, 2016 May 26 (CDT)
- removing some old one-of queries that should be done with Ttenbergen 11:01, 2016 May 26 (CDT)
- 1_acp__test
- 1_acp_admit
- 1_acp_end
- 1_change_complication_CAP_to_HAP
- 11_5B_adm
- 11_5B_dis
- added three queries starting with 2016-05-26_GRAW3_to_S3 to do conversion; emailed Pagasa to run them Ttenbergen 13:08, 2016 May 26 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 21:24, 2016 May 4 (CDT)
- added three new tables S_dispo table, S_pre_acute_living_situation table, S_previous_service_table to reconnector code Ttenbergen 21:07, 2016 May 4 (CDT)
- added fields on Pagasa's form Ttenbergen 21:07, 2016 May 4 (CDT)
- added query L_Dispo for Julie to access in SAS to resolve the entries as text Ttenbergen 21:20, 2016 May 4 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 17:55, 2016 April 14 (CDT)
- fixed password protection to be same as our other programs. Ttenbergen 17:55, 2016 April 14 (CDT)
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:50, 2016 January 28 (CST)
- updating Reconnect_check_missing_L Tables_content query to not list incompletes even for dxs. Ttenbergen 15:50, 2016 January 28 (CST)
rolled out.--Ttenbergen 17:19, 2016 January 21 (CST)
- added CFE Reconnect_check_missing_L Tables_content query to find missing mandatory child entries Ttenbergen 17:19, 2016 January 21 (CST)
- updated query ADL_Scores to refer to ALERT rather than MOST Ttenbergen 17:26, 2016 January 21 (CST)