DC Treatment

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Revision as of 11:56, 2023 July 6 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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The concept encoded by this is slightly different than other End-of-life related data so it can not be transferred into new fields that encode related concepts, so we will keep it in the Centralized data.mdb's L Log table. It has been removed from CCMDB.accdb.


  • The field has a length of 50 and should be reduced to 2 now that that's the longest content.
  • added: 2022-06-30
  • action: 2023-05-04
  • Cargo

  • Categories

Legacy Content

This page contains Legacy Content.
  • Explanation: stopped collection in Medicine
  • Successor: various tmp and dx codes relating to palliative care and End-of-life related data

Click Expand to show legacy content.


Legacy Content

This page contains Legacy Content.
  • Explanation: This is a legacy data field, its DataElementEndDate is in the past.
  • Successor: No successor was entered

Click Expand to show legacy content.

Data Element (edit)
Field Name: R_dc_treat
CCMDB Label: not stated
CCMDB tab: not stated
Table: L_Log table
Data type: string
Length: 50
Program: CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 1988-07-11
End Date: 2022-05-10
Sort Index: 12

"DC" for critical care patients if life-support treatment is terminated, blank for all others.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

This field was also collected in Medicine until 2013-07-04. Collection stopped because the distinction is not clear enough for coding on a medicine ward.

Defined as terminal withdrawal with expectation of death of:

  • invasive mechanical ventilation (ET tube or trach)
  • vasopressors or inotropes
  • VAD (Ventricular assistive device)

See Also

See: Comfort Care


  • 2022-05-10 removed from collection screen

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