Soft checks

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Revision as of 13:43, 2023 May 24 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Some of our cross checks are implemented as "soft checks", where the collector can still send data even if a check is triggered. These are for scenarios where a trigger usually means that something went wrong, but there are scenarios where the entry is actually correct. == When multiple soft checks trigger, only one will be visible == One of the problems with our current implementation is that, if there is more than one triggered soft check, only one will be visible. T...")
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Some of our cross checks are implemented as "soft checks", where the collector can still send data even if a check is triggered. These are for scenarios where a trigger usually means that something went wrong, but there are scenarios where the entry is actually correct.

When multiple soft checks trigger, only one will be visible

One of the problems with our current implementation is that, if there is more than one triggered soft check, only one will be visible. This is because our original implementation relied on the idea that we only need to show one problem at a time, since that problem would have to be fixed, and when it gets fixed any other issue would then show up. Since the problem might never be fixed in the case of soft checks, only the last one checked would be visible.

List of soft checks

edit page Coding Status Timing Firmness Summary question who
edit page Coding Status Timing Firmness Summary question who
edit PL Diff Phin SameLN FN DOB query ''PL Diff Phin SameLN FN DOB'' implemented always soft check Checks that there are no likely matches of this patient with a different PHIN (ie typos)
edit Query check ICD10 trach has trach but no TISS Query ''check_ICD10_trach_has_trach_but_no_TISS'' implemented always soft check If there is a Tracheostomy, has one (Z93.0) ICD10, there should likely be a T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)
edit Query s tmp Boarding Loc ER delay reasonable query ''s_tmp_Boarding_Loc_ER_delay_reasonable'' implemented complete soft check Flags Boarding Loc entries for ERs where a second Boarding Loc entry exists that is less than 30 min later or more than 67 hours later for CC or more than 144 hrs later for Med
edit Query check CCI TISS discontinuous ETT query ''check_CCI_TISS_discontinuous_ETT'' implemented complete soft check T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) should start with an T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) and end with an T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item).
edit Query check CCI TISS time means must be two query ''check_CCI_TISS_time_means_must_be_two'' declined complete soft check If certain Px Dates have a time component, then there should also be a matching CCI Picklist without the time
edit Query check tmp ER Boarding Loc should exist if from ER query ''check_tmp_ER_Boarding_Loc_should_exist_if_from_ER''; function from_ER(); query ''check_pt_from_ER'' declined always soft check For patients with Previous Location ER at same site there should be a Boarding Loc ER.
edit Query check ICD10 ESRD and AKI only if transplant Query check_ICD10_ESRD_and_AKI_only_if_transplant implemented complete soft check A patient who has an ESRD dx and an AKI dx is an error unless they also have a kidney transplant CCI.
edit Link suspect not same visitAdmitDtTm query ''Link_suspect_not_same_visitAdmitDtTm'' query implemented always soft check Checks for records that are likely part of the same admission but have different Visit Admit DtTm field.
edit Link suspect mismatch pre inpt ours incomplete query query ''Link_suspect_mismatch_pre_inpt_ours__incomplete'' implemented always soft check Checks for patients where Pre-admit Inpatient Institution is one of ours but we don't have a corresponding record.
edit Check organ donors must be dead not feasible soft check organ donors must be deceased
edit PL SamePHIN Site Diff chart query PL_SamePHIN_Site_Diff_chart implemented always soft check Another record exists for this site with the same PHIN and a different Chart number.
edit Query check dispo lower acuity than location query ''check_dispo_lower_acuity_than_location'' and function ''Transfer_Ready_DtTm_vs_Location_vs_Dispo'' retired complete soft check check for patients going to lower level of care (based on S dispo table.acuity_level) but without Transfer_Ready_DtTm; Check will launch an error but allow no date, ie it's just a reminder, see Level of care hierarchy.
edit Query check CCI InExtubation consistent not entered retired always soft check Any marked TISS Item T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) or in T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) must have at least one marked TISS item either in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item)
edit Check pre acute consistent query '''check pre acute consistent''' declined complete soft check consistency of Pre acute living situation; Dispo; Postal Code and Previous Location
edit Query check pt from ER function from_ER(); query ''check_pt_from_ER'' implemented always soft check part of validating Boarding Loc
edit Query check long transfer delay Query check_long_transfer_delay needs review always soft check Is the Transfer Delay (Critical Care) or Transfer Delay (Medicine) unreasonably long?
edit Query check CCI each count vs LOS query ''check_CCI_each_count_vs_LOS'' needs review complete soft check Confirm that a Category:Labs Imaging count is not unreasonably high
edit Function long LOS() Function long_LOS() needs review complete soft check LOS/Length of Stay should not be unlikely long based on historical LOS for a given ward (Service/Location field).

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