GRA Medicine Collection Guide

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This page contains information specific to Grace Hospital Medicine collection only. See GRA General Collection Guide for information related to all Grace Hospital collection, and see Medicine Curriculum for information to all-site ICU data collection.

Areas of Data Collection at the Grace

3 North (N3) CTU

see also GRA N3

  • working space is available in the conference area between 3 North & 3 South directly down the hallway across from the south elevators
  • admission/discharge book which is kept to the right of the computer monitor at the clerk desk
  • not all patients belong to the teaching service

5 North (N5) NTU

also see GRA N5

  • Ward admission/discharge binder and transition coordinator binder are kept with the binders to the far left of the ward clerk's station at the main desk
  • There is a small staff lounge behind the main desk with a few tables available to work on, but this is the only staff lounge on the unit so please be mindful how much space you take up.
  • Patient charts can be found in 3 separate locations. Some are at the front desk, but there are 2 smaller desks at the end of the unit (the north end) where charts are also kept.
  • Old & thinned charts is located in the metal filing cabinets in each unit of the ward. --Malcudia 12:44, 2017 February 10 (CST)

3 South (S3) mixed CTU & NTU

also see GRA S3

  • ward admission/discharge book is kept on the counter to the right of the computer monitor
  • work space is available in the conference room between 3 South & 3 North, or in the tiny storage room across the hall from the conference room
  • Old & thinned charts is located in the metal filing cabinets in each unit of the ward.--Malcudia 12:45, 2017 February 10 (CST)

Mixed unit

October 2017 - mixed unit. It is easy to identify between the CTU and NTU patients, as they switch attending physicians, see below,where the CTU and NTU (GAP) physicians are identified. Lisa Kaita 22:14, 2018 July 11 (CDT)

Once patients are identified as CTU vs NTU, how does this make a difference in coding them? Or is this more about can we identify when a pt is an overflow from another unit, vs when they become "naturalized" to that unit ? ie is this really more about which laptop or at least service/location a patient will be on? Ttenbergen 16:53, 2018 July 17 (CDT)

  • it doesn't affect the way the data is coded. Usually they become NTU on or about the same time they are medically stable. Since both 3N & 3S have both teaching and nonteaching pts, the pt is generally kept on that ward after the switch. Sometimes if the pt appears to be longer term, they will transfer them to 5N. We do not acknowledge any change in attending physician in any way on the database unless the pt is deemed medically stable, or transferred to another ward. We do not really have "overflow" from one medical unit to another here.
  • CTU vs NTU
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Other GRA collection info

Process for identifying Overflow patients

Overflow patients (Boarding Loc) are found when the admission register generated in EPR Reports shows a patient that has been admitted under the Medicine service, but has not been admitted to a Medicine ward.

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Who collects Boarding patients

Each collector will collect any patients admitted under their ward physician i.e. if a Medicine patient is admitted under the GAP Physician who is currently admitting to N5 ward and there is no bed available on ward N5 then the patient will show up on the Physician census generated daily by EHealth/Patient Registry for N5, and the N5 collector will collect the data.

EMIPs at the Grace

  • see EMIP#Collection Instructions for collection instructions
  • the EMIP census is generated in an EPR list
  • tracking and data collection is done by N3 collector.
  • separate log sheet is kept in the front of the N3 binder. EMIPs and N5a/S3a pts are combined in this serial number set
  • data for EMIPs is entered into N3 laptop and files sent with N3 files.

Other Grace Hospital Wards

  • 2 South (S2) Orthopaedic Surgery: ward clerk is Zerline Bernardo
  • 4 North (Ortho Trauma): ward clerk is Barb Yake
  • 4 South (S4) General Surgery/Urology: ward clerk is Mary Gillingham

CAU (Clinical Assessment Unit)- as of January 15/19 located in the old ER on the first floor at the west end of the building: ward clerk is Jeewan Brar

  • 5 South (S5) -locked area accessible with GH access card
  • Grace Hospice - is a Palliative/End of Life Care facility located on the ground of Grace hospital but is not accessible via tunnel system; ward clerk is Pat Gyles
    • when the patient has been transferred to the Hospice, their hospital chart can be found in Health Records
  • the new ER Department opened May 29/18 at the eastern end of the complex. Access is via back hall first or ground floors

Medicine Physicians

  • all Medicine areas rotate Physician coverage which changes bi-weekly on Monday; there is an up to date on-call schedule available on each laptop desktop
  • Medicine Program Chief is Dr. Bijai Johnson, local 70144; his administrative assistant is Erva Ritson, local 70588

CTU Physicians

The CTU on GRA N3 is attended by Drs. B. Johnson, M. Kramer, M. Selaman, N. Matthews, R. Hamedani, S. Narasimhan, T. Sochocki , N. Ramadan, J. Laxton, G. Drobot, T. Friesen, S. Bhanghoo, Dr. L. Chisick, B. MacDougall, S. Muir, n. Venkatesan, J. Jose & S. Lam

GAP Physicians

  • nonteaching pts can be found on all Medicine units & are attended by the Grace Attending Physicians, commonly referred to as GAP:
  • Dr. Julian Joshua
  • Dr. Ron George
  • Dr. George Borrett
  • Dr. Ralf Macek

Responsibilities of Medicine Data Collectors

Grace Data Collectors

The area of responsibility of each Medicine Data Collector is flexible and is determined by the workload of the wards when considered as a whole.

 Collection Collector


Steph's no longer at GRA, so is this stuff up-to-date? Ttenbergen 20:52, 2020 April 9 (CDT)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

We communicate regularly and attempt to even out the workload by the less burdened collector completing collection on discharged patients from the busier areas, +/or entering the already collected data for the busier units on the laptop while the other collector continues to collect

Medicine Accept DtTm and Dispo DtTm

is found on the pink Admission Summary sheet at the beginning of the chart and is recorded by Patient Registration on notification by Emergency that the patient has been accepted for admission by the Medicine physician on call, and by Health Records according to the discharge information found on the chart

  • Accept & Arrive times can be found by generating the Transfer & Admissions Registers via EPR reports

Transfer Ready DtTm

Transfer time from ER and inter-facility is taken from the EPR Registration>Visit Location>Location History

When a patient is transferred to or from another ward that participates in Data Collection, we also use the time in the EPR Registration>Visit Location>Location History. The time in the computer is used for the discharge. Add 5 minutes to the discharge time and this is the admission time for the receiving unit.

Serial Numbering for N5_S3

For changes starting week of February 20, 2012 go to: Serial_Numbering_for_GRA_MED_N5_S3

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