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m Cath Lab Question: still a question
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=== Cath Lab Question ===
=== Cath Lab Question ===
*Need clarification of "cath lab" which is listed for STB and HSC hospitals.   Gail already asked this question and we need clarification for both hospitals.  Is this just the heart cath lab??--[[User:LKolesar|LKolesar]] 13:13, 2016 May 27 (CDT)
*There are entries for "HSC Cath Lab" and "STB Cath Lab" and "Interventional Radiology". Do we use the Cath Labs only for heart cath? When do we use Interventional Radiology? And why is that one not split out to site?  
** Yes, my understanding is Cardiac cath lab.  But if there are other type, does it matter? Will the previous service or pre-admit inpatient institution become a problem? [[User:JMojica|JMojica]] 13:22, 2016 May 31 (CDT)
** Yes, my understanding is Cardiac cath lab.  But if there are other type, does it matter? Will the previous service or pre-admit inpatient institution become a problem? [[User:JMojica|JMojica]] 13:22, 2016 May 31 (CDT)
*** This question was raised again today at the collector meeting, still outstanding. Ttenbergen 16:02, 2016 June 8 (CDT)
*** This question was raised again today at the collector meeting, still outstanding. Ttenbergen 16:02, 2016 June 8 (CDT)
**** Trish emailing Allan Garland Ttenbergen 16:23, 2016 June 27 (CDT)

=== direct transfer ===
=== direct transfer ===

Revision as of 16:23, 27 June 2016

This field is currently being implemented, please check the instructions and put a discussion for anything that isn't clear. 

The Previous Location field contains the most recent previous physical location of a patient before arriving at the collection location. (exception, see #EMIP, bed borrow)

For example, a patient arriving from Selkirk Hospital via the local ER would have the ER coded in the Previous Location field and Selkirk coded in the Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field.

Collection Instruction

For each patient,

  • enter the option that most closely matches
  • if you know the situation but nothing on the list matches closely, enter 'other - known but not listed
  • if the situation is unknown, enter location missing/unknown

If you know the location exactly, you can type it. Otherwise press the "?" button to take you to the S dispo chooser‎ to help filter options if desired.

For wards where we don't collect, enter e.g. HSC_ward. For wards where we do collect enter the actual ward as available in the dropdown.

Where to find this information

If patient came from a different Winnipeg hospital this should be recorded in the “Visit History” on the EPR, but sometimes it is missing. Can also use paper chart sent to your hospital from the sending hospital for information.

Cath Lab Question


  • There are entries for "HSC Cath Lab" and "STB Cath Lab" and "Interventional Radiology". Do we use the Cath Labs only for heart cath? When do we use Interventional Radiology? And why is that one not split out to site?
    • Yes, my understanding is Cardiac cath lab. But if there are other type, does it matter? Will the previous service or pre-admit inpatient institution become a problem? JMojica 13:22, 2016 May 31 (CDT)
      • This question was raised again today at the collector meeting, still outstanding. Ttenbergen 16:02, 2016 June 8 (CDT)
        • Trish emailing Allan Garland Ttenbergen 16:23, 2016 June 27 (CDT)

direct transfer

For patients who get parked in the ER during a inter-facility transfer, enter the previous ward in Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field and enter your ER in Previous Location field. (In the past you would have entered the hospital and ward as the admit from.)

EMIP/Bed borrow

see those articles

from psych unit

Code patient from POU (pysch evaluation unit @ HSC) as "HSC ambulatory care" - it's not an inpatient ward.

Example: transfer from out-of-town ER

Pt was examined & treated in the Selkirk ER (but not admitted as an in pt.) & then sent as a direct admit to HSC but stopped in HSC ER & was treated there till a ward bed was ready. Code as

error with "set previous location to pre-admit button


  • Tina, when we click on the button it deletes our previous location instead of populating the pre admit inpt. instit. field. Need to fix this. --LKolesar 14:03, 2016 June 13 (CDT)
    • I think you are expecting the opposite of what it does. Fill in the per-admit field and then click the button, and the previous field will be populated. I did it that way around because that's how the tab order is. Please try; if it works, delete this, if not, post here. Ttenbergen 16:56, 2016 June 13 (CDT)

Data Use

This data is used for tracking where most of the traffic on our units/wards comes from. For starters it will be reported to Critical Care (Randy Martin), who was also the requestor of this data.

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks


Following might still need to be implemented:

  • Check ORDx; or not? Would have to be done for ICD10, so can it wait? Ttenbergen 16:26, 2016 May 25 (CDT)
    • discussing with Julie, she seems open to waiting, told her I am starting Category:ICD10 and Template:ICD10 for stuff like this. Ttenbergen 10:56, 2016 June 2 (CDT)



The field is populated with options from the s_dispo table.


This field is part of the 2016 Time and Place changes.

It a combination of our previous