Definition of a Medicine Program Admission

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  • The following situations ARE included for the Regional Medicine Database:
    • Admitted under a Medicine service attending physician anywhere in the hospital (including, for example, if they are remaining in ED because there is no medicine ward bed yet).
    • Admitted to a Medicine ward location but rather than being cared for by the regular ward team, the primary care service is Nephrology
      • Once such a person is transferred out of the Medicine ward location, we no longer follow the patient.
    • Admitted to a Medicine ward location but rather than being cared for by the regular ward team, he primary care service is Neurology.
      • This includes "HSC Internal Med / Neurology" patients admitted to HSC HOBS -- once they are discharged/transferred out of HOBS, we no longer follow the patient. (per Dan Roberts, see also HSC Medicine Collection Guide)
      • More generally, once such a person is transferred out of the Medicine ward location, we no longer follow the patient.
    • Admitted to a Medicine ward location but rather than being cared for by the regular ward team, the primary care service is Oncology -- EXCEPT if admitted ONLY for chemotherapy
      • A subtlety here is that if such a patient develop complications and is then transferred to Internal medicine service for the duration of hospital stay, we do collect them in the Medicine database beginning when that transfer occurs.
      • Once such a person is transferred out of the Medicine ward location, we no longer follow the patient.
    • As always, collection for internal medicine patients starts at Accept DtTm ie possibly while in ER, regardless of where they are, including if they are still in the ER (i.e. EMIP).
  • many to D5 (Low Level of care hierarchy) under service of nephrology, neurology, oncology (ward being a non-teaching medicine but those services continue to care for their patient unless accepted by Dr Dowhanic or Arneja (who won't handle the HD population))
    • not sure what that line means now with the new model; would collectors need to include any non-med-service patients for this? If not, what are we actually saying with it?
  • SMW

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  • The following situations ARE NOT included for the Regional Medicine Database:
    • Oncology patients admitted only for chemotherapy. These are short stay patients with only nursing IPN entries.
    • Nephrology, Oncology or Neurology patients whose primary care service is (respectively) nephrology, oncology or neurology -- who are NOT on a Medicine ward location.
      • Patients admitted to HSC_H6 under "HSC Internal Med / Respiratory" or "HSC Internal Med / Neurology" -- actually this fits into the above rules, as HSC_H6 is not a Medicine ward location.
    • Interventional radiology service patients admitted for an overnight procedure -- clue that it's not an internal medicine is the attending physician. The attending physician will be an interventional radiologist, not an internal medicine doc. DPageNewton 08:11, 2020 November 19 (CST)
  • Not excluding HSC counterparts for now although they were listed here also. Can HSC tell if they should come off the list?
    • "HSC Oncology / Radiation"
    • "HSC Oncology / Medicine"
  • SMW

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  • In Cognos I don't see a service that makes me think interventional radiology, but it might just be a service not included in the dump. Collectors: Do these patients show up in Cognos, and if so, how do you decide that this is what they are and they should be excluded? Ttenbergen 16:39, 2020 November 2 (CST)
  • At this point I have not come across an interventional radiology patient in cognos admitter. See above for how we determine if it's an interventional radiology patient. If there is a way to definitely exclude them from the admitter that would be helpful. There are enough other exclusion patients in there already. DPageNewton 08:11, 2020 November 19 (CST)

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