CCI Collection

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This article provides general information about collecting and coding a CCI Procedure.

They are entered in CCMDB.mdb in the Patient viewer tab CCI on the Patient viewer tab CCI.

There are some ICD10 Diagnoses and CCI Codes that need to be coded together.

Collection Instructions

Which procedures to collect/include

  • Here are the rules for what we will code and what we won't code:
    1. Include all therapeutic procedures done outside the patient’s unit.
    2. Include all therapeutic procedures done using an endoscope (in or out of the patient's unit) - whether inserted through an orifice, incision or wound.
    3. In addition to (1) and (2) code the following (and only the following) therapeutic procedures done in the patient’s unit - but only the FIRST DAY it was done during the patient’s stay on that unit:

Template:Discuss@task Ttenbergen 14:41, 2018 March 5 (CST)

      • arterial catheter placement
      • PEG
      • Hemodialysis (intermittent)
      • Peritoneal dialysis
      • Plasmapheresis
      • non-invasive mechanical ventilation - includes CPAP, BiPAP, and classic NIV (where a mask is connected to a regular ventilator)**what are the rules for CPAP Bipap do we code the pt own machines or just new starts?
      • debridement
      • tracheostomy placement (i.e. done bedside)

Collecting a procedure

Follow these steps, in this order:

  1. if no procedures were performed, see #No Procedures Performed
  2. for every procedure, check if the procedure is listed in the L_CCI_Picklist subform, the top of the tab, and enter the procedure there, else enter it in the L_CCI_Component subform at the bottom of the tab
  3. in whichever form you used,
    1. enter the Px Type - "admit" or "acquired"
    2. enter the Px_Date - Date of procedure
    3. enter the Px_Count - the number of separate times it was done on a given day

Template:Discussion there is a discussion in

Picklist Entries

...CCI Picklist...

Component Entries

To enter a CCI Component,

First pick the left column, the body system: Component 1.

If there are too many and you only want to see e.g. the therapeutic ones and not the imaging ones, use the L_CCI_Component_subform#CCI_Chooser (the "?" button). In the form it opens you can filter by the CCI Category.

Second, code what was done: Component 2.

Repeated procedures

If a procedure is done repeatedly on the same day, only enter it once but count it in Px_Count. Procedures done on a different day should be entered again with a different date. This should be really quick by using the "duplicate" button.


  • Do we have to enter a CXR for each day it is done? Or can we enter CXR once and then keep using the times feature? For longer stay patients this could be 50 entries. Why do we need to know what day a CXR was done on? What is wrong with using the lab count feature we now use? The same for blood gases and scans.--LBilesky 14:05, 2018 January 19 (CST)
    • That is what is planned for now, but this might be worth talking about again to confirm it is worth it.
      • Does the pt travel out of the unit for this?

Related Imaging, Diagnostic and Therapeutic procedures performed at the same time

Some interventions consists of imaging and/or diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures.

For these, only code the most invasive part that implies the other/s. Do not code the implied codes. For endoscopic inspection/explorations, code only the "furthest/deepest" area assessed.


We are not tracking all possible procedures

We are not tracking all possible procedures; see Reasoning around moving to CCI and our subset of it#Why do we not include the entire set of CCI codes for more info.

Template:Discuss@task Ttenbergen 14:12, 2018 March 5 (CST)

No Procedures Performed

If no procedures were performed you still need to enter something so we can test that procedures were not just forgotten. Enter No Procedure Performed as an Admit procedure into the L CCI Picklist subform, the top of the tab.

General CCI questions

Collectors, please put general CCI questions here, but specific ones to their respective articles, e.g.


  • For the procedures listed specifically like arterial lines, PEG, hemodialysis, etc. Do you want only if done during their stay or since arrival to the hospital, or if they already had this done prior to arrival. There are patients in the community with a PEG and on hemodialysis for example. --LKolesar 08:07, 2018 March 7 (CST)
  • Just to check: You do not want central lines included?--LKolesar 08:07, 2018 March 7 (CST)
  • In your instructions you are listing only 8 therapeutic procedures other than the ones done outside the unit or endoscope ones. However, when I look at the picklist, it lists many more therapeutic procedures. What is correct? You are contradicting your own instructions. --LKolesar 11:28, 2018 March 7 (CST)
  • Is your link in this article for the picklist correct? It does not even include regular GI scopes which are very common and it is on your list of things you want. Maybe this picklist is not the real one we will be using? --LKolesar 11:41, 2018 March 7 (CST)
  • There is no mention in your instructions regarding diagnostic procedures.
  • There is a diagnostic thoracentesis on your pick list but not a therapeutic one. This should be on the picklist as it is very common.
  • Where all the surgical codes on the pick list?--LKolesar 11:41, 2018 March 7 (CST)



Date Integrity Checks

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks - Must have at least one entry

Template:Discussion Will need to be implemented: to click complete:

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks - CCI Procedure vs Previous Location Cross Check

If from OR or PACU, must have at least 1 CCI

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