Legacy TMS Data.mdb
X:\CCMDB\Legacy_TMS_Data\Legacy_TMS_Data.mdb contains the legacy data from TMSX and MedTMS that we decided to keep around in MS Access format, but not import into Centralized_data.mdb. A backup copy exists in M:\\Backup\Legacy TMS Data. Since this data is not changing, there is no backup process.
- L_TISS76 - TISS76
- L_Pharmacy_pre_2012 - Legacy Drugs before 2012
- L_Labs_pre_2014_Aug - Legacy Labs List pre 2012
- L_Dxs data pre 2019_Jan when ICD10 started- L Dxs table
- L_Como data pre 2019_Jan when ICD10 started- L Como table
Copy into one directory with Centralized_data.mdb, PHI.mdb and CCMDB.accdb. Open program. Build and run manual queries.
Or, access from SAS.
Used for
various Critical Care Vital Signs Monitoring
- Critical Care Quality Improvement Team VAP and CLI Report
- Critical Care Vital Sign Monitor data submission and report
- Critical Care Database requests involving research projects
Requested changes
- do we need to add anything else from TMSX MedTMS legacy data?
copied to server and informed Julie Ttenbergen 15:32, 2022 August 10 (CDT)
- imported L_Dxs table and L_Como table in preparation of removing them from Centralized data.mdb
- removed code that tried to connect to other programs because it was broken, and fixing it would have required changing this to a .accdb, and why?
- updated Main form to explain that this should only be accessed as data file
- Tested in Access 2019
copied to network Ttenbergen 12:48, 2015 August 24 (CDT)
- re-imported TISS76 because the original had wrong dates as per email from Julie 2014-08-21. Ttenbergen 12:48, 2015 August 24 (CDT)
copied to network Ttenbergen 15:55, 2015 April 16 (CDT) Original file, imported data from \\HSC1MSFP0001\MED_CCMED\CCMDB_Special_Projects\MCHP\2015\ as per email from Julie from 2015-02-26.