The ICD10 Diagnosis List contains specific codes for a number of different bacteria, viruses, fungi/yeast, mycobacteria and miscellaneous types of organisms. The entire list can be found in category and subcategories:

Pathogens are coded as their own diagnosis codes:

Pathogens codes:

They are always entered as Combined ICD10 codes with an infection, but not all infections require pathogens. See Template:ICD10 Guideline Infection, Infections in ICD10 for more info.

Information about pathogens can be found in the patient's chart's Lab and culture reports; see that page for specific use instructions.

NOS pathogens

NOS vs Unknown in the context of pathogens

  • We must distinguish NOS from unknown.
    • NOS means that we do know the bug, but it's not in our list of specific pathogens
    • Infectious organism, unknown means we assume that there IS in fact a pathogen, but we have no idea about it's actual identity.

Special Codes

Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)

Query check ICD10 Inf Potential Infection must have pathogen or altCCMDB.accdbdeclined
Check Inf Antibiotic resistance must have pathogen or Infection with implied pathogenCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Check Inf Infection with implied pathogen must not have a pathogen combined codeCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Query check ICD10 Inf Infection req Pathogen must have oneCCMDB.accdbimplemented
Query Check Inf Pathogens must have Infection requiring pathogen or Potential InfectionCCMDB.accdbimplemented

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