STB Medicine Collection Guide

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This article contains information specific to STB Medicine, see the Medicine Curriculum for general information, and STB General Collection Guide for St Boniface specific information.

Please make sure you document information at the most general level that is applicable, i.e. don't code something that affects all collection at StB in the program or unit level articles.

See also:


see STB General Collection Guide#IMPORTANT UPDATE DURING CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC for general info

  • STB Med Data Collectors will be working from home until recalled or redeployed; we are monitoring our emails
will any med collectors be on site at intervals like STB_Critical_Care_Collection_Guide#IMPORTANT_INFORMATION_DURING_COVID_PANDEMIC? 
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Location of information

We use EPR report "transfer register" "admission register" and "discharge register" for all Admit/Transfer/Discharge times.

For admissions arriving via the ER the Accept DtTm is found on the transfer register.

Arrive DtTm via the ER and from ward to ward is also found in the EPR reports "transfer register"

See Visit Admit DtTm field for how to collect this field.

Dispo_DtTm is found under the patient info tab, then clicking Demographics/Visit Data on the left. The discharge information will be on the bottom right of the page. or alternatively use EPR reports "discharge register"

Boarding Loc

Full-time Boarding Loc ward patients are captured on the (S4) E5 laptop only.

  • Does that mean any pt who is in a boarding location, regardless of service, will be on the S4 Laptop? Or that the wards collected on S5, S6 don't have off-ward patients collected? How does that work for Julie's reporting?
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • How does that work for Julie's reporting?
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

See: STB Medicine Workload splitting

Vacation Coverage

For those collectors who are doing vacation relief for the regular collectors who are away, catch up from time off can be expedited for the returning collector if the following things are prioritized.

  1. ADL's can be found on the STB Electronic Patient Record. They are in "initial assessment" form under the documents tab. Everything needed for minimal data will be included.
  2. medicine apache score. The SBGH ER unit is online with their vital signs and neuro assessment. This means that the vital signs and gcs required for the apache score can now be found under the flow sheets tab. To access neuro check, click on flow sheets, then care and assessment, then neuro. The only exception to this is for patients admitted to the unit from STB_MICU. STB_MICU does not use EPR (electronic patient record) for vital signs, and hence apache for these patients still need to be obtained from the paper flow sheet in the chart.

items not yet on electronic chart


To collect the Medicine items on the Apache tab

  • for patient who come from MICU, look on the the MICU flow sheet
  • for all other patient use EPR vital signs

Office and staff

see Category:St Boniface Hospital Office (Medicine)

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