Respiratory failure (insufficiency), chronic

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ICD10 Diagnosis
Dx: Respiratory failure (insufficiency), chronic
ICD10 code: J96.19
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: none assigned
Charlson/ALERT Scale: none
APACHE Como Component: Respiratory
APACHE Acute Component: none
Start Date:
Stop Date:
External ICD10 Documentation

This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.

  • SMW
    • 2019-01-01
    • 2999-12-31
    • J96.19
  • Cargo

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Additional Info

  • Note that this code covers not just overt respiratory failure, but all levels of respiratory insufficiency.
    • e.g. You can use it for a chronically hypercapnic COPD patient, or for a chronically hypoxemic pulmonary fibrosis patient, etc.
  • This code would likely be the main admit diagnosis to IICU for a large number of patients going to that unit
    • And furthermore, it's appropriate in the ICU record prior to IICU transfer to code it as an acquired diagnosis.
  • Also code the cause if known.
  • Also code Chronic dependence on mechanical ventilator if present.
  • Use this code for a patient who comes into ward or ICU from home or a chronic care facility or IICU, where respiratory insufficiency or failure has been present -- in this situation use this code as a Comorbid Diagnosis.
    • But if the patient comes to hospital with respiratory insufficiency or failure directly from any acute care facility (other than IICU) where it FIRST developed (i.e. was not present prior to admission to that sending acute care facility) you do NOT use this code. This applies even if this is the third or fourth transfer during same episode of hospital care.
  • In general do NOT use this code for someone with no pre-existing chronic respiratory insufficiency/failure, who came into hospital with (or developed while in hospital) acute respiratory failure -- EXCEPT you can use this code when someone with acute respiratory failure evolves into chronic respiratory insufficiency/failure during their time in hospital, for which this code would be a Acquired Diagnosis / Complication. And the decision that this occurred will be a clinical decision, made by the data collectors.

This is the first time I am reading the WIKI on this code. It looks like this code should be used as a comorb on some of our patients. in the pre ICD 10 codes, we had COPD-mild, moderate or severe as Comorb options, with guidelines for when to use each. It would be helpful to have some "cut-off" guidelines for when to use this code, rather than having it be subjective. For example, if someone has chronic COPD now, I am simply coding it in the COMORB field as COPD, without exacerbation, even if that patient is on home oxygen.

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