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Revision as of 14:31, 2016 May 12 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (→‎Collection Instructions: Discussed with Trish, use same accept and arrive times, thanks for all your input)
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EMIP stands for Emergency Medicine "IN" patient and is used as a location / in the Medicine database. It is used to as location for patients who are admitted to the medicine service and spend their entire hospital admission in the ER (emergency department) while under the care of Medicine Service attending physician. This sort of thing happens at the Victoria General Hospital and the Grace General Hospital

Collection Instructions

EMIP as previous location for ICU

Template:Discussion What if EMIP patient doesn't come to medicine ward (making them no longer EMIP) but deteriorates and is admitted to ICU? Do you collect these as EMIPs? Do you omit them from collection? Discussed with Trish but we did not know what collectors do with these. The answer to this will also define whether or not "***_EMIP" needs to be available as in Previous Location field. Ttenbergen 17:34, 2016 May 9 (CDT)

  • EMIPs are by definition Emergency Medicine Inpatients and never leave the Emergency Department until discharge. Their entire LOS is in the ER. They are not entered into the database until they have been discharged. If they are moved to any other unit, they are no longer EMIPs but are entered into the database for Medicine or ICU as appropriate. EMIP cannot be a previous location.
    • The Previous Location field is the most recent physical location of a patient before they arrived at the collection location. EMIP is not a physical location. This patient would be admitted from a previous location of ER.
    • Sending Service is the service that the patient was under the care of "prior to" being sent to collection location. Main office will review if patient is an EMIP then goes to ICU, does ICU reports want to note sending service to be Medicine Service in these circumstances? Will let you know.
  • when a medicine patient deteriorates in the ER and is then admitted to ICU, we do not enter them as an EMIP patient for two reasons,; they are no longer.by definition an EMIP patient, and the patient will be captured by ICU data collection Lisa Kaita 22:14, 2016 May 9 (CDT)
  • I concur with Lisa --LKolesar 06:42, 2016 May 10 (CDT)

Do these happen for ICU?

  • When the ICU doctors see a pt in ER and accept them while they are still there, the accept date and time will reflect this. They will then be transported to the ICU at some point and therefore we do not use the EMIP designation as it becomes an ICU admission. --LKolesar 10:36, 2016 May 11 (CDT)
    • What if pt dies after acceptance and before move? That would make them EMIP. Would hopefully be rare, but it would mean we don't need special case between ICU and medicine for this. Ttenbergen 14:11, 2016 May 11 (CDT)

Template:Discussion Do these ever happen for ICU? If they don't, then we should change the instructions to no longer say Medicine only because it's irrelevant. If they do happen, then we should likely include them in collection, no? Is there any reason to have different instructions? Ttenbergen 08:36, 2016 May 11 (CDT)



See VIC_Medicine_Collection_Guide#Identifying_OVER_and_EMIP_patients.


Template:Discussion should all EMIPs be coded as overflow since they spend their entire LOS in the ER not the ward?


See STB_Medicine_Collection_Guide#Process_for_identifying_Overflow_and_EMIP_patients

Serial numbers used

Patients in EMIP have their own serial numbers starting at number 1.

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