This procedure is a part of CCI Collection via CCI Picklist.
Additional Info
Excludes: if the scan is done in the context of a cardiac stress test, do NOT use this code, instead use Cardiac stress test
Includes: any sort of resting cardiac nuclear scan -- e.g. MUGA, MIBI
Code only if done by Radiology or Cardiology
- Code diagnostic imaging procedures only if performed by Radiology or Cardiology for which there is an order.
- Examples: a bedside echo done by a cardiology tech should be coded, but a bedside echo done by the ICU fellow should not be coded. An echo done informally by the cardiology team (i.e. informal in that no actual order was put in for it) should not be coded.
Multiple Views or Sequences at one sitting
- When a single imaging modality is used to look at a single body segment, then this is counted as ONE imaging study, even if during that study there are multiple views, or sequences, etc.
- e.g. if a AXR (abdominal plain X-ray) or CXR (plain film) film comprises multiple views/films done at one sitting, only count it as ONE.
- e.g. if an MRI is done and several different sequences are done of the same body part, that counts as ONE.
- e.g. if a cardiac echo is done and they do both 2-D, M-mode, Doppler, and contrast-enhanced, this counts as ONE.
- these examples hold for all types of imaging procedures, as long as they're of the same body part.
Guideline about Coding CCI vs ICD10 imaging codes
- There are a set of "imaging codes" in ICD10, but these are not to code that an imaging test was performed, but to code that a result was abnormal --- and like all the ICD10 codes for abnormal symptoms or signs or test results, they are mainly to be used when the actual diagnosis CAUSING the abnormal findings is not known.
ICD10 Imaging diagnoses and other diagnoses that require imaging should be coded together with corresponding Imaging Pxs, where we have a code for them.
Coding both is not redundant because the ICD10 will only be coded for abnormal results, and we don't have CCI coding options for every kind of imaging. Coding both as appropriate will cover all the ways we are interested in this data.
Alternate CCIs to consider coding instead or in addition
Other procedure in cardiac:
| Has CCI Picklist Code | Has CCI 1 Code | Has CCI 2 Code |
(D) Pericardium | | 2.HA | | (T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HV | | (T) Cardiac Atrium | | 1.HM | | (T) Cardiac Conduction System | | 1.HH | | (T) Cardiac ventricle | | 1.HP | | (T) Coronary Arteries | | 1.IJ | | (T) Coronary Vessels, NOS | | 1.IL | | (T) Heart, NOS | | 1.HZ | | (T) Interatrial Septum | | 1.HN | | (T) Interventricular Septum | | 1.HR | | (T) Mitral Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HU | | (T) Other or Unknown Part of Body | | 1.^^ | | (T) Pericardium | | 1.HA | | (T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HT | | (T) Total Body | | 1.ZZ | | (T) Tricuspid Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HS | | Angiogram, aortic (any part of aorta) | 3.ID.10.V^ | | | Angiogram, artery NOS (except specifically coded) | 3.KV.10.VX | | | Angiogram, coronary (diagnostic cardiac catheterization) | 3.IP.10.V^ | | | Angiogram, pulmonary artery (pulmonary arteriogram) | 3.IM.10.V^ | | | Angiogram, vein | 3.KX.10.VC | | | Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting) | 1.IJ.50.GQ-OA | | | Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting) | 1.IJ.50.GQ-BD | | | Cardiac CT or Cardiac CT angiogram (with or without coronary arteries) | 3.IP.20 | | | Cardiac MRI | 3.IP.40 | | | Cardiac electrophysiology study | 2.HZ.24.GP-KM | | | Cardiac stress test (any kind) | 2.HZ.08 | | | Cardioversion (EXCLUDE defibrillation-we are not tracking) | 1.HZ.09 | | | ECHO (echocardiogram of heart) | 3.IP.30 | | | Right heart catheterization, in cardiac cath lab | 2.HZ.28.GP-PL | | | TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) | 1.KQ.76.GP-NR | | |
Other procedure in thorax:
| Has CCI Picklist Code | Has CCI 1 Code | Has CCI 2 Code |
(D) Anything Inside Thoracic Cavity, NOS | | 2.GY | | (D) Axillary Lymph Nodes | | 2.MD | | (D) Breast | | 2.YM | | (D) Bronchi | | 2.GM | | (D) Esophagus | | 2.NA | | (D) Heart, NOS | | 2.HZ | | (D) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes, NOS | | 2.MF | | (D) Lung | | 2.GT | | (D) Mediastinum | | 2.GW | | (D) Muscles of Chest and Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SY | | (D) Musculoskeletal System, NOS | | 2.WZ | | (D) Parathyroid Glands | | 2.FV | | (D) Pericardium | | 2.HA | | (D) Pleura | | 2.GV | | (D) Rotator Cuff | | 2.TC | | (D) Shoulder Joint | | 2.TA | | (D) Skin, NOS | | 2.YZ | | (D) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 2.SZ | | (D) Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula | | 2.SL | | (D) Thymus | | 2.GK | | (D) Thyroid Gland | | 2.FU | | (I) Thorax | | 3.GY | | (I) Total Body | | 3.ZZ | | (T) Aorta, NOS | | 1.ID | | (T) Aortic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HV | | (T) Axillary Lymph Nodes | | 1.MD | | (T) Breast | | 1.YM | | (T) Bronchi | | 1.GM | | (T) Cardiac Atrium | | 1.HM | | (T) Cardiac Conduction System | | 1.HH | | (T) Cardiac ventricle | | 1.HP | | (T) Coronary Arteries | | 1.IJ | | (T) Coronary Vessels, NOS | | 1.IL | | (T) Diaphragm | | 1.GX | | (T) Digestive System, NOS | | 1.OZ | | (T) Esophagus | | 1.NA | | (T) Gallbladder, Bile Ducts | | 1.OD | | (T) Heart, NOS | | 1.HZ | | (T) Interatrial Septum | | 1.HN | | (T) Interventricular Septum | | 1.HR | | (T) Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes | | 1.MF | | (T) Liver | | 1.OA | | (T) Lung | | 1.GT | | (T) Mediastinum | | 1.GW | | (T) Mitral Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HU | | (T) Muscles of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 1.SY | | (T) Other or Unknown Part of Body | | 1.^^ | | (T) Parathyroid Glands | | 1.FV | | (T) Pericardium | | 1.HA | | (T) Pleura | | 1.GV | | (T) Pulmonary Artery | | 1.IM | | (T) Pulmonary Vein | | 1.IN | | (T) Pulmonic Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HT | | (T) Respiratory System, NOS | | 1.GZ | | (T) Rotator Cuff | | 1.TC | | (T) Shoulder Joint | | 1.TA | | (T) Skin, NOS | | 1.YZ | | (T) Soft Tissue of Chest, Abdomen, NOS | | 1.SZ | | (T) Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula | | 1.SL | | (T) Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, Brachial, Arm Arteries | | 1.JM | | (T) Surgically Constructed Sites in Digestive and Biliary Tract | | 1.OW | | (T) Thoracic Aorta | | 1.IC | | (T) Thoracic Cavity, anything inside, NOS | | 1.GY | | (T) Thoracic Duct | | 1.MM | | (T) Thoracic Vessels, NOS | | 1.JY | | (T) Thymus | | 1.GK | | (T) Thyroid Gland | | 1.FU | | (T) Total Body | | 1.ZZ | | (T) Trachea | | 1.GJ | | (T) Tricuspid Valve, Related Structures | | 1.HS | | (T) Vena Cava | | 1.IS | | (T) Vertebral Bones | | 1.SC | | CT of chest with PE protocol (CT angiogram of pulmonary vessels) | 3.JY.20 | | | CXR (plain film) | 3.GY.10.VA | | | Cardiac MRI | 3.IP.40 | | | Chest tube, left in place | 1GV.52.HA-TK | | | Thoracentesis (diagnostic) | 2.GV.52 | | |
Other procedure in Imaging Procedure:
Related ICD10 Codes
(enter links to ICD10 codes that would likely go with this CCI procedure, but only in case of close relation, ie not every dx that might require this procedure)
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