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The Critical Care and Medicine Database collects the following ADT (Admit Discharge Transfer) information:

Accept DtTm fieldFirst Service tmp entry DtTm for pts who came from the ER department onlydatenot entered1 July 201622 April 2022
Accept DtTm missing fieldcheckbox is checked/true when no Accept DtTm is documented for a patient who came from from the ER.booleannot entered1 July 201622 April 2022
Arrive DtTm fieldFirst non-ER Boarding location date and time, or start of ( Service Location) for legacy records.datenot entered1 July 201622 April 2022
Dispo DtTm fieldDate and time when the patient changed status from what is documented in Service/Location field to Dispo field..datenot entered1 July 20161 January 2100
Dispo fieldThe Dispo field contains information about what happens to the patient at the end of their admission.numberlong1 July 20161 January 2100
ER DelayThe ER Delay is the difference between the pre-ER Boarding Loc and first post-ER Boarding Loc, for patients arriving from the ER.daten/a11 July 19881 January 2100
Pre-admit Inpatient Institution fieldThe most recent previous inpatient location of patients who were already inpatients elsewhere and who have been under medical care continuously before coming to our unit.numberlong integer1 July 20161 January 2100
Previous_Location fieldThe most recent previous physical location (with #exceptions) of a patient before arriving at the collection location.numberlong integer1 July 20161 January 2100
Previous Service fieldThe most recent "originating service" which sends the patients to their current service location.numberlong integer1 July 20167 September 2022
TR info status fieldCross-check field that will contain data if Transfer_Ready_DtTm field is emptystring195 May 201615 October 2020
Transfer Ready DtTm fieldDate and time the intent to discharge a patient to a lower level in the Level of care hierarchy was documented.datenot entered1 June 199915 October 2020
Visit Admit DtTm fieldThis field is used only as an identifier to combine data from the same hospitalization and should not be used as a date.datenot entered1 January 20031 January 2100
pre_acute_living_situation fieldInfo about the living situation of the patient prior to the current hospitalization.numberlong integer1 July 20161 January 2100

See also the following, which aren't really fields but which do encode ADT info:

See Category:Admit/Discharge for related concepts.

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