Converting Lab Counts to CCI
CCI would allow for the collection of most things we currently collect as counted labs (Category:Manually_collected_labs). This page is for the decision process whether we should go this route.
Pros of moving to CCI
- Consistent storage of information, i.e. stored with all other procedures
- more detail (e.g. do we mostly do a lab at admission, or right through stay?)
Cons of moving to CCI
time consuming
- It is much simpler and faster to count the number of CXR's, ABGs, and other tests in our lab counts than to put a CCI entry for each every day they are done.
Laura's testing confirmed that this is tedious |
one patient that was in ICMS for 3 weeks
CXRs and scan counting in CCI concerns
CXR (plain film) will now be collected as CCI collect count each.
Quick look at pts with arrive dttm this year in CFE:
- 4147 total
- 3263 had <=3 cxrs
- 81 had >=15 cxrs
- 15 had >=30 cxrs
- none had 50, so not sure where that example came from...
ABG/VBG counting in CCI & concerns
Blood gas, arterial and Blood gas, venous will now be collected as CCI collect count each.
Quick look at pts with arrive dttm this year in CFE:
- 4147 total
- 2276 had <=3 cxrs
- 250 had >=15 cxrs
- 66 had >=30 cxrs
- 27 had >= 50
- max was 147, next 90
Count in CCI pick or component as any other CCI
- albumin5, 25% - pick Transfusion of albumin - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect first
- (not 5 vs 25, and that's OK per Trish)
- Packed cells - pick Transfusion of PRBC - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect count units
- Platelets - pick Transfusion of platelets - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect count units
- FFP - pick Transfusion of plasma products - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect count units
- CXR - pick CXR (plain film) - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect count each
- CT - on picklist and comp2 - the statistician confirmed she can work with this for reporting
- MRI - on picklist and comp2 - the statistician confirmed she can work with this for reporting
- US Echo - pick ECHO (echocardiogram of heart) - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect each
- US Abd - comp1 (I) Abdomen, Pelvis/(I) Digestive System, NOS comp2 Ultrasound
- ABG - pick Blood gas, arterial - CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect count each
- VBG - pick Blood gas, venous - CCI Collection Mode:
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