Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, Stage III (deep, to but not including muscle)

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ICD10 Diagnosis
Dx: Decubitus (pressure) ulcer, Stage III (deep, to but not including muscle)
ICD10 code: L89.2
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: Ulcers - Decubitus only
Charlson/ALERT Scale: none
APACHE Como Component: none
APACHE Acute Component: none
Start Date:
Stop Date:
External ICD10 Documentation

This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.

  • SMW
    • 2019-01-01
    • 2999-12-31
    • L89.2
  • Cargo

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  • SMW
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  • SMW
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Additional Info

Pressure Ulcer on Wikipedia

  • Stage 3 - Full thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat is visible in the ulcer. The depth of tissue damage varies by anatomical location, and slough may be present but does not obscure the depth
  • involves dermis, epidermis and subcutaneous layers

  • If there are pressure ulcers on DIFFERENT body parts (e.g. left heel, right heel, coccyx) then code them separately -- even though they will not be readily distinguishable as the code doesn't include body location.
  • If there are multiple pressure ulcers close to each other on the same body part (e.g. coccyx area) then only code the one of the highest/worst stage.

Coding multiple ulcers

  • If there are pressure ulcers on DIFFERENT body parts (e.g. left heel, right heel, coccyx) then code them separately -- even though they will not be readily distinguishable as the code doesn't include body location.
  • If there are multiple pressure ulcers close to each other on the same body part (e.g. coccyx area) then only code the one of the highest/worst stage.

Coding Progression of Ulcers

  • Progression of Ulcers should be coded following our guidelines for Acquired Diagnosis combine each stage progression with the date and time it was noted in the chart.

If there are multiple pressure ulcers follow the above guidelines -- even though they will not be readily distinguishable as the code doesn't include body location.

  • NOTE: As per our TASK meeting , there was a significant rise in the number of acquired stage 1 and 2 decubitus ulcers at the GGH ICU, beginning Jan 2022.

A sample of charts from the timeframe of concern was audited, and we collaborated with the GGH educator and manager and we were unable to determine a reason for this rise. Going forward, a recommendation will be forwarded to the OIT committee, and education about proper documentation of stages of decubitus ulcers will be reinforced across all sites. This will begin in March 2024. Up until March 2024 the data re. acquired decubitus ulcers is not reliable, as it often required the collector to subjectively interpret documentation on the stage of the decubitus ulcer.

Alternate ICD10s to consider coding instead or in addition

Decubitus ulcer codes:


Candidate Combined ICD10 codes

Related CCI Codes

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none found

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ICD10 Categories: ANCA-associated Vasculitis (AAV), Abdominal trauma, Abortion, Acute intoxication, Addiction, Adrenal Insufficiency, Adverse effect, Alcohol related, Allergy, Anemia, Anesthetic related, Aneurysm, Antibiotic resistance, Antidepressant related, Aortic Aneurysm, Arrhythmia, Arterial thromboembolism, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Awaiting/delayed transfer, Bacteria, Benign neoplasm, Breast disease, Burn, COVID, Cannabis related, Cardiac septum problem, Cardiovascular, Cerebral Hemorrhage/Stroke, Chemical burn, Chronic kidney disease, Cirrhosis, Cocaine related, Decubitus ulcer, Delirium, Dementia, Diabetes, Diagnosis implying death, Double duty pathogen, ENT, Encephalitis, Encephalopathy, Endocrine disorder, Endocrine neoplasm, Exposure, Eye, Female genital neoplasm, Fistula, Fracture, Fungus, GI ulcer, Gastroenteritis, Gastrointestinal, Gastrointestinal neoplasm, Hallucinogen related, Has one, Head trauma, Head trauma (old), Healthcare contact, Heart valve disease, Heme/immunology, Heme/immunology neoplasm, Hemophilia, Hemorrhage, Hepatitis, Hereditary/congenital, Hernia, Hypertension, Hypotension, Iatrogenic, Iatrogenic infection, Iatrogenic mechanism, Imaging, Infection requiring pathogen, Infection with implied pathogen, Infectious disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Influenza, Inhalation, Intra-abdominal infection, Ischemia, Ischemic gut, Ischemic heart disease, Joint/ligament trauma, Leukemia, Liver disease, Liver failure, Lower limb trauma, Lower respiratory tract infection, Lymphoma, Male genital neoplasm, Mechanism, Meningitis, Metabolic/nutrition, Metastasis, Misc, Muscle problem, Muscles/tendon trauma, Musculoskeletal/soft tissue, Musculoskeletal/soft tissue neoplasm... further results